Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

Reply Thu 14 Jun, 2012 09:12 am
I don't eat in restaurants. I have known a number of ladies quite well in my glory days who were "not too bad".

I think there is a natural tendency to underestimate others. It is probably accentuated in relations in narrow bands of the social hierarchy. My sense of it is that it is fundamentally based on sexual competition which generally expresses itself at one remove in economic competition or in style strutting. (As in the Titanic theme).

The 25,000 year old painting on a cave wall depicting a number of males attacking a wild animal with sharpened sticks, for food and skins, and all sporting a very obvious, if somewhat flattering, erection, (primitive foreplay so to speak), provided me with the epiphany regarding this exceedingly important matter.

Whether the Venus of Willendorf, who was absent bodily from this great work of art, resting probably, was to be getting the fillet steak or the brisket is a matter which I am content to leave to more academic philosophers than I am.

Having had such an epiphany, thanks to a great unknown genius of old, I cannot shake it off. It is so amusing that I have no wish to but I recognise that some people don't find it funny. "Well--they wouldn't would they?" as Mandy Rice Davies might have said were she to have lifted her eyes to intellectual horizons rather than the front of her frock. It caused me to want to rewrite the script of Indecent Proposal to make it less naive in the way Doris Day meant when she turned down the part of Mrs Robinson. Pillow Talk was a long way back from then. Modernise it one might say and bring it into line with up-to-date materialist thought. I would get rid of the husband and have two internet billionaires. And make the title plural.

To overcome the tendency to underestimate others it is necessary to have a certain style of education which it seems to me has gone out of fashion.

I have mentioned a fairly large number of literary works in my A2K career and, taken together, I think they provide an education for those who wish to master the urge to underestimate others but it is extremely trying to attempt it with people who think there is something to be ashamed of in giving in to this perfectly natural urge.

I cannot see a reason why the full-blown and ubiquitous expression of the urge would not come to flower in a materialist society. Hence the rankings in such societies so that it is as legitimate to underestimate those below as it is to find it acceptable to be underestimated by those above. Hence the squabblings in each niche.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jun, 2012 01:21 pm
Would you eat in a restaurant described as 'not too bad?'

Good point...I guess it is because many seem to hate me on here, that hearing that, I would actually take it as a compliment, or a post of meaning to me...
Reply Thu 14 Jun, 2012 02:34 pm
Would you eat in a restaurant described as 'not too bad?'

In all honesty mate, because that is what a friend is, and says and does...

I am just being real with you...And genuine...Like you always are with me...Mate...

I have honestly, been to restaurants that were "not too bad" such as McDonalds, and knew it was a "not too bad restaurant" before entering...

0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jun, 2012 03:36 pm
@reasoning logic,
Both you and spendius think that sex has such an important role in religion, I can only guess that the church's view on his sexual orientation is only a small part of what he sees wrong with Christianity.

No, You still do not seem to understand the whole situation...If this is what you genuinely "think" about it...So I will explain it, once more, and only once, then I am gonna drop the whole thing, once and for all...

This post will be rather lengthy, but it should sum it all up, and put it to bed, once and for all...

I do not know why Spendius talks about sexual motivated things all the time...I have even said this to him, that I am uncomfortable reading it, I have said I know people who struggle with sex...And I have explained in a pm, to you, what I feel about the situation...I clearly do not like talking about sex...Other than with a partner I am doing it with...

It has got nothing at all to do with sex...Nothing...I am not bothered by anyone's sexuality...I never have been, and never will be...

This whole situation started, because Jeff, came in here, did not read this thread...Saw that I was a Christian, Was probably treated like **** by other Christians about his orientation...Felt I was just another one of them, Felt that I felt the same exact way as others do, who treated him like ****...Did not ask me what I actually believed about it...And voted a post down, because of his "assumption" about me...That is the only reason his orientation was ever brought up...Because it is easy to see, this is why he voted me down...I asked him why? Since he did not ask my opinions about it...He denied he even did it, Which it is so clear to see, it makes my bones want to jump out of my skin...(Which you gobbled his denial down, BTW...and believed an atheist just because, rather than actually hear truth, from me) I called him out on it, He denied it, I proved it was him...and displayed it, for all to see...He still denied it...He still never asked me what I actually believed, did not believe about anything...He got pissed off about the situation...He brought 5 or 6 of his buddies in here...He told them I was against his orientation or something, I am not sure about that one...Whatever the case, they believed I was an evil guy, based upon what he said, he thought I was, or believed about him...Without ever asking any single question about anything...His buddies voted me down to back him up...They too, did not ask me anything, about anything...And know nothing at all, about me, at all!, and still do not, just like Jeff does not...They either assume, I also hate Homosexual's...Or were doing it, to be spiteful...And believed his words, that I was evil, or did not like Homosexual's, again, with no one asking me any question, about anything, their orientations, to their beliefs/lack of beliefs, to my beliefs/lack of beliefs...etc...and still have not to this day! I have done nothing against them, only point out there errors, and have ONLY asked them why? They still have not given me any kind of answer, and still continue to be hateful toward me, or assume I hate them, and refuse to ask me any questions about anything...So I do not like any of them, and it has got nothing to do with sex, or orientations at all...It has to do with everything I posted above...I am not sure why they hate, or dislike me...It could be, because they assume, I hate Homosexual's, Or it could very well be for another reason...Since they do not care to explain why...Or ask me anything about it...I can only guess what it is...

This is the simple truth, from me to you, about the whole situation...

Despite whatever their posts read, and whatever my posts read...Since they paraded around in here, and voted each other up, and purposely voted all my posts down...To make an unfounded point...

And they continue to perpetuate it, because they are still doing the vote down thing, and do not care to explain their actual problem, with me...I have asked why? Based upon everything above, and they deny, or reject to even answer, or ask me anything...So I am not any of their friends, and probably never will be....

Do you understand it all, now??
Reply Thu 14 Jun, 2012 03:55 pm
Do you understand it all, now??

I really hope you do! Because I am not gonna explain it again! And do not want to talk about it anymore, other than getting you to see my point, as I like you as a person on here, and I want you to think clearly, and understand my side of things...

This was just a summery for you, I am not going to discuss it, in any kind of length anymore...

I am over it, only interested in you, as my friend, fully understanding my side of it...And what I was trying to say about it...

Other than that, I have no interest in it anymore...It is what it is...and it will be what it will be...
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 14 Jun, 2012 04:22 pm
Tiger had a terrific start. Gonna be interesting to see what happens tomorrow. Some of the young guys are still out on the course.
reasoning logic
Reply Thu 14 Jun, 2012 04:50 pm
It is all cool with me Ryan I think that I understood you fairly well.
Like I told you I think that they may be mad at religion in general because it believes the bible to be the word of God and it teaches a lot of hate from my point of view.
How many nice things can you think of, "that the bible says about homosexuality? How many bad things? You did state that your God is never wrong so do you believe what he says about homosexuality in the bible and if so what is it that you think he is saying about it?
Reply Thu 14 Jun, 2012 04:59 pm
Both you and spendius think that sex has such an important role in religion

I'm not quite sure who said that but it is not true about me. I do not think that " sex has such an important role in religion". I think religion is about nothing else but sex.
reasoning logic
Reply Thu 14 Jun, 2012 05:11 pm
I think religion is about nothing else but sex.

Do you mean like on your hands and Knees type of sex or do you have some other kind of screwing over in mind? Maybe more offspring to become slaves?
Reply Thu 14 Jun, 2012 05:18 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Tiger had a terrific start. Gonna be interesting to see what happens tomorrow. Some of the young guys are still out on the course.

What is a terrific start, 2 under?

Great for him! I am glad you are happy!

I still think a veteran is gonna win, and not a young gun...
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jun, 2012 05:23 pm
@reasoning logic,
Maybe more offspring to become slaves?

Part time slaves. Like restaurant staff who can reverse the roles on certain occasions.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jun, 2012 05:31 pm
@reasoning logic,
It is all cool with me Ryan I think that I understood you fairly well.
Like I told you I think that they may be mad at religion in general because it believes the bible to be the word of God and it teaches a lot of hate from my point of view.

But without discussing it in length, This is simply not true, it is self evident...They had no interest to understand any of my beliefs about Christianity, As they never actually asked me, about any of those opinions they have...They already hated on one, and so did his buddies...When they still have yet to even ask me about anything, either sexually, or beliefs/lack of beliefs, wise...And they dislike, or hate me...

How many nice things can you think of, "that the bible says about homosexuality?

(I will explain below, by your other question)

Depends, either everything, or None...

How many bad things?

Depends, either none or one...

You did state that your God is never wrong so do you believe what he says about homosexuality in the bible and if so what is it that you think he is saying about it?

I have stated this before, but will say it again...Yes, I think God is never wrong...I think it was scribed by the command of God, in order for people to test themselves, and be prudent, and make good choices...And know the difference between, righteous, and unrighteous...

Meaning, he never actually wanted anyone to ever stone a homosexual, or an adulterer...etc...

And Jesus, provides proof for this...As I posted before with the woman at the well...And how he shut up the Jews, with the laws...And did not condemn her, and he was the only one possible to even do it, by what he said in that passage...

And again, I will say, If Jesus taught to love thy neighbor as thyself, as the second most important thing, it auto trumps any other law, and that includes Stoning a homosexual, or an adulterer...
Reply Thu 14 Jun, 2012 05:36 pm
I'm not quite sure who said that but it is not true about me. I do not think that " sex has such an important role in religion". I think religion is about nothing else but sex.

It was Logic who said it, and I quoted him...

So you believe that God saying render according to Ceaser, what is Ceaser's, and render to God, what is Gods, with the gold coin...Had to do with sex??

You believe that Jesus saying, whatever you give in my name, you will receive 100 fold in this life, with the catch of persecution, was in some way talking about sex??

C'mon Spendi...God touched on a lot more things, then just sending his missions, and teachings, and parables, to control sex...
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Reply Thu 14 Jun, 2012 05:38 pm
Let me try to make this as clear as I can. Does the bible say any thing nice about homosexuals?

Does it say anything bad about homosexuals?

There are many places in the bible where it does talk about this or do I have this wrong? as I have been wrong many times before.
Reply Thu 14 Jun, 2012 05:45 pm
I think religion is about nothing else but sex.

Then why do you believe, that sanctioned, Ordained, Priest's, struggle with it so badly, (some of them) If the chuch does not have flaws??

And why do you not believe the Church could have flaws since even the Pope, (saint Peter) was/is a man?

Why do you, also, not like my proposal, then, of helping out the lost sheep...??

As it stands right now, they may be condemned for their actions...

If they are allowed to confess it and be forgiven from it...Or, better, Priests are allowed to marry, so they can control there sexual urges...

As it never was a requirement in the beginning to be celibate, to be a preacher of God...And in 1121, I believe, it was instituted...You do not believe that could be wrong? And God wanted everyone to marry, to procreate as more priest's??

If not, then that does not advance the church, like you say about homosexuality....

Cause all the Priest's will cease to exist one day...
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jun, 2012 06:10 pm
@reasoning logic,
Let me try to make this as clear as I can. Does the bible say any thing nice about homosexuals?

Does it say anything bad about homosexuals?

There are many places in the bible where it does talk about this or do I have this wrong? as I have been wrong many times before.

You are trying to corner me, and I have to say, I do not like it...I gave you my honest opinion the first time, when you asked me to explain how I thought God can't be wrong, and what it actually means...In a beneficial way...

Let me try to make this as clear as I can. Does the bible say any thing nice about homosexuals?

In the way you want me to answer it, for your taste...Biblical speaking, it is not a nice thing to stone a homosexual...

Does it say anything bad about homosexuals?

In the way you want me to answer it, for your taste...Biblical speaking, If you consider homosexuality abominable...That would not be a nice thing to say...

Now with all of that...Let me make this as clear as I can...If what I said, God did, is in fact true...And he is testing people...Is he actually wrong?? And is he even saying it is good to stone a homosexual?? Does he even think anyone is abominable, if they have "faith in Christ"?? The Bible supports that Moses was the First Prophet, and in Heaven, but yet, he killed a man...Elijah, was a prophet, and in Heaven, but killed children...So is anything really abominable, other than rejecting Jesus? Which I have said to homosexuals, it is your heart and faith that decide who you actually are...And if a man has faith in Jesus, his sins will be wiped out?? Is this a good thing or bad thing to say, with conjunction to spreading the words of Jesus??

There are many places in the bible where it does talk about this or do I have this wrong? as I have been wrong many times before.

I can not remember more than maybe 3 times it actually does...And only one comes to my mind...But, I said three, just for sheer chances...I know it is not in there a lot...as in 10 times or so....

And from my point...Jesus never said to stone a homosexual, or an adulterer, as again, he let the woman at the well go...

So me, being as clear, as I can be...So if Jesus, is God in the flesh, Do you REALLY believe, that Jesus "thinks" homosexuality or adulterers are abominable?

As, the woman at the well purports, he does not...It is "faith" which ultimately matters...

EVEN IF it is abominable....If you have "faith" in him, is it gonna matter in the end, anyways? (Remember Moses, and Elijah...)

And that the ONLY abominable sin, is actually rejection of him??

Like I have said a few times before...
reasoning logic
Reply Thu 14 Jun, 2012 06:34 pm
.I know it is not in there a lot...as in 10 times or so....

You sound as sure about yourself as you do about your God.
I know how we all forget, so I figured that I would point them out. There are twelve mentions of homosexual acts in the Bible:

2 refer to rape (Genesis 19:5, Judges 19:22)
5 refer to cult prostitution (Deuteronomy 23:17-18, 1 Kings 14:23-24, 15:12-13, 22:46, 2 Kings 23:6-8)
1 refers to prostitution and pederasty (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)
4 are nonspecific (Leviticus 18:21-22, Leviticus 20:13, Romans 1:26-27, 1 Timothy 1:8-10)
Reply Thu 14 Jun, 2012 06:34 pm
@reasoning logic,

EVEN IF it is abominable....If you have "faith" in him, is it gonna matter in the end, anyways? (Remember Moses, and Elijah...)

reasoning logic
Reply Thu 14 Jun, 2012 06:37 pm

I seem to agree with you there because it seemed as even God rejoiced in them as well in the old testament.
Reply Thu 14 Jun, 2012 06:50 pm
@reasoning logic,
You sound as sure about yourself as you do your God.
I know how we all forget, so I figured that I would point them out. There are twelve mentions of homosexual acts in the Bible:

2 refer to rape (Genesis 19:5, Judges 19:22)
5 refer to cult prostitution (Deuteronomy 23:17-18, 1 Kings 14:23-24, 15:12-13, 22:46, 2 Kings 23:6-8)
1 refers to prostitution and pederasty (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)
4 are nonspecific (Leviticus 18:21-22, Leviticus 20:13, Romans 1:26-27, 1 Timothy 1:8-10)

I thought you meant how many times does God himself actually say something about it...Himself...Not thru a Prophet or Apostle...And By what you said above, it could only be considered as him himself saying it, a total of 4 times out of those 12...Genesis, Deuteronomy, Both Leviticus'....But they are still supposed to be books of Moses...Even though Genesis was before Moses was even Born....In which he was a man who was abominable himself, like I said...By killing an Egyptian, and being forgiven by faith...The rest are other Prophets, or letters from Saint Paul/Timothy....So how many times does God himself, actually say it then? Without a human flaw in there?

As most of those people speaking were men, and were either, Prophets, or Apostles...In which God also says, even Prophets are wrong...

And a Man who thinks he knows, knows nothing at all...

I would not have been able to honestly answer that question without looking it up, like you...As to how many actual homosexual acts are depicted in the Bible...

That is clearly different than what God thinks about it, and says about it...

It is from a person, with the Spirit Of God, who is said to be wrong, as well...

Which purports, it could very well be a test like I said...And God did not want anyone to label the act themselves as abominable, as in Judge not be not judged...

And Prophets and Apostles, are still humans and wrong, and do not know everything...So how do you get around the fact, of me saying...That God could have made them scribe it, without knowing 100% why, to ultimately test other people???

And not actually label anyone...Or condemn anyone...Nor kill anyone for doing this "abominable" thing?

Who would be saved? Does everyone not do abominable things?


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