Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

Reply Wed 13 Jun, 2012 11:51 pm
@reasoning logic,
I personally think that you should move on, I also think that it is evil to want someone who is already in a relationship. "that's just me" Lusting after another mans love. I think that the evil is the suffering that you go through wishing she was with you and there are many other fish in the sea to see.

You may very well be correct, it depends on which way you actually break it down...Biblical you are right, there is a reason for everything, I have told you what God has told me about it...and that is why I am at peace with the situation...It gets very difficult to explain, and understand the whole thing...It is rather lengthy, and I do not even want to discuss it, as it just makes me sad, It is best to not even talk about it...But I really do not believe it is as cut and dry as you say...And is a grey area...And again, you simply can not understand, as you do not know everything about the situation, and I do not want to explain anymore about it...If what I feel is right, and God has even conformed it to me, with the dreams, than it is a tricky situation, in which she is with someone, who she really does not love, and he is controlling her...and I am trying to help her...

That, to me, is much different, indeed, that lusting after another mans love...

It is like a good person, trying to save a women, who is being beaten by her man, and does not leave him...

And wanting to be with her, to be good to her, and protect her...

Biblical, there is also a reason, as to why it just is...And it could be considered as lusting after another mans women, but it clearly is a grey area...

In which the grey area, would be best for everyone...

All that I can say, is I am happy about it one way or another...One day we will meet again, and be happy...Or we will all die, and rot, and she will not be tormented anymore...And I will not personally torment myself about it, like you have said...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 Jun, 2012 11:56 pm
I am not interested with debating with you, and your clan any longer, and will not fall into that trap, to make me look bad, in the thread I created, anymore...


If you want to stay, and have something meaningful to say, I am glad to talk about it, with you...

If you are here to pick a fight with me, I am over it...And do not want to do it any longer...

0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 Jun, 2012 11:58 pm
That's a severe test Spade. I don't participate in all that many threads so I can't speak for those I never see.

Calamity Jane, Fritz, Dutchy, aidan, Eva, Finn, McTag, izzythepush, shewolf, edgar-- they are not too bad. Cal gets a bit haughty at times but I like that. It becomes her.

That is pretty impressive you can actually name ten...Now out of how many hundreds of people, that you know on here, who are not like this?? And actually underestimate people? And do all these people, do this, is philosophical discussions? or Political ones? etc...Or do they do it, in threads that are not as meaningful?
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Reply Thu 14 Jun, 2012 01:59 am
@Frank Apisa,
Frank, You did not answer me...I am guessing you missed it??

Are you still taking time off of your golf game?

Who do you think will win the US open?

They narrowed it down, based upon probables, from the previous winners, to Matt Kuchar...

But I think most on here, know what I feel, about probability... Wink Wink Very Happy Laughing Laughing

As reliable as it is, it is equally unreliable, and is just a best guess...

But even if, the probability says, it will be him...I will take the probability, of the rest of the field, than him... Wink Wink Very Happy Idea 2 Cents
Reply Thu 14 Jun, 2012 02:28 am
@reasoning logic,
But it sucks, and is a lose lose situation for me, anyways...And that is what makes it sad, and hard to deal with, and think about...

For you see, if I am wrong about what I feel, and have learned from being thru the situation, and God is testing me, by what he said, as I do not think he is ever wrong...

I can not pretend I do not love her, or am not in love with her, if I am...Then I am the evil guy in the situation...And my whole position is clearly unfounded...And am being lustful, just like you said I am...And I lose...

If she really is being controlled, and I am right...Then I lose that way too...

Because if we were to ever be together, I would not need sex to be happy with her, and she would not need sex to be happy with me...She would be free of manipulation, and be free, and I would be happy just being with her...And protecting her...But if we would be so complete, like I think we would...Then in our human faults, we would, at some point give in, and have sex...And I would impregnate her, and she would perhaps die, like God says...

That is ultimately, why it is a lose lose, and why it is very hard to think about...But why I am at peace with the whole situation, and understand why everything happens for a reason...Even if I do not understand it, or like it...
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Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 14 Jun, 2012 02:40 am
Frank, You did not answer me...I am guessing you missed it??

I thought I had answered, but I must have composed an answer and not put it into the thread.

Are you still taking time off of your golf game?

No, I am playing every day now. Taking last week off seems to have helped a bit...but I still am not where I should be. I should be playing in the mid 80's.

Who do you think will win the US open?

I would love to see Tiger or Phil win it, but I think the young players simply cannot be counted out. I will be rooting for Tiger!
Reply Thu 14 Jun, 2012 02:48 am
@Frank Apisa,
They are saying this course is so tough, that even par, or 1 under will win it...

It truly means the best player will win...

That to me, (personally) means one of the most skilled players with the most overall skills, Will probably win it...So, I do not think a young gun, will win this one...

Unless, one goes berzerk in one round...But I do not think it will happen...

Because if anyone does that, they will win, and you would have to figure, the most skilled, are the most capable of doing it, anyways...

And it takes Veteran skills to succeed at something so tough, like this (to me personally)

I am glad you are back on the course!! Perhaps you are thinking about it too much?, Than just doing it? I used to do that a lot, when I bowled...

They both are thinking sports, with skills mixed in....

I would go to a driving range, and do nothing, but just hit balls and practice, and focus on the swings, lags, putts, chips etc...Rather than focus on the scores...On the course...
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jun, 2012 05:00 am
A lot of evangelical Christians are very homophobic, and people who use their religion as an excuse for bigotry should be condemned.

I have yet to see any such homophobic, or any other, bigotry from Spade. If I am wrong could you please give me some examples.

It seems to me that you and your cohorts are picking on him because you have a problem with some Christians, and are taking it out on him.

As such you seem to be practicing exactly the same bigotry towards Spade that you complain about when it's directed towards you.
Reply Thu 14 Jun, 2012 05:31 am
Thumbs up!

And, all I wanted to know was, why?

They did not even take the time to ask me what I thought about their orientations...

And just pushed me to the side, and self-labeled me as "just another one of them"

When I did no such thing to any of them...About their orientations...Or even lack of beliefs...(if they are)

The problem I had with them, was when Jeff decided to start it all, by doing what I said above, and I asked him why?

He did not answer, Or gave a lame answer, as it was not him...When it clearly was, as the rest of them have shown, that he in fact did it, Because they have done it, just like he did...So why wouldn't he do the same?? And they still do not know me, And have yet to ask me what I think about it...Or anything in general...and the rest of them, came in to back him up....Vote me down...And none of them, know me, or what I think about anything...And still have yet, to even explain, why?? Still!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jun, 2012 05:38 am
why does everybody get there panties in a twist about the thumbs, they only affect the people who uses them, any post one person thumbs down can still be seen by others

just ignore the thumbs, who gives a ****
Reply Thu 14 Jun, 2012 05:44 am
And if you just scroll up...It seems rather than give an intelligent answer about it, to move on, and advance past this...

One of them, seems to think that perpetuating it, is the BEST solution!

To whoever it is!:

I am gonna be here for a long time! And this thread will be here for years!!

Thanks for thinking I am so important! Wink Very Happy

Why not actually tell me, what your problem, with me, actually is?

Rather than keep doing the voting thing? Idea

You have made your point...And it clearly doesn't even bother me anymore...

And everyone here knows that my posts read zero, Or lower, because you are doing it on purpose, and not that it is a post without meaning! Or is irrational etc...Wink Wink Very Happy 2 Cents

Like Izzy said, if you have been mistreated before, Why do you do it to other people? And if you do, is that a good or bad reason as to why others do it to you??

Just think about it!

Cause I can bet, they will never come out and ask me anything, or tell me what there actual problem with me, really is....
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Reply Thu 14 Jun, 2012 05:49 am
djjd62 wrote:
just ignore the thumbs, who gives a ****

0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jun, 2012 05:50 am
why does everybody get there panties in a twist about the thumbs, they only affect the people who uses them, any post one person thumbs down can still be seen by others

just ignore the thumbs, who gives a ****

You make a very great point there....And my answer, is that, it does not really bother me if someone votes me down...

Honestly, I guess I take it as a sign of disrespect, if someone can not just genuinely tell me what they think I am wrong in my thinking about...

Or do not have the courage or understanding to rebuttal it...

So the vote thing, tells me more about them as a person...then the actual value of what the vote is worth...

The votes mean nothing, and can easily be manipulated by the consensus of the room...

The vote down, shows total disrespect of another intellectual being...

And simply says, that that person thinks they are so much smarter than the other person, they can thumb it down, and not even tell the other, why/what they are so clearly wrong about...

I think it is totally disrespectful to do to someone else...

And the only times I have ever done it, is when I am sure someone is doing it to me...
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jun, 2012 05:51 am
spendius wrote:
Calamity Jane, Fritz, Dutchy, aidan, Eva, Finn, McTag, izzythepush, shewolf, edgar-- they are not too bad.

Talk about damning with faint praise.
Reply Thu 14 Jun, 2012 06:06 am
Talk about damning with faint praise.

You did not like how he put you in there, with 9 others, out of hundreds, and thousands on here, who he thinks underestimate people??

I think that is a compliment mate!

Or are you saying, you do not genuinely believe him, about it??

Or you think he is wrong? And you do not belong up there?

0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jun, 2012 06:11 am
I got it! I looked it up....You see that as him swearing at you?

How come mate?

Because of the, "not too bad ?"

I wish others viewed me as, just, not too bad!! Wink Wink Wink Very Happy Very Happy Mr. Green

I am convinced many on here, think I am the beast, or something...!! Mr. Green Mr. Green Mr. Green
Reply Thu 14 Jun, 2012 06:29 am
@Frank Apisa,
Actually, the only two people I know who I remember mentioning that have been Spendius and Setan

I think fm did a few times.

I mentioned it because it is a fact. Your vocabulary and the absence of scholarship in your posts is self-evident. There is no sense of you having consulted any recognised experts in the field.

Such weaknesses in an argument as monumental as this is must assume similar shortcomings in those you direct your comments towards and that constitutes an underestimation of your audience. The assumption is that A2K contains nobody who has taken an interest in these matters on a deeper level than that of superficial generalisations of the sort you are engaged with.

It's obvious that you are not qualified to discuss Christianity in any serious way and your assumption, equally obvious, that you expect your audience to be on the same level is plain to see. That is why you continually recycle the same mantras in response to anybody who has made an attempt to come to grips with this fiendishly complex debate which has been going on for centuries.

You do bus queue conversation and expect no more from others despite the international nature of A2K's membership. You have no interest in the social consequences of Christian thinking, atheist thinking or agnosticism and those consequences are the only things of interest to mature activists.

So you have no mature activists in mind and that is underestimating A2K's membership. Matters of no consequence are profoundly unimportant by definition.

And it is self-evident also that you have no expectation of your readers taking social consequences in account or thinking, as I do, that there is nothing else worth bothering with.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jun, 2012 07:01 am
A lot of evangelical Christians are very homophobic, and people who use their religion as an excuse for bigotry should be condemned.

That is only true if there is an assumption that homophobia has no positive value in relation to the social consequences of its opposite. The religious homophobia can only be explained in its origins by homosexuality being considered by authority to have negative social consequences. It is ridiculous to suggest that Christian thinking takes such a strong view on the matter for no pragmatic reasons. It is not bigotry to promote the well being of society.

Homosexuals should concentrate on showing that modern times have rendered that strong view of Christians anachronistic. Which is easy to do for those who think the population should be reduced and that reductions can be achieved without difficulty.

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Reply Thu 14 Jun, 2012 07:56 am
Spendi knows what I mean, it's probably a phrase we use over here a lot more.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jun, 2012 07:58 am
Would you eat in a restaurant described as 'not too bad?'

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