Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

Reply Sat 9 Jun, 2012 05:27 pm
You’re Christian! Stop trying to be compassionate, it’s impossible!

You can’t be a true christian and compasionate. The two don’t go hand in hand!

Your kind is a dieing breed, or course that probably makes you happy because you get to go to heaven. Damn fool!
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reasoning logic
Reply Sat 9 Jun, 2012 07:01 pm
He can only get away with what I assume is pure shite in a Christian world tolerant enough

You seem to have a little truth in what you are saying rather than saying "He can only get away with what I assume is pure shite in a Christian world" I would have said he was lucky to get away from the christian bombs that we dropped on his country in the name of loving thy neighbor's oil as if it were our own. It is amazing what the love for the petrodollar will do to a Christian country. Thank God Rolling Eyes for the atheist who adopted those young boys
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Reply Sun 10 Jun, 2012 12:12 am
Wrong once again. I was reading Jeff's comments and noticed yours and thought you were a ******* idiot, so you are wrong once again, as many posters have already pointed out many times in this silly thread.

How am I wrong? Are you saying it was you doing the voting down?
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Reply Sun 10 Jun, 2012 12:20 am
And what logical, and reasoning sense does it make in the entire world, that someone voted 6 consecutive posts of mine down in a row...

Then I vote everyone down to zero, to see if they will take the bait, and this person votes everyone's up to make a point, about me, and PURPOSELY leaves his vote at zero???? If it was not him doing it, and I am SO wrong about it??

The only reason it could have been done, was that so someone had a scape goat...

But it still does not make any logical sense, as to why they had a reason to personally pick him as this scapegoat unless logically it was him....

It would have been more confusing to me, had they voted everyone up, and I had no straws to grab at...
Reply Sun 10 Jun, 2012 12:27 am
Because you’re a ******* idiot, how do you want me to spell that out for you?
Reply Sun 10 Jun, 2012 12:40 am
@reasoning logic,
Because you say things that are not true even after being corrected you still say that he voted your post down.

I can not help you out on this on Logic, if you claim to be reasoning and logical...And you can not figure it out, or do not want to accept what I am saying...

I will say it again, and think about what I am actually saying...

Someone voted 6 posts of mine down in a row, I voted everyone on the page down to zero to see if they would bait, as I figured they had posted on the page...They took the bait, and voted everyone up but me, as they had no reason to vote me up, and he was the only one who was left at zero...Why do you logically and reasonably think that is?? Who would purposely not vote him up? And why??

That are some great questions, aren't they?

Even if he did not do it, it is logically and reasonable to "think" it was him...

And I can not help you out, if you take him as a trust worthy person, because in being bias, you accept an atheist as genuine, but not a theist...We are all bias at times, can't say I fault you, but I can point it out as it happens....

But it does not make what he is saying or what you think he is saying genuine at all, and what I am saying not genuine...

That is just your own perspective, in which, I am not illogical based upon my experiences, just because you disagree...

And if I disagree with you, it does not mean I am being illogical, or unreasonable...

And this is just another reason why there is no such thing as a "theistic psychosis" at all...

As they ultimately understand their experiences better than anyone else, and they all claim to have a connection to God...And most times Jesus, Yet, others who do not experience it, have said they think they know and understand what it actually is??

It is not a logically correct statement, and since most these people are very smart, as you have said...It seems they have no reason to say it is connected to God if it is not, or they would just say, I am having a theistic psychosis episode, would they not?? Or say, my experiences, are just a theistic psychosis episode, and there is no validity behind it...

It would be the same exact thing, for a theist to "claim" that atheists have some kind of mental sickness, and a theist fully understands what the sickness is...

Would you "think" they are right about it? And would you genuinely trust they are right about it? When they are not atheist themselves, and do not even understand what it is like to be an atheist???
Reply Sun 10 Jun, 2012 12:45 am
@reasoning logic,
Would you please try to take a leap from faith and become intellectually honest about this question I am about to ask you? In this very short video below, would it be wrong for me to say that most Christians should consider what Bill has to say and could he have some truth to what he has to say?

Just as much, as it would be, for me to ask you or others, if you should be willing to listen to what Christians have to say, and think there is actually truth behind it!! Idea

And I did not even have to watch the video...

It makes no difference what anyone says, to understand this...It only makes a difference if people are willing to listen, not talk... 2 Cents
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Jun, 2012 12:48 am
Nah, sounds like your are the one, who is the ******* Idiot if you can not answer the simple question!!! 2 Cents

And think that that is a satisfactory answer! Wink Wink Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Jun, 2012 12:53 am
Because you’re a ******* idiot, how do you want me to spell that out for you?

Got ya!! Thanks!!! That answered all my questions, thanks for stopping in!!! Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Idea
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Jun, 2012 03:35 am
Because you’re a ******* idiot, how do you want me to spell that out for you?

Bitch fight ...

I think you read somewhere, where Spades disagreed with Gay right? I'm hoping he's changed his mind because we are all equal..

But he's not a fn idiot, like you he beleives in what he believes in and maybe un-like you, he's trying to learn to be a better person..

We like Spades, might give him curry in a hurry but look, people are still here writing on his thread because, he means well.

Bitch slap.. Just a little. Maybe... Compassion is cool.
Reply Sun 10 Jun, 2012 04:38 am
Bitch fight ...

I think you read somewhere, where Spades disagreed with Gay right? I'm hoping he's changed his mind because we are all equal..

But he's not a fn idiot, like you he beleives in what he believes in and maybe un-like you, he's trying to learn to be a better person..

We like Spades, might give him curry in a hurry but look, people are still here writing on his thread because, he means well.

Bitch slap.. Just a little. Maybe... Compassion is cool.

That is the problem Found, I do not even have a problem with someone being Gay...I have said this before, to JC, and others...

I do believe we are all equal, and I believe some of what God had people scribe in the Bible were tests to see who actually were righteous and were not, and actually knew him, I do not believe God wanted others to stone homosexuals, nor adulterer etc...

I think God wanted others to embrace others as equals, and they were tests...

Just like when Jesus came, he forgave the adulterer, rather than stone her, and said to the Jewish people who embraced the laws, He, who is among you, who is the first without sin, be the first to cast a stone, and they departed...Not only that, but Jesus forgave her, and he was the only one, who was even willingly able to even cast the stone!

I will quote the passage from the Bible in my next post, so you can read it...

I think that Jeff, has a problem with me, because he assumed I was against his orientation, because some Christians are, And labeled me as an evil guy....And just another one of them...

When he had no clue as to how I felt, because he never asked, and never brought it up...Yet he felt, I was evil....And guilty by association...Which is why I am bothered by him....And it still has nothing to do with his orientation
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Jun, 2012 04:45 am
Here it is for you to read....


<< John 8 >>
New International Version 1984
3The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group 4and said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. 5In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?” 6They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him.

But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. 7When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.” 8Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.

9At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. 10Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”

11“No one, sir,” she said.

“Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Jun, 2012 04:58 am
Sloan is just a jerk...And that is all there is to that...Look back carefully at his first 3 or 4 posts in this entire thread!

I should have just ignored it...It would have done even more...

But I have a hard time, standing down sometimes...And honestly when people piss me off, they get it in return...

Even if I am wrong, (which I think I personally am, as that is not who I am, or want to be...Do not know how others can live like that myself) I am being genuine, and speaking what is on my mind...But I do not like how angry I get sometimes....

And I am trying to be a better person...
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 10 Jun, 2012 05:06 am
Even if he did not do it, it is logically and reasonable to "think" it was him...

Sure it is logical to think it was probably him but sometimes the probability can be wrong. Someone could have voted him down at the same time you were doing what you were doing and that is why he was left at zero. or maybe you forgot to vote him back up.

I could logically think that you are an 82 year old sociopath x footballer who comes hear to mentally masturbate but just because I can find logic that strings an idea together does not make it true.

We all make mistakes at times Ryan. I made a mistake by saying in my last post "I would have said he was lucky to get away from the christian bombs.
That sentence may be somewhat true but I think there were probably some atheist involved as well, and not all Christians would agree with dropping bombs on people.

You do come across as you are not caring and not genuine at times, like when I share what I consider to be a valuable video with you, in your reply back to me you write I did not even have to watch it to answer my question.
I could see that if it was longer that ten minutes but if it is shorter I would hope that you would be decent enough to at least start it and if you find that it sucks after a few minutes then say so.
Reply Sun 10 Jun, 2012 05:28 am
@reasoning logic,
Sure it is logical to think it was probably him but sometimes the probability can be wrong. Someone could have voted him down at the same time you were doing what you were doing and that is why he was left at zero. or maybe you forgot to vote him back up.

That is fine, but then, I am not being illogical because you genuinely trust him, as he is an atheist, and you do not genuinely trust me, as I am a theist....Not a chance of me forgetting, it is easy to see, everyone at zero, by me, then by him voting everyone up, showed it was only me and him at zero, he incriminated himself...I never voted him up...Once I saw that everyone was at zero, and he baited and I saw him and me at zero, and everyone else at 1, I went back and forth with everyone else going from 0 to 2, 2 to zero...If it was not him, the person who did it, would have easily voted his post up as well, in the process of all posts going from 0 to 2, 2 to 0 etc...And I would have known it was not him...And the reason why his post dropped to zero, was because I voted everyone down, and him in the process...So another, could not have done it at the same time...Clearly, I was thinking way ahead of him...

I could logically think that you are an 82 year old sociopath x footballer who comes hear to mentally masturbate but just because I can find logic that strings an idea together does not make it true.

You are correct! but then by that Logic, If Jeff is the one who voted me down, then it is not right for him to assume I am an evil guy, or am against him, because of his orientation (if it is true)

We all make mistakes at times Ryan. I made a mistake by saying in my last post "I would have said he was lucky to get away from the christian bombs.
That sentence may be somewhat true but I think there were probably some atheist involved as well, and not all Christians would agree with dropping bombs on people.

I make mistakes too, and see no shame in saying so...I will say it again, I make mistakes all the friggen time! The problem is, is that many many people on here, are not as intellectually honest, nor self-honest as you and I am...

You do come across as you are not caring and not genuine at times, like when I share what I consider to be a valuable video with you, in your reply back to me you write I did not even have to watch it to answer my question.
I could see that if it was longer that ten minutes but if it is shorter I would hope that you would be decent enough to at least start it and if you find that it sucks after a few minutes then say so.

Would you like me to actually watch the video? Do you believe it will change my mind?

It had nothing to do with not wanting to watch the video, this time, as you said it wasn't that long....It had to do with the fact, I felt I could answer the question without even watching it, And it would make my point even clearer...

Sorry, if you took offense to me not actually watching it...I will if you want me to....
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 10 Jun, 2012 05:44 am
I am not being illogical because you genuinely trust him, as he is an atheist, and you do not genuinely trust me,

Now you are being illogical because I do not trust anyone to be correct about what they are saying 100% of the time.

I went back and forth with everyone else going from 0 to 2, 2 to zero...If it was not him, the person who did it, would have easily voted his post up as well, in the process of all posts going from 0 to 2, 2 to 0 etc...And I would have known it was not him...Clearly, I was thinking way ahead of him...

Cant you find funner things to be doing like maybe a video game or something. What is wrong with being nice to your enemy or someone who may have the wrong perception of you? Do you think that you can change that perception by bickering back and forth or playing mind games?

Would you like me to actually watch the video? Do you believe it will change my mind?

I only share things that I think will increase our understandings about reality and sometimes they are for humor.
Reply Sun 10 Jun, 2012 06:26 am
@reasoning logic,
Now you are being illogical because I do not trust anyone to be correct about what they are saying 100% of the time.

See, I make mistakes and admit them...Sorry, to jump the gun...Is it fair to say, by what you have said on this topic, you genuinely trust more than 50% of him? And me less than 50%?? One of your posts implies this...And if you would like me to, I will cite it...

Cant you find funner things to be doing like maybe a video game or something.

Of course I can! But so could they....So if I should, why should they not? If they are not going to do so, Why should I have to be the one who does? Or walks away?

What is wrong with being nice to your enemy or someone who may have the wrong perception of you?

Nothing at all, like I said, I have a hard time, not being angry, when people piss me off, and it seems I have little to no patience at all, for small stupid ****....But I bet if they were nice to me, I would be to them...I look at myself as I treat others how they treat me...I can not even remember being mad at someone, when they were nice, and I can only remember being mad, when someone has shown themselves to be mad at me, Or I have felt threatened by their actions...

Do you think that you can change that perception by bickering back and forth or playing mind games?

That is a great question, and I honestly do not believe that I can, but it seems that so many on here look at me as an enemy of theirs, that I really do not give a **** what they think about me, since they believe I am such an evil, nonsensical, delusional, irrational, unintelligent person, and if that is how they feel about me, then I feel the same likewise about them, for making such a claim....

I only share things that I think will increase our understandings about reality and sometimes they are for humor.

That, does not really answer my question, as your friend, I am asking you, do you want me to watch that video you posted? If you say yes, and want my honest answer to your question, I am saying I will watch it, and give my opinions about your question...Again, I am admitting a mistake...Even though, I explained why I did not watch it...

reasoning logic
Reply Sun 10 Jun, 2012 06:37 am
That, does not really answer my question, as your friend, I am asking you, do you want me to watch that video you posted? If you say yes, and want my honest answer to your question, I am saying I will watch it, and give my opinions about your question.

Yes Ryan I do want you to watch it, that is why I put it there. I personal think that Christians should see how the intellectual secular community views them. I think that Bill shares an excellent illustration of just that.
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 10 Jun, 2012 06:46 am
you genuinely trust more than 50% of him? And me less than 50%?? One of your posts implies this...And if you would like me to, I will cite it...

I do not trust either without something close to empirical evidence.
Atheism nor theism have anything to do with something being factual.

Why should I have to be the one who does? Or walks away?

Because you are suppose to be the one who follows the moral philosophy of Jesus and if you do not show other people what it looks like how will they ever be able to see it and be able to walk the true walk without stumbling themselves?
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 10 Jun, 2012 06:51 am
I really do not give a **** what they think about me, if that is how they feel about me, then I feel the same likewise about them, for making such a claim....

Do you think Jesus would feel the same way?


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