Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

reasoning logic
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 05:34 am
Most people think Leviticus is a load of old bollocks anyway, why not challenge Spade on his attitude towards shaving?

This is a thread to question those who do or do not doubt Christianity so I am just stating my 2 Cents

Spade's attitude towards shaving does not seem to have a huge consequence on society but his promotion of a book that has suppression of other people in it does have a consequence on society if people believe it to be true.
Not everyone will interpret that book The same way that Ryan will but most of them will have one thing in common with Ryan and that is, "the bible is the word of god.

The way I see it is that Ryan is not a prophet but rather a God. Ryan is creating others like him when he gets them to believe in all this nonsense. Luckily we seem to be moving through another age of reason because more and more people are beginning to question their culture teachings, but where I live it may take another 2,000 years because all of these billy-bobs Jim-bobs and Bubbas around here are absolutists in there thinking.

Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 05:34 am
@reasoning logic,
some Christians Know no better and say things like it was god testing people.

Why do you "think" these Christians, know no better? What is "better" to you?

The way I see it is that Spade is promoting a book that he thinks is the word of God yet it seems to be psychological for people "Priest and members of the churches" in the present and in the past to read that book much different than Ryan does.

And who is presenting it "Better"?

So then again, What makes me think no better? And how am I stumbling?

Which way, do you think, Jesus would ultimately support?
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 05:38 am
@reasoning logic,
Everyone is capable of saying nice things at times even evil people. Wolves in sheep's clothing do not act outwardly evil. Even the devil that I do not believe in knows the word of god does he not?

So, because I speak like Jesus at times, means, I must be a wolf in sheep's clothing?

No, I do not think that the Devil knows what is written in the Bible...Because if he did, and was as cunning as he is described...He would do anything to alter the outcome, which can not be, based upon what God says in the Bible...

Again, I ask you this many times before, but you never give me a concrete answer...

So do you consider yourself a sociopath? Or a wolf in sheep's clothing, because you like what Jesus had to say about things...But ultimately also do evil??
reasoning logic
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 05:44 am
Why do you "think" these Christians, know no better? What is "better" to you?

Because when you bring up immoral acts in the bible, such as where God tells the people to go and kill all there neighbors and to keep the virgins for themselves. Christians think that it was OK because god told them to do it.
They can not see the evil of that, even when the word blood is written in the bible more than the words love and forgiveness combined.
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 05:47 am
@reasoning logic,
This is a thread to question those who do or do not doubt Christianity so I am just stating my 2 Cents

Spade's attitude towards shaving does not seem to have a huge consequence on society but his promotion of a book that has suppression of other people in it does have a consequence on society if people believe it to be true.
Not everyone will interpret that book The same way that Ryan will but most of them will have one thing in common with Ryan and that is, "the bible is the word of god.

The way I see it is that Ryan is not a prophet but rather a God. Ryan is creating others like him when he gets them to believe in all this nonsense. Luckily we seem to be moving through another age of reason because more and more people are beginning to question their culture teachings, but where I live it may take another 2,000 years because all of these billy-bobs Jim-bobs and Bubbas around here are absolutists in there thinking.

So, does this too, Make me a sociopath, or you, for thinking it? I never have, nor ever will, tell people I am a God, nor to embrace me, but Jesus Christ...

So if you personally feel compelled to look at me like I am a God...

Then my messages must have meaning to them? No?

What would make you feel compelled to look at me as a God...But not anything in the Bible? And I am also preaching like Jesus would (according to you) So does this not mean you also think there is a chance that Jesus is God??

I think I agree with Spendius...You seem to sound like you are becoming more and more a believer...
0 Replies
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 06:11 am
You are fighting a battle there that you can not win.

I know this, that is why I said...I lose lose either way...Sad but true...

But, also I feel that you so badly want love that this person in her vulnerabilty you want to save.

I just want her to be happy...

Here is the thing.

You can not save anyone in that instance, they have to want to save themselves, they have to realise that they are someone..She hasn't.

I agree...

Do you not want an assertive woman who knows what she wants?

Yes...But her realizing what is happening, would make her an assertive person...

Do you know what you want?

Yes...For her to be happy...If she is, right now, So am I...If she is not, then neither am I...I do not even care if she was to be with another great man...As long as she was not being held under water...I would be happy about it...

Money is claimed to be the root of all evil, but then, women want to feel safe, that they can achieve together, in togetherness.

You say you don't need money. But sweet, be it as that is true, if one person works and you do not, would that work?

Maybe, Maybe not...That is why I am just fine with the situation...And just want her to be happy...If she is, then I am...If she is not, I feel for her...I am not concerned about how she feels about me, as in me being the one to open the door for her...If she has to do it herself, I am fine with that...I just want her to be happy...

What is your future plans? At 30.

I am getting a place soon...And I work with my brother in law, Seasonal...

Can love alone build a foundation?

Yes, it can...

Do we not have debts and bills ?

Yes, we all do...

Do you find someone that is ok, with living for today with the oldern days philopshy of love will conquer all, it is off course possible, naturally.

I would say that trying to make something work, based upon love as its foundation, is still better that being with a womanizer, If they both work, and can afford to be together...I would rather us live in the basement of a Church or something, have nothing, not have an internet to talk, or any money...And have no house or job of my own...Give it all up...Just so that she is free and happy...And if she loves another genuine person...I am sure she would do the same, if she ever realizes it...Or if it needed to happen...To make things better...

But you need to see this woman, although controlled, has no assertiveness , little belief in self.. And so.. Will remain with this man.. You can't save her and you can't dream that dream...

You are probably right, that is why it is sad indeed for me to think about...And why I am happy we may see each other again someday...

Time to move on..

I will never be able too...I would rather be alone, forever...Then lie to another women, as I exist, and be with her...But truly be in love with this women...As I am with this new woman...

The only way you can save her is to make her believe in "herself" that she is important....

And, I have tried to contact her...But it was abrupted by this other womanizing person...So my hands are tied...Unless she realizes what is happening...I will always feel for her...Because she does not know the truth...I will never interject again, because it clearly has not happened for a reason...But I will never push her to the side, and go looking for another women to replace her...Which I can not do...Anyways...Because my heart is in love with her...

So in that instance, I would rather be alone....
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 06:15 am

So, because I speak like Jesus at times, means, I must be a wolf in sheep's clothing?

No because you promote a book in its entirety, evil and good and call it all good.

No, I do not think that the Devil knows what is written in the Bible...Because if he did, and was as cunning as he is described...He would do anything to alter the outcome, which can not be, based upon what God says in the Bible...

Was the Devil one of God's foremost angels? and if so could he know Gods teachings? I guess you think that all the other bibles around the world are Gods word as well?

So do you consider yourself a sociopath? Or a wolf in sheep's clothing, because you like what Jesus had to say about things...But ultimately also do evil??

Let me try and explain this one more time. I see sociopaths similar as I see blind people and others that are in this grey area.
A true sociopath is someone who can not feel empathy and does not have a conscience about hurting others.

Just as you have people that can see very well you have some that may need glasses and others who may need thick glasses and others who may need even thicker glasses and some will only be able to detect movement and some will not be able to detect anything.

I think that sociopathy could be looked at in a similar way as above when talking about a person's ability to have vision.

No I have very little traits of sociopathy in me because I have a lot of empathy and a conscience that is always conscious.
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 06:16 am
@reasoning logic,
Ryan is creating others like him when he gets them to believe in all this nonsense. Luckily we seem to be moving through another age of reason because more and more people are beginning to question their culture teachings,

I just wanted to say one more thing, As I have said it before, but you may have forgotten...What I currently believe, was not a cultural thing at all...

It was molded and formed, from years of self searching, and reading different scriptures, and talking to other people...Of all different make-ups..(such as Agnostics, and Atheists, as well)

Combined with the visions, dreams, and Voice of God I hear speaking to me, that explains things to me...I do not even have the intelligence to even rationalize myself...

Nothing, about any of it, was a cultural based thing...
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 06:23 am
@reasoning logic,
Because when you bring up immoral acts in the bible, such as where God tells the people to go and kill all there neighbors and to keep the virgins for themselves. Christians think that it was OK because god told them to do it.

And again, If the God of the Bible is real, Then there is a reason as to how it is not immoral...Or a test...

If the God of the Bible is not real...Like you think...Then it does not matter and he is not to blame for evil...It is a part of evolution, which you have to accept...

If you think that the Devil, or God is evil...Based upon a Book, then you must also believe that he is real...Which you do not...

And if believing is a normal thing...Than the God of the Bible is not being immoral anyways, just other people are...

So, anyway you break it down God is not immoral...And people are the ones who are/are not...Which supports, what I said about tests...If a God is real...If he is not...It is still people...and evolution to blame, and no Gods....
reasoning logic
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 06:24 am
I do not even have the intelligence to even rationalize myself...

Then what do you call it that you are doing? sophistry?
reasoning logic
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 06:30 am
if believing is a normal thing...Than the God of the Bible is not being immoral anyways, just other people are...

The God of the bible is not real but people like you promoted him and many millions of people died from the teachings in the bible.
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 06:40 am
@reasoning logic,
No because you promote a book in its entirety, evil and good and call it all good.

How could it be the word of God...And be good and evil (to you) It must either be one or the other, right? So I chose to believe that it is good, And the things that sound evil, have a reason we do not fully know...That is better to me, that calling it a book of both, which it can not be...Based upon the way it is written...Or that it is fully evil, Because it "claims to be good" but ultimately is not...

Was the Devil one of God's foremost angels?

Yes...But that does not mean, he is able to "think' like God...

and if so could he know Gods teachings?

Sure, if God wanted him to know them...But if God knew Satan would turn against God...I highly doubt God, for tolled Satan, what would happen or his destiny...

I guess you think that all the other bibles around the world are Gods word as well?

If they are basically the same exact thing, with just different peoples interpretations, but were ultimately saying the same things...Then yes, they are Gods words...What is the actual exact way God worded the way he worded it? I am not sure...But it seems to not be so important...Or it would have been done...(again if God is real) There would be one divine scripture, apposed to thousands of translations of it...

Let me try and explain this one more time. I see sociopaths similar as I see blind people and others that are in this grey area.
A true sociopath is someone who can not feel empathy and does not have a conscience about hurting others.

Just as you have people that can see very well you have some that may need glasses and others who may need thick glasses and others who may need even thicker glasses and some will only be able to detect movement and some will not be able to detect anything.

I think that sociopathy could be looked at in a similar way as above when talking about a person's ability to have vision.

No I have very little traits of sociopathy in me because I have a lot of empathy and a conscience that is always conscious.

And that is not being intellectually honest to yourself, or others, to think like that...If they are sociopaths, than you must be as well...If you do not believe you are...Then it stands to be, that not everyone else is, either...And the majority is not...
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 06:43 am
@reasoning logic,
Then what do you call it that you are doing? sophistry?

No, explaining exactly how, God explains it, to me...
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 06:45 am
@reasoning logic,
The God of the bible is not real but people like you promoted him and many millions of people died from the teachings in the bible.

Are you absolutely sure? How can you "prove such a thing"?

And what does it mean if you are ultimately causing people to reject God?

Would you admit, you may have caused eternal damnation for these people?

So what is better, to lead to death? or lead to damnation?

You are playing a tricky game here...And most atheists do not care, or think about it enough, which tells me they seem to not give a damn about it all, In the big picture...

Only more concerned in trying to make people think they must always be right...

(though, I do not believe you do this, much...You honestly ask a lot of different questions...But just like I am different, so too, are you)
reasoning logic
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 06:46 am
I chose to believe that it is good, And the things that sound evil, have a reason we do not fully know..

If I came to your house and told you that god told me to kill everyone in your house hold would you let me through the door? What if I told you that God told me to write a new bible and in it it says just that. Just because I have written a book that has me killing you and your family does not have to have a reason that a God chose. It could be that I am sick or that I am a sociopath.
reasoning logic
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 06:53 am
No, explaining exactly how, God explains it to me...

I think that what you are doing is reasoning with yourself and calling this process "God talking to you. everyone reasons to themselves but not everyone calls it God talking to them.
reasoning logic
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 06:59 am
Ryan it is not very hard to tell those who really do want a better world from those who are just mentally masturbating. Those who have the super egotistic egos are the ones "not" pointing out the inequalities of the world today but are rather focusing everyone's attention on things of make believe.
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 07:01 am
@reasoning logic,
If I came to your house and told you that god told me to kill everyone in your house hold would you let me through the door?

If you told me, you had a message from God to me, I would let you in...If you wanted to kill me, you would...and the blood would be on your hands, with whatever you did, after I unlocked the door, that is why I see, what is written as a test...BTW...Can you quote the scripture, you are talking about? I want to read more of it, to fully interpret it, for myself...

What if I told you that God told me to write a new bible and in it it says just that.

Than, I would say it is Bogus...As after Jesus came, there was no need for self condemning laws such as in the Old Testament...Or any need, for new scripture...I would be interested in hearing how you think this message came from God, though?

Just because I have written a book that has me killing you and your family does not have to have a reason that a God chose.

Correct! But it also does not mean that if people were killed in a Book from God, there is no higher reason such as a test...Or that those people we actually evil themselves...

It could be that I am sick or that I am a sociopath.

It could also mean, then, that you are sick, if you think others are sick to believe in something that you do not...When believing is a normal thing...
reasoning logic
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 07:04 am
Are you absolutely sure? How can you "prove such a thing"?

Would the eye witness or the person who committed the murder testimony be proof enough for you?
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 07:07 am
@reasoning logic,
I think that what you are doing is reasoning with yourself and calling this process "God talking to you. everyone reasons to themselves but not everyone calls it God talking to them.

No, it is God...There are thousand upon thousands of things that happen to me, that simply can not be explained...Or are God related...

I had a very demonic dream last night...and a very powerful spiritual one...

I reject the Idea, my mind creates these illusions...Because if my mind was doing it...I would be aware enough of only creating Pleasurable ones...And have no need to Go to Hell, or fight demons, or the Devil, So the Devil, in his stupidity does not realize, he is trying to break the back of my faith...But he causes me to go closer and closer towards God...And reject him...And how real, and powerful they are, simply can not be genuinely expressed to someone who does not believe, or never had a single one...Or in words, to articulate them...
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