How is God to blame for anything, and any of it, either way? Rather than evil people existing, or evolution flaws??
How is your position, of this "untold true" a better position at all?
still, would rather have them think they are going to be in Heaven forever, even if they may not...They have them suffer, till death...with nothing, but pain...
And if you say something to me, like, you would rather have people believe something is not true, just because, even though it is not...I guess my answer is, I would!...I would rather have them have wishful thinking...They suffer all the days of their life...Till death...
And I do not understand, how an atheist wraps their head around, and concludes such things, as they do!
How can you bark at a theist, about this? When it is clearly, is an evolutionary flaw, which will never change? If you genuinely think, no Gods exist?
And how is it a believers fault, if they too, are sick, as well, like many atheists purport?
It only makes sense, that they say such ridiculous things, because they feel a God exists, and is wrong for doing it...
And simply, can not rationalize, how a God could have a positive action, for a negative one, such as those cases!