Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 07:59 am

No, it is obvious...You think that what you do and are, makes you someone who thinks the Church is actually important, But it does not...

There is an easy way, as to if someone is a Christian or is not...

Do they embrace Jesus Christ, Or do they not?

That's not friendship--it's mutual backscratching with you playing the reluctant virgin.

How about you appreciating them first?

Good question, why do they not do the same, first? If they are superior thinkers??

It is not that easy to do...

What is there to appreciate of someone who thinks of me as stupid, or irrational, nonsensical, unintelligent... etc...
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 08:01 am
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:
What is there to appreciate of someone who thinks of me as stupid, or irrational, nonsensical, unintelligent... etc...

well, if you aren't all those things, the bastards will never see it coming when you decide to **** them over

i say never show your potential until it's absolutely necessary
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 08:01 am
With you defining God of course.

Still better to do that, and have a flaw, and know it...

Than it is, for to "think" you back the Church, when the one thing that really matters, is whether you believe Jesus is the Lord, or not...And be totally unaware of this...And look down upon me, for it...
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Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 08:04 am
well, if you aren't all those things, the bastards will never see it coming when you decide to **** them over

i say never show your potential until it's absolutely necessary

I am not looking to **** anyone over, But not one, on here, knows my true potential, but God himself...
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Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 08:12 am
But see, many do not even realize the test I put before them...

How can someone think I am Irrational, etc...If I say what I said last night, and they agree with it....

But everything else, I say, they find it to be irrational??

Do you believe it is possible, someone just flips a switch? (of course not)

They find value in what I said, Because, their ears perked up, when I said something, that was appropriate for their tastes...

Not at all with wanting to hear truth, Or me, being irrational, but them being bias...

If I am irrational, so to, would I have been, when I made that post, last night...

If I was not, then I am not...

They just do not trust what I have to say, when they do not like it, or agree...

So how can I be mad, if they are not aware of their surrounding reality?

I can not! That is why I will almost never call someone stupid!!
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 08:17 am
I already told you, God is my rock...

Ryan do you think that there are people out there that think they are a prophet but what is really happening is that they have an overly active imagination or do you think that everyone who claims to be a prophet is a prophet?

Is it possible that any of these people may have a Neural network that is just a little bit more sensitive than the average person when it comes to imagining things? maybe this explains some peoples dreams as well.

If it is possible for people to have this extra sensitive Neural network in the brain, is it also possible for them to not realize that this is the case for them?
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 08:36 am
@reasoning logic,
Ryan do you think that there are people out there that think they are a prophet but what is really happening is that they have an overly active imagination or do you think that everyone who claims to be a prophet is a prophet?

I think, if someone claims to be a prophet...they either are a real one, or not one...I do not think, you have an imagination, to create this feeling...If you understand what a prophet is...There is no middle ground...As to how they could be confused about it...

Is it possible that any of these people may have a Neural network that is just a little bit more sensitive than the average person when it comes to imagining things? maybe this explains some peoples dreams as well.

If this is the case, then I would say, that this little bit sensitive, Neural network, allows them to tap into the unknown, that most can not see...

And that, is what actually makes them a Prophet...

And it is not imaginary...If you can not tap into it...How would you know if it is imagined or not? Other than, by asking them? Or having it happen to you??

If it is possible for people to have this extra sensitive Neural network in the brain, is it also possible for them to not realize that this is the case for them?

It is possible, by what I said above...If this is the case, then they are the only ones who know what is actually happening, by tapping into this unknown, that most do not...It is not possible, to me, that they tap into an unknown, and see things others do not...and others know more about it, than they in fact do...
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 08:55 am
If this is the case, then I would say, that this little bit sensitive, Neural network, allows them to tap into the unknown, that most can not see...

It is kind of like taking drugs but it is normal for these people to experience this phenomena without the use of drugs because of chemicals that occurs naturally in the brain are not able to respond or respond more radically than they would in a normal subject.

If this is the case, then I would say, that this little bit sensitive, Neural network, allows them to tap into the unknown, that most can not see...

And that, is what actually makes them a Prophet...

Yes you are correct and for others to be able to experience what you experience they would have to find the right molecule to introduce to their Neural network.

Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 09:19 am
What is there to appreciate of someone who thinks of me as stupid, or irrational, nonsensical, unintelligent... etc...

Overcome them with charm. I have met a number of ladies who thought I just wanted to use them to gratify my lusts. I overcame them all by showing myself deserving of such a privilege and appealing to the pity of one who was shrewdly calculating the humiliations she could extract at my expense.

Waiting around for those who will think you are clever, rational, sensible and brilliantly intelligent is the road to ruin.
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 09:31 am
You have never had it so good.

I have it much better than many around me I have a home that is paid for I have a nice 30x20 garage to keep all of my things out of the weather I have 4 freezer, "two that are full. I normally have a garden and livestock. I have a retirement plan that I have been saving for years.{ which I am afraid may be useless if our economy crashes soon which I would not doubt} I am considering buying a second place on a lake nearby but maybe not. I have a very good job that I have had for 15 years and I am only 46 years old so see I do realize that things are good for me but it is not me that I would like to see do better but rather it is the other people that I see laboring so hard and have so little. That is who I would like to see better off, not to mention any change that I help to provoke will be for those in the future for the most part because Rome was not built in one day.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 09:46 am
@reasoning logic,
It is kind of like taking drugs but it is normal for these people to experience this phenomena without the use of drugs because of chemicals that occurs naturally in the brain are not able to respond or respond more radically than they would in a normal subject.

Yes, It is nothing like a drug...Drugs, are straight out of hell...These occur on there own, by the power of God, Himself...

People take drugs, and feel synthetic euphoria's...Which are not real...

If people take drugs, and feel nothing but horrendous ****...It could be them seeing a higher consciousness...

You would have to be able to feel, that what you are doing, in not the normal balance of things, and you are altering a psyche...Because you would feel that God is pissed at you, taking a drug to see things, that would not have normally happened...If you feel happy, when you are high, it is the Devil, and it is nothing good...Nothing of Higher consciousness...

When people feel things prophetically...

It is happening by God, on his own....

And you see, all there is too see...The good and bad ****...About everything...

Nothing like a drug induced state...

Yes you are correct and for others to be able to experience what you experience they would have to find the right molecule to introduce to their Neural network.

And how would one do this? If they could?

If they can't, then I seem to be correct, also, that no one, knows, what is happening to a person in a higher state, other than that person, themselves...

If someone claims to have a higher conscience...I do not think someone else, can tap into that, with a drug...

I think it is completely different...
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 09:52 am
Overcome them with charm. I have met a number of ladies who thought I just wanted to use them to gratify my lusts. I overcame them all by showing myself deserving of such a privilege and appealing to the pity of one who was shrewdly calculating the humiliations she could extract at my expense.

Waiting around for those who will think you are clever, rational, sensible and brilliantly intelligent is the road to ruin.

Again, I take what you say, as a grain of salt...You do not overcome gratifications to me, at all...You talk about sex all the time...

So how do we know you are being genuine, here...??

And if you are...I am not waiting around for others to "think" I am clever, rational, sensible etc...I am, who I am...And people see me, for what I am...and I see them, for who they are...

That is why, I do not have a problem, telling people what I think, and I do not have a problem, in what they think...

It only bothers me, when they bash God, or Christians....In General...
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 10:13 am
.If you feel happy, when you are high, it is the Devil, and it is nothing good...Nothing of Higher consciousness...

Do you mean like when you are drinking on you birthday and you are poring those molecules across your brain?
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 10:22 am
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:
Yes, It is nothing like a drug...Drugs, are straight out of hell...These occur on there own, by the power of God, Himself...

Just another reason why you are a moron. You do realize that your brain has to have certain receptors to be able to intake certain chemicals. For example when people smoke pot, the thc molecules can attach themselves to the receptors in the brain which causes a chemical result in the brain. Now if you smoke maple leaves or cat nip, nothing happens because there are no brain receptors capible of doing anything with the chemicals you just absorbed.

Let me spell this out for you because you are so dense you never connect anything. If a god created you, then he created you with the ability to get high. Without these special receptors in the brain, smoking pot wouldn't do anything to you. They are required. So if drugs are from hell, then this god purposely created you with the ability to absorb these chemicals and that they would result in something. Just another aspect of how your reasoning is retarded but if you aren't retarded, then your god is for creating this absurd circular reasoning.

"I'm going to give you a choice but if you chose B then I am going to torture you for ever for it, but hey you get a free choice."

reasoning logic
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 10:22 am
I think, if someone claims to be a prophet...they either are a real one, or not one..

What about people who claim that they have be abducted by aliens do you think that they are not able to create this in their imagination? You think some have been abducted and the others are lying assholes and there is no way for the brain to think that these things are real when they are not?

.There is no middle ground...As to how they could be confused about it...

No middle ground with what the brain is capable of doing? If it does not happen the way you think that it should, then it can not happen?
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 10:55 am
People take drugs, and feel synthetic euphoria's...Which are not real...

What makes you think that the depressing reality being escaped from is not synthetic.

Define drugs, define euphoria, define real and define synthetic.
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 11:08 am
And I told you, and everyone how I KNOW it was him...

Now that Jim has told you it was he who was voting down your post can you at least admit you were wrong about something?

If I remember correctly you accused Morgan of voting down your post not too long ago. You were wrong then too. He doesn’t give a rats ass what you post.
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 12:03 pm
He doesn't want to learn. You can tell him something a hundred times--such as that atheists are people who don't believe, rather people who have a belief--and he'll come right back to ask you again. He doesn't listen, he's not trying to learn, he just wants to get in a fist fight with anyone who doesn't agree with his "I'm especially favored by god, i'm a prophet" bullshit. If you persistently question what he says he loses it, he gets nasty and hateful--and that's the real Spade.

Once again, we come here to discuss these things, so i don't have to justify my interest to anyone, especially not a snotty, bullying, hypocritical bitch.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 12:07 pm
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:
I understand, and see things, that 99.99999% of the people will never see...That is what takes a tole, on me...And the fact, that people are not consciously aware, of these things...Nor, are they perceptive, of their awareness...And call me "crazy", about it...Seems to upset me...Since they do not understand, the words they speak...And, I have not found an acceptable way, of expressing it, yet...And am still finding that process...

Here ya go, FS . . . this clown is totally delusional, and it's a delusion of intellecttual grandeur for which the drivel he posts provides no evidence. As this is a place where people come to discuss and debate--and, whether you like it or not--to argue, i'm perectly justified in pointing out that he's a delusional nut bag.
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 04:00 pm
I believe in the Bible, Church, and God...

I believe there are hidden messages to the Bible...That one can not detect, unless really looking, to find it...And to become prudent...By testing things, written in there...There is no other way....

Ryan. The Bible is man made. The Church is man made. There may have been a "reason" behind both at some time but as time has progressed through the years, so has both the Bible and the Church. What's hidden is greed and adultry. I refuse to read it, and refuse to walk in one, you know that. And yet you've agreed with me on that note. Now you say you believe in them? Or are you trying to say you don't but there are some messages, passages in the Bible that make sense and jump out at you and that the Church itself, seems to have some meaning, if standing inside of it, not what is preached?

Do you realize that you are coming across as you are correct and those who see it different than you are the ones who are wrong?

I made a statement before all of this.. What ever we believe, is our belief and it is right, for us. I kind of agree with RL there.

So how can I be mad at them??? I can not be!
Then ask yourself why you are and can be.. If it is not to fit in, then why the **** words 2 pages back? Which was given to you first? There is a side there that explodes.... But, not in hearing something about God, rather, posts voted down? Who cares on that note? Seriously. If you feel you have strength use it in it's fullest light.. Including, not caring about who is voting you down, don't you think?

That's not friendship--it's mutual backscratching with you playing the reluctant virgin.

How about you appreciating them first?

Good question, why do they not do the same, first? If they are superior thinkers??

It is not that easy to do...

To answer the above:- I am reading that as I am scratching your back, have your back.... See below

Spades, you bet your life that I come here and back you up, from time to time, because you write posts crying for friendship from others, apologising if you have hurt anyone, after going off on a tantrum.. You know I have a soft side, and so the witch appears.... We were given a heart, mine is huge, it's what gets me in the **** from time to time... I am a friend but "true" friendship goes beyond an internet screen into the real world and takes time, alot of time to develop as friendships are meant to be much like relationships, forever... To appreciate is to say thank you. Not to diss it as I don't need it, I'm cool..in my opinion... they are all wrong, etc. etc.

Do you believe it is possible, someone just flips a switch? (of course not)

Absolutely. A schizophrenic person for instance, can flip a switch at any time...

They find value in what I said, Because, their ears perked up, when I said something, that was appropriate for their tastes...

Not at all with wanting to hear truth, Or me, being irrational, but them being bias...

If I said something that made sense, to another person they would agree. If I said something that did not make sense to another person, they would disagree... The truth is based on how a person sees something in knowledge, and these are knowledgeable people replying to you on this Thread.. Bias is one sided, me, me, me... Irrational is arguing a case that you believe is all yours and you have to win.

Is there merit in any of that?

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