Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

reasoning logic
Reply Sat 26 May, 2012 05:54 am
Astrophysicist preaching.

reasoning logic
Reply Sat 26 May, 2012 06:58 am

Sheesh!!. Hey man--that's girl's 1st grade drivel.

Are you claiming to be smarter than a 2nd grader?

0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 May, 2012 07:28 am
@reasoning logic,
What a waste of time that was. He defined reality as that which he understands. Thus his whole argument is circular, as I suspect he knows, and therefore meaningless and thus only to be deployed before an audience of dim-wits of the nerdy persuasion.

Once he did that trick I turned it off.

But I must admit that if I thought that full-blown sexual deregulation, as it operates in monkey troupes, to say nothing of those lower down the evolutionary tree, or higher up as some might say where the Selfish Gene whizzes through the generations with its tangles of DNA spirals which are impossible to describe in a sentence as short as this one is intended to be, for reasons I am too polite to mention, was the way to go to finally unlock the secrets of our economic system, then I would support Mr Tyson promoting the cause despite my knowledge of how idiotic his reasoning logic is.

The cause takes priority over the methods. Read Machiavelli.

I happen to think that that cause, the abolition of Christian sexual morality, is not the way to go. But I can see that some people might have a professional view that it is.

I thought Neil looked a bit shifty. But I'm sure he's a tolerant enough man to recognise that people understand lots of different things and thus have different realities some of which he can bring closer to his own. If he is successful with yours, rl, you will soon be out spouting circular nonsense yourself such as using the word "reality" as a specific entity, which it is for you, and me, when the reality is that there are so many realities, on his own argument, that to use the term for a specific entity is a reductio ad absurdum.

Reply Sun 27 May, 2012 01:22 am
There is no reason why an atheist can't admire the Bible or support the work of the Church.

There is also no reason, for someone to ask you, why you are ultimately an atheist, and not a Christian, or Catholic either....

And there is also no reason, for anyone to feel like you are not slapping them in the face, when You do what you do, and call "other Christians" fake...Or when you do what you do...and other atheists believe you are abandoning reasoning...

The Bible is the most wonderful literary creation the world knows and writers not influenced by it are not worth reading. The Church is the most powerful and successful organisation in the history of the world and any society or union of societies which deviates from its social arrangements is taking risks.

Again...There is also no reason, for someone to ask you, why you are ultimately an atheist, and not a Christian, or Catholic either....

Obviously such risks are not apparent to those who promote the deviations because the dangerous outcomes are too far in the future and unlikely to impinge on their own lives and, most particularly, in pantsdown moments.

Those are mighty big words, yet again, from one who does not even believe The Bible is real, or that God even exists...

So if you are right, it makes 2 shits what happens...If you are wrong...By the Church, and Scripture...Something you back in ways, but ultimately reject...You are going to be in More hot water, than someone like myself...This is what you do not understand, by playing both sides...

That is why it is Irrational...Impolite...Dishonest....and not being self-honest...Either...

And judging other Christians, or Catholics...when you're not a fully embracing one yourself....

That is why, it is absolutely pointless to take your "critique" serious...If you are in fact being serious...

There is not one on here, who needs to be saved more than you! For not only, do you just reject the Christian God....But you feel it is a good thing, or your mission...To tell other Christians, or Catholics why and how they are fake....

It is an absolute ridiculous claim....

And if serious, and you're intelligent....It is nothing but an insult to both sides of the equation...

You do not just claim to be an atheist, and smart or advanced one, but you also believe you are an advanced and smart speaking theist as well....When you can only be one....

And to be honest, it makes you look like you are very dumb about both of them, certainly not smart about them both, or advanced, or smart about a particular one....
Reply Sun 27 May, 2012 01:45 am
Why is so much of what you say, sexually motivated??

Do you suffer from sexual frustration or something?

Or do you "believe" everyone else does? But you do not?

(If you do, this is just another irrationality)
Reply Sun 27 May, 2012 02:03 am
And one more thing I want to say...

Assuredly, I tell you, from God himself, Lord of Lords, King of Kings...If you had to pick one, even though they both are wrong...The lesser of the 2 evils...Would be to self-gratify yourself, than talking to other people about sexual frustrations...and denying you're the one with the problem...

About 6 or 7 of your posts are or have some sort of sexual orientated message, sexual actions, sexually motivated, or sexual frustration yourself, said....

When in all those messages you post...there is one common thing, YOU are the one who seems to be sexually frustrated, because you always speak about it...

It is not that others may not, but at least that are aware of it, accept it, or have put it to bed....

You seem to have some sort of problem with this...

And that is your problem....

Not theirs...
Reply Sun 27 May, 2012 02:18 am
Just on a side note as I have a sense of humor.

He has a very "dry" sense of humor and I'm betting that those sexual comments are part of it.... I kind of sometimes laugh at some of the sentances. I don't think it's fair to accuse like "sexually frustrated" unless one knows for sure.. Although that would make him more Christian if he is forgoing sex, unless he is married off course.

Hi Ryan glad to see you back.. Hope you are sleeping "some" ...
Reply Sun 27 May, 2012 06:15 am
I don't understand your litany of " there is no reason"s as a response to my remark that "there is no reason why an atheist can't admire the Bible or support the work of the Church."

I think all those who call themselves Christians who are not Catholics are fake. Including the Archbishop of Canterbury. Most atheists are fake as well.

I'm aware of my insignificance in the scheme of things. "Ours is not to reason why. Ours is but to do and die" It feels plain ridiculous to me to have any views at all about matters completely beyond human understanding. I don't even vote. What reason do I have to change such a view because a number of people think they are significant and want to let everyone know about it despite them not bothering to win significance. Could there be any easier way of claiming to be significant than being in direct communication with God?

If that catches on there will be as many people hearing God's messages as there are people who feel themselves significant and nothing but utter confusion will result from which economic and military defeat will automatically follow.

We have so many people now who feel their significance, and the need to exercise it, that the financial crisis was inevitable. Common words used by experts regarding that matter are "contagion" and "meltdown". Meltdown is not a cliche to me. It is a monumental nightmare with no waking up.

I am as interested as I am unaffected by assertions that I am irrational, impolite, dishonest or any other notionally disapproved of states your limited vocabulary can creatively imagine. Such assertions are nothing but a snowstorm to avoid the fundamental question of whether your position is heretical, schismatic or deluded, or all three, from a Christian theological point of view. It is certainly all three from a scientific point of view. Maybe from all other points of view except your own and those who go under your hypnotic spells and you haven't even got a shiny object to swing before their eyes. All you have is rhetoric and it is nowhere near up to the mark for the task you have set yourself.

The beauty treatments of ladies, and that of men who ape them, are patently irrational, dishonest and impolite. But I cannot say that I favour abolishing such makeovers because I think that while the debts might be paid off by doing so unemployment might reach 70%. Or more.

"Vanity of vanities, all is vanity." says the opening of Ecclesiastes in the proper version. I gather the American Bible gives--"Absolutely pointless! Everything is pointless." What a profound difference. Everything being pointless is not the individual's fault whereas as "all is vanity" includes each individual with the fault of pride. There's nothing the American witness can do about it but Solomon's witness is forced to examine him or herself.

American 20th-century novelist Thomas Wolfe wrote: "[O]f all I have ever seen or learned, that book seems to me the noblest, the wisest, and the most powerful expression of man’s life upon this earth — and also the highest flower of poetry, eloquence, and truth. I am not given to dogmatic judgments in the matter of literary creation, but if I had to make one I could say that Ecclesiastes is the greatest single piece of writing I have ever known, and the wisdom expressed in it the most lasting and profound."

And I bet your messages are not telling you to inform your followers that they are a bunch of conceited assholes which both Solomon and Mr Wolfe think they are. No doubt they are to be informed of that which they wish to hear. i.e. rumpy-pumpy with the Church out of the way I shouldn't wonder.

You can't even keep your own resolutions. Your intemperate announcement that you were putting me on Ignore is proved to have been an emotional impulse. Do we really want to be listening to the voices of those given to such emotional blurting every time they are faced with more difficult questions than they are used to.
Reply Sun 27 May, 2012 06:32 am
Why is so much of what you say, sexually motivated??

Because that is what it is all about. Expressions to the contrary are twee.

reasoning logic
Reply Sun 27 May, 2012 06:46 am
Why is so much of what you say, sexually motivated??

Because that is what it is all about. Expressions to the contrary are twee.

What can anyone expect when you were taught by men in robes?

I do find it odd that Ryan can question you about your ideology but he does not seem to have an interest in questioning the source of the bible and the people who have always been so corrupt, the same people who have governed the information that is in the bible.

The "Vatileaks" scandal has seriously embarrassed the Vatican at a time when it is trying to show the world financial community that it has turned a page and shed its reputation as a scandal plagued tax haven.

Vatican documents leaked to the press in recent months have undermined that effort, alleging corruption in Vatican finance as well as internal bickering over the Holy See's efforts to comply with international norms to fight money laundering and terror financing.
Reply Sun 27 May, 2012 08:15 am
@reasoning logic,
What can anyone expect when you were taught by men in robes?

The matter was never mentioned. It was the epiphany I had when I saw Germaine Greer say that the Catholic Church is a fertility machine. A great deal of my reading came into the crosswires in clear focus when I saw that.

But feel free to indulge your fantasies rl. When the head boy in my posh school was expelled I was 14. It was a mystery. Eventually it was whispered that he had got some girl "in the pudding club". And I didn't know what it meant. I had never heard of homosexuality until I joined the miltary at 18. I had seen the odd entertainer camping it up but I thought they were taking the piss out of women. It never entered my head that they were attemping to be attractive to men because their camping up was so woefully inadequate compared to the real thing. And in the short scenes from Brokeback Mountain which I saw when the movie was being puffed on various programmes the camping up has become so minimalist that I imagine there is a scene in a shop in which a jar of vaseline is being purchased for the purpose of rendering the chaps more supple and smooth.

You just got too worldly wise rl at too early an age. One of my themes is to provide an admittedly hopeless description of what you missed. Or possibly, now you have granted me permission to get personal using a fantasy of my own, having done so yourself, not so much what you missed but what was stolen from you by over ambitious parents who took pride in the offspring of their loins knowing everything there is to know by the age of 14 up to and including the nature of God and what he was doing wrong.

You are also going to miss being able to laugh at your past life when you get doddery: as I often do. After all, everything there is to know is the same at 50 as at 14. And at 70. Or 80.

The matters referred to relating to the Holy See are not something I can comment on as I know nothing about them but I would not be particularly surprised if there was actually some substance to the allegations because I am well aware that things go on in those higher layers of the atmosphere in which we ordinary folks are unable to breathe.

Being fairly familiar with the works of Edward Gibbon and Oswald Spengler I am unable to get overwrought, or even wrought at all, about such things. It is Setanta's propensity to get overwrought that betrays his lack of historical perspective. Incidents are the trees, history is the wood.
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 27 May, 2012 08:59 am
feel free to indulge your fantasies rl.

I do not fantasize about it but I did hear a lot of news about the sex scandals that those men in robes were involved in. I thought that it may have been possible for some of you to talk about the first thing that popped up when all you young lads entered the teachers class room
Reply Sun 27 May, 2012 09:34 am
What makes me laugh about atheists is that they lay all the evils of the world on the God they say does not exist and if God does not exist then all the evils of the world must be the result of the forces of atheism one of which must be the irrational beliefs of superstition and ignorance.

And they have no way of defining evil.

So--if there is no God there can only be the forces of atheism to cause everything that happens. And to have caused "cause" itself and which, it might be said, is a belief. Has been said.
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 27 May, 2012 09:59 am
What makes me laugh about atheists is that they lay all the evils of the world on the God they say does not exist

Can you name any of these atheist that you claim lay all the evils of the world on God? I have never met anyone in my life that gives credit to a God for all the evils of the world.
I do have to admit that you are a very unusual atheist and you must have some other very unusual atheist that went to your church as well.
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 27 May, 2012 11:15 am
all the evils of the world must be the result of the forces of atheism one of which must be the irrational beliefs of superstition and ignorance.

It seems like you are talking about the blind sheep following there corrupt shepherds.

I was watching a Max Keiser report and the first couple of minutes reminded me of how those men in robes may have taught you morality.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 May, 2012 11:56 am
@reasoning logic,
I do not fantasize about it but I did hear a lot of news about the sex scandals that those men in robes were involved in. I thought that it may have been possible for some of you to talk about the first thing that popped up when all you young lads entered the teachers class room

Don't be ridiculous. I don't recall taking any interest in the world apart from such things as a member of the Royal Family performing some ritual such as launching a battleship or allowing themselves to be waved at by hordes of horrid little city kids or whether Bradman was out yet. You've had the best years of your life stolen by pushy parents trying to prove that they have superior genetic material when they couldn't manage it themselves.

There wasn't time for any dull moments such as contemplating those things you are over-excited about. Being coached by a top notch West Indian batsman was quite sufficient to fill my head up.

My mother and father took me to London once to show me the offices where they hoped I would one day justify their efforts but all I remember was seeing from the train windows how many fields there were and cows and sheep and trees. And washing.

I was through with fossils by 14. Skimming the thin ones across the surface of the lake was more interesting.
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 27 May, 2012 01:48 pm
You've had the best years of your life stolen by pushy parents trying to prove that they have superior genetic material when they couldn't manage it themselves.

Your quote below seems to place you in the position that you are referring to in the quote above.

My mother and father took me to London once to show me the offices where they hoped I would one day justify their efforts but all I remember was seeing from the train windows how many fields there were and cows and sheep and trees. And washing.

Spendius not everyone has parents like you do, so for you to think that my life "a person you know very little history about was stolen by pushy parents trying to prove that they have superior genetic material when they couldn't manage it themselves is a little naive don't you think?

Reply Sun 27 May, 2012 03:22 pm
@reasoning logic,
Your quote below seems to place you in the position that you are referring to in the quote above.

If you cast your mind back a little rl I was commenting on how you seem to have expected us as young lads to be raising issues in the classroom which were for adults as is often done today with all this civics and sex education shite.

Spendius not everyone has parents like you do, so for you to think that my life "a person you know very little history about was stolen by pushy parents trying to prove that they have superior genetic material when they couldn't manage it themselves is a little naive don't you think?

Nope--It was payback for you jumping to conclusions about the "men in robes". I was just showing you that I can do that sort of thing as well. As I was at pains to point out.

Reply Mon 28 May, 2012 02:02 am
I don't understand your litany of " there is no reason"s as a response to my remark that "there is no reason why an atheist can't admire the Bible or support the work of the Church."

You can, as you're doing, and no one is gonna stop you...but it makes you hypocritical, and gives you zero credibility about them both...Christianity, and atheism....Or certainly no reason at all, for anyone on either side to take you serious about either one of them...

I think all those who call themselves Christians who are not Catholics are fake. Including the Archbishop of Canterbury. Most atheists are fake as well.

And that is a completely, irrational, fake statement yourself....

If it says in the Catholic Church, and the Christian Bible in Romans 10:9

That A way to find God and be saved, and be counted as one of them, Is to believe in your heart, confess with your mouth, and believe that Jesus was raised from the dead you will be saved....Then it stands to believe they are one with God....Whether Catholic or not....And it is insulting, to say the least, that you feel the need to tell others how they are fake or not, based upon your own views...Which go against the Church, and Scripture...When ultimately in the end, you do neither of these things listed above, that even makes you one of them....And you feel, if you are not a Catholic, you have the freedom to believe whatever you want....

So if I am a fake Christian, And have freedom to believe what I want to believe...do I not at least have the right to believe what I want to believe then? Just like you?

In other words, you have no leg to stand on from either position....

Why is what I say, so wrong, if I am fake, and I have the right to my own opinions anyways, as I am not Catholic?

The reason is either, you do not believe that is actually true, Or you believe I am not fake, and this posses problems for you....

For you wish to tell me why I am wrong, but at the same time, you are also talking with me, because you have been seen by the Scripture I posed above...One such as myself, has merit, as they do not need to be Catholic to be a believer in Christ...

And all though I do not believe I can fully comment about it, as I am not one...I think it is just flat out wrong, for you to think other atheists are fake....When you are the one, who backs some sort of Christianity, and Church....and that is not what atheism is...So if anyone is fake, or a poser about it, it is you...

If you were to tell me you think that they have beliefs, I agree...If you were to tell me, they are wrong for denying God, or Scripture....But you are ultimately one of them, and embrace that....

Then that makes you irrational, not them...

Could there be any easier way of claiming to be significant than being in direct communication with God?

Of course there can be! But I told you what I know, and have been told, and asked you how you would go about doing it....Which you never answered...If you would like me to, I will find them, and quote them again....

If that catches on there will be as many people hearing God's messages as there are people who feel themselves significant and nothing but utter confusion will result from which economic and military defeat will automatically follow.

Who says that this is not what God wants to happen? It says in Scripture, the Spirit will be given out to many, and without limit....Your sons and daughters with prophesy....Is scripture wrong about this also? Based upon What a Catholic thinks or not? BTW, your proposal, is just your opinion....there is no saying that that would actually happen....You and people like you will never know as you always reject the ideas....If it says the Church is not gonna fall, then it would not fall, if people did what you say they should not do!

I am as interested as I am unaffected by assertions that I am irrational, impolite, dishonest or any other notionally disapproved of states your limited vocabulary can creatively imagine. Such assertions are nothing but a snowstorm to avoid the fundamental question of whether your position is heretical, schismatic or deluded, or all three, from a Christian theological point of view. It is certainly all three from a scientific point of view. Maybe from all other points of view except your own and those who go under your hypnotic spells and you haven't even got a shiny object to swing before their eyes. All you have is rhetoric and it is nowhere near up to the mark for the task you have set yourself.

Nope, not about dodging at all...But speaking what I think the truth is to you....It is Irrational, Impolite, dishonest....From my perspective, to tell other Christians why and how they are fake, when they embrace what is needed to be done to be one of them, based upon the Church, and scripture, and you do not do these things, but believe you're more knowledgeable, and credible then them about Christianity...Or are more on the straight path then they are....When you miss the mark by far, by not doing the most important things, which signifies you are one of them, and posting how others need to change or else...Because the Church says so....and you do not acknowledge you need to do this yourself, or it would be in your best interest to just keep quite about it....

The beauty treatments of ladies, and that of men who ape them, are patently irrational, dishonest and impolite. But I cannot say that I favour abolishing such makeovers because I think that while the debts might be paid off by doing so unemployment might reach 70%. Or more.

I am not interested in answering some sort of sexually motivated statement again, right now....

"Vanity of vanities, all is vanity." says the opening of Ecclesiastes in the proper version. I gather the American Bible gives--"Absolutely pointless! Everything is pointless." What a profound difference. Everything being pointless is not the individual's fault whereas as "all is vanity" includes each individual with the fault of pride. There's nothing the American witness can do about it but Solomon's witness is forced to examine him or herself.

Then that ultimately means you as well! It is vanity, to be so bold to embrace and back the Church, and call someone fake, but they do the things required to be considered one of them, and you ultimately do not....And you speak as through you know and understand, at a high intelligence, both Christianity, and atheism....that is being full of vanity as well...And is worse than one being full of vanity, but proclaiming to be knowledgeable on either one of the 2 sides...What you're doing is double fold as bad....

And I bet your messages are not telling you to inform your followers that they are a bunch of conceited assholes which both Solomon and Mr Wolfe think they are. No doubt they are to be informed of that which they wish to hear. i.e. rumpy-pumpy with the Church out of the way I shouldn't wonder.

No one in my book is a conceited asshole...They do or do not have to listen to me, to know that....

You "thinking" they must be, just because they may follow me, or like me....= just another irrationality....

Your the one, who, by your statement, is the asshole, for making that remark....And again points the finger to looking down upon people....

I never said, whether they follow me or not, they must do as I say...But you seem to think this is the case?, and act as though, you do not act the same way about things...Which you currently do about Christianity, and atheism....

When you're not really qualified to speak on behalf of them both...Certainly not the way you do it....You are either X, and should speak about it, or Y, and should speak about it...knowledgeably, You can not act like you know and are both, and give lesson to everyone who is either of the 2, and honestly think you are being true, and not dishonest...Or insulting....

You can't even keep your own resolutions. Your intemperate announcement that you were putting me on Ignore is proved to have been an emotional impulse. Do we really want to be listening to the voices of those given to such emotional blurting every time they are faced with more difficult questions than they are used to.

As I see it, I have no reason to block you right now....Is that a problem? The way I see it, so long as I am not acting angry toward you, and making myself in a worse place....then there is no reason why I can and should not talk with you about this...
Reply Mon 28 May, 2012 02:31 am
Could there be any easier way of claiming to be significant than being in direct communication with God?

Of course there can be! But I told you what I know, and have been told, and asked you how you would go about doing it....Which you never answered...If you would like me to, I will find them, and quote them again....

Here they were...

I do not know of another way to speak the truth, without crossing into being unhumble, can you??


Of course I do. It is to submit to the wisdom of the ages refined by the process I mentioned earlier.

Since I have already been here, and done this...What am I supposed to do, When I am in Church, or hear someone else preaching....And I can hear or feel God saying that is not how it was, but this is how it is....Or Go and tell them that God says this....

What am I supposed to do when that happens?? Believe in what a Mortal man does and says, because he thinks it is right, Or listen to God telling me to tell him or them otherwise??? If you heard God's voice, are you telling me you think you would be able to silence it???

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