@reasoning logic,
but you only answered part of my question....why would people around the world have these visions and dreams etc (psychosis as you called it) and ACTUALLY see Jesus, Mary, and the opposite side in Satan, and demons, if there is no validity to these visions and dreams?? sometimes like in my case, I WAS Atheist, and was converted by the experience....what or who has authority to do these things if not a said God? why does it exist? again, why does it NOT happen in other religions? again, unless the story of Jesus is TRUE, and our modern day science, is wrong in saying these visions, are delusional or hallucinations etc....I have a greater "grip" on life than a lot of people who claim my visions are not real....but even say they "know" God...but don't fully support it....or people who claim there is no God, and call me delusional....example: Bill saying I'm ignorant, and delusional, and insulting, but at the same token WILL not GO OUT OF HIS WAY to tell a fellow Atheist to withstand from such childish behavior as insulting me for having a different view...I have no problem speaking and correcting nonbelievers as WELL as BELIEVERS....why is the same not done just out of shear respect from Atheists? or how could you deny that that is not true Hypocracy, just like so many Atheists harp about that existing in ANY religion?