Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

Reply Thu 24 May, 2012 05:54 pm
I will make this as simple as possible for you to understand, Spendius....

Yes--you are not qualified to speak on such matters as you do. Once you say the Church is wrong about anything you open the door to as many opinions as there are people.

Then, neither do you...You have no right, to quote, and use Christianity, and the Catholic Church, and Catholicism, if you ultimately deny the main principals, that make it meaningful, and makes you a true believer....

Do you believe, you have got no right? (of course you do not, and you will reply to this post)

Then neither do I, have no right, to speak as I feel it is appropriate to do so....

You're not slamming the Church, you are trying to spread the words, even though you are an atheist....(though, I do not understand how it can be done)

And I am saying what I think is right based upon what I hear from God within....

It does not make either of us wrong, and it does not mean I am persecuting the Church...

I am trying to enhance it in ways to better it for generations to come....

And you feel, that you're doing a good thing, by preaching what it says, even though, you do not fully embrace it....
Reply Fri 25 May, 2012 06:44 am
I will make this as simple as possible for you to understand, Spendius....

You will make few friends and have very little influence on people when you address them in such a ridiculously patronising a manner.

I have a hardback edition of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. It is almost 700 pages and I have consulted it on many occasions.

For example--under the heading of "Heresy" (Item 2089 on page 254) there is this--

Incredulity is the neglect of revealed truth or the wilful refual to assent to it. 'Heresy is the obstinate post-baptismal denial of some truth which must be believed with divine and catholic faith, or it is likewise an obstinate doubt concerning the same; apostasy is the total repudiation of the Christian faith; schism is the refusal of submission to the Roman Pontiff or of communion with the members of the Church subject to him.'

I do not say the Church is wrong on any issue because, as I stated, it opens the door to as many religions as there are people who are thus enabled to cherry-pick as they see fit. This opens other doors. One is the demagogue with the gift of the gab accepting no responsibility. Another is fragmentation which leads to degeneration and dissolution and thus to institutionalised atheism which I think is the logical outcome of the separation of Church and State and, indeed, is the objective of that doctrine.

You have every right to speak as you think appropriate but to embrace any of the categories in the quote, which needs careful consideration, removes the Church from your argument and sets you against it.

I am trying to enhance it in ways to better it for generations to come....

Such arrogance is the precise thing the Church has to guard against.
Reply Fri 25 May, 2012 07:18 am
One question then....

Why do you consider yourself an atheist??

Why is it your mission to preach to me, what I should and should not be doing as a Christian, if you do not embrace the most important things yourself? Above all that stuff you listed...Homosexuality, Divorce, Adultery, Pre-marital sex, Abortion etc...

What would be MORE important, From the Church's standpoint, And a Christian, Or Catholic one...To embrace those things, but not what the Church is, Jesus Christ is the Lord??...

Or accept Christ, But embrace a few different things than what the Church says about some of those things??

If you do it your way, why is it important in the first place to begin with and end with? And what does it all mean to you??

What is the point, to tell people the Church says this, and to follow this, and you're fake because of this...etc...When you do not ultimately embrace the MOST important thing that signifies the fact that you even embrace the Church in the First place??

And who deems you credible, and reliable to speak on such matters??...And what makes you so sure you're right, and that people should listen to you?? What makes yo so sure, your method is the best way? Or ONLY way??

Such arrogance is the precise thing the Church has to guard against.

If they have to guard themselves against me, They will have a rather very easy, pleasant time! And there will not be fighting of the gates of Hell against it!

They also have to guard against people like yourself! Who tell other Christians they are fake ones....When they do what the Church, and Bible say is needed to be done, to be one of them and saved...apposed to one, who backs the Church, for social reasons, but does not even embrace the one thing he or she should do, to even be one of them! As if you do not understand, in all of your preaching about the Catholic Church you do not understand, the main core thing that makes you apart of it, is the significance of embrace Jesus is the Lord....Not what The Church Creed says about abortion, Homosexuality, Pre-Marital sex, Adultery etc....

That is simply more stuff you learn, and take on, after you grasp the very reason why you are there in the first place, and that is Jesus Christ....

As I am not here to try to destroy the Church, but only do the things I hear God telling me to speak of...In order for it to endure the **** people will put it thru in trying to destroy it...Or use against it, Such as Priests who molest Children....

What God has said, is a good solution, in my book...Much better, than keeping the creed the same, so that 99 out of 100 who are faithful and celibate, is exacerbated....While my position, tries to go after the 1 lost sheep out of 100...

I do not know what makes you think I am fake....Most Christians do not even take the time to think about these kind of things....And not only am I trying to help others, and the Church....But I am gonna write a letter to the Pope about it, So that I can see what they thinks about the Ideas God says to me....

If that, is not someone who takes their faith in Jesus Christ, very serious, indeed...I do not know, who you think possibly is!

And one, who claims to back the Church, but is ultimately an atheist, is no exception!
Reply Fri 25 May, 2012 10:10 am
It's no use addressing me like that Spade. It's gullible folk you are looking for. Just don't lead them up the garden path eh? They have a long life to lead and are not just in a moment's vulnerability.

And what about Mary, the virgin and Mother? The "light figure" in blue and white.

There is the Goddess of the Catholic Church. The Good Mother. Jesus was fading out of Catholic theology by the tenth century with Petrus Damiani and Bernard of Clairvaux.

How dare you seek to interpret what Jesus said? How dare you seek to call into question doctrines that have been refined over the centuries by thousands of contemplative and wordly men dedicated to holding back the forces of nature (the Devil in shorthand) which are the conterpole of our Queen of Heaven. How dare you receive messages from God. He would be my first ever ignored poster. If I found He came through one day I would put some earphones on playing a recording made inside a metal barrel with ten bricks inside rolling down a mountainside with the volume on full.

There have been many Queens of Heaven and a thoroughly bad lot they all were if my reading is any guide. Bloodthirsty, orgiastic, impatient, demanding, haughty, disdaining, etc etc---apart from the orgiastic side not unlike our own militant feminists who are the obvious butt of the best style of humour. In Thelma and Louise they flew off a cliff if I remember correctly.

What do you think the helpless virgin in a white nightie represents when she is tied to the railway tracks by evil looking men at the end of every episode and to be rescued at the start of the next one. What's that all about then? Poetic licence is what. As a depiction of reality it is ridiculous.

What do you think the Joker represents in the Batman movie and why does he take the heroine to the top of a cathedral where she is saved from him and he is killed?

It's all way above your head Spade. You're on an opportunist's attention grab. Tailoring your message to those who find the Church too hard to live with but who wish to think of themselves as Christians. And without the Church there would be no Christians. And not hot and cold running water either. Except in the palaces where slaves would be pumping it manually with a mechanical device some keen scientific sensibilities have thought fit to compare the flagella to in moments of high excitation.
Reply Fri 25 May, 2012 12:24 pm
You did not answer basically any of the numerous questions I posed...

If that is how you feel, that is fine, then I say to you, it is hopeless for you to try to do as much to me....

Depart from me, deceptive one!

And leave me alone....

I will not comment about how you play both cards, so long as you leave your own interpretations as to how and what and why I am a fake Christian!!!

As it stands, Regardless, of whatever you "think" I am wrong or right about...I am ONLY saying what I hear because I believe it will help people in the Long run...That's it! I have nothing against the Church, and go as often as I can...I do not drive, and am poor, so when I can not go, I watch it on TV....You know this much is true, because awhile back, I send you a pm about one of my favorite prayers....The Litany of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus...From a Church in Huntsville Alabama....

You still, whether a good thing or bad...Have absolutely no right whatsoever, to take it upon yourself, To embrace the Church for social reasons....Ultimately deny, what the Church is, and what it stands for, and you can put Mary in there too, since that seemed to hit a soft spot! What it even says...And then go around to others who do what is a NECESSARY REQUIREMENT to be acknowledged by both the Church, and what Scripture says...To be as one of them...But ultimately really believe the MOST IMPORTANT thing about it, is hogwash....

That makes you the biggest hypocrite on here for doing it, BOTH WAYS...

And it gives you Zero credibility when you say I should be doing this, I should not be doing that....

I KNOW what my faith is....And how strong it is....

I KNOW what I am hearing and doing....even if not listened to, and even if incorrect, is happening for a reason, I will someday learn....

But, I am most definitely not fake, nor a poser, as you seem to be!

If you really believed in Jesus Christ, and Mary, and what and who they were, and are....

I would have ABSOLUTELY NO PROBLEM WHATSOEVER, with what you say and think about me as a Christian....

I would still think it is a bit of a judgment thing to do....But it could be seen as words of encouragement, or a bad thing to cause a good thing....

There is absolutely no way ever, I would take what you're saying to be a beneficial thing....

If you're not a Christian, or Catholic yourself....And are ultimately an Atheist....

And that is just the bottom line....

If you want me to take you serious, in all your preaching to me and others about Scripture, and the Church....Then God wants you to be self-honest, and honest with other people first....And stop portraying yourself, as both, a theist, and an atheist....Because you ultimately are only one....And that is what you are authorized, (if any) to speak in depths about.....

It is nothing but a pure insult, and smack in the face royally every time you venture outside that little bubble....

And I honestly do not wish to discuss this matter any longer...

If you disagree with me, that is fine, I disagree with you...

Either leave me, and it alone....

Or I am gonna leave you alone by ignoring you...For I do not see this ending in a nice way other than us both leaving one another alone....Or one blocking the other one....

It is sickening to me, you do not embrace the heart of what the Church is, and what it stands for...But feel you have the authority to tell me...What I should be doing....and you see no problem, or contradiction in this....Sickening!

Furthermore, you have absolutely no way of knowing what I hear, is actually from God or is not....

You have no idea if it would help or not...Because people like you cast stones at the thought....

Even though you do not know whether it is divinely inspired or is not...

And to go even deeper...For you to try to deprive me, of doing something, I believe is God, and deprive me of something I think will Help (the True Christians, out there's, Church)

Is just flat out wrong on all accounts....Not because you should not have your opinion...But because you do not even fully embrace it yourself....

regardless of what you have learned, know, and have amassed about the Church, it is flat out wrong, for you to use the Church, proclaim to others, they should do this, they are wrong about that etc....

When you do not even fully embrace it yourself....

It means it has no point whatsoever, It means You're a hypocrite, or it means, you do not know anything at all about the Church, or the Christian God...

And you're acting smug, like you are an atheist, but also know about Christianity, and plan on looking down upon people....And feel it is your mission to preach to them, as if (by the Church, and Scripture) they are the ones who need it>?

And I refuse to listen to anymore...Because you're not even kind about it....And you go against what scripture says....

So just like you believe I am listening to Satan...There is absolutely no reason whatsoever, for me to believe, your mind is not perverted by the devil as well....

Until you acknowledge, either one, we both have the right to our opinions....Or two, you are qualified to speak on behalf of atheism, and I am qualified to speak on behalf of Christianity, I have no reason to talk to you anymore, and I have nothing left to say....

Have a nice life bud! Because once you reply...You will be going on ignore...

And it has nothing to do with you being hateful, evil, Backing down, can't answer you etc....

It has to do with the fact....That there really is nothing else that needs to be said about it....Yet you keep bringing it up, and I do not want to discuss it anymore...Since you keep bringing it up....I am gonna ignore it....
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 May, 2012 12:51 pm
Mark 9 :38- 9 :40


New International Version (©1984)
"Teacher," said John, "we saw a man driving out demons in your name and we told him to stop, because he was not one of us."


New International Version (©1984)
"Do not stop him," Jesus said. "No one who does a miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me,


New International Version (©1984)
for whoever is not against us is for us.

Now, I am going to leave you alone....I hope you can leave me alone, in return...
Reply Fri 25 May, 2012 01:21 pm
It seems to me I have touched a sensitive spot that Spade has never had touched before. He is unable to see that if he gets any sort of following the sensitive spot will be sandpapered, smoothed off and rendered as tough as the leather on a road-ganger's boots.

One of our great claims to fame is that such treatment is meted out to anybody who pops their head over the parapet prematurely. And the claim to be a conduit, maybe a buffer, between our little selves and Almighty God is big-time pop-up. In the grandiose section I mean rather that the celebrity pigsty.

One needs be good at something for the latter if it's only good tits.

reasoning logic
Reply Fri 25 May, 2012 05:07 pm
Spendius and Ryan, I think that you two need a little cool down time so that you both can be rational, polite and true to yourselves and others. I recommend a rational video to consider.

Reply Fri 25 May, 2012 05:16 pm
@reasoning logic,
You need to explain, rl, why you are asserting that I have been irrational, impolite and untrue to myself.

Without such an explanation your remark is valueless.

Can you really not understand that after what I assume is an education the American taxpayer has paid for in the hope of a more satisfactory outcome.
Reply Fri 25 May, 2012 05:49 pm
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

Mark 9 :38- 9 :40


New International Version (©1984)
"Teacher," said John, "we saw a man driving out demons in your name and we told him to stop, because he was not one of us."


New International Version (©1984)
"Do not stop him," Jesus said. "No one who does a miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me,


New International Version (©1984)
for whoever is not against us is for us.

Now, I am going to leave you alone....I hope you can leave me alone, in return...

You do realize that these quotes do absolutely nothing to supply validity? You can't have the one source who is trying to claim itself to be right by itself. That would be no different than writing a book on a topic and saying all the evidence for my arguments are purely my own statements themselves and need no validation. You can quickly see how absolutely NO ONE would accept that as a reasonable explanation. You have to varify truths based on other sources.

The only way I would take a biblical authority clause seriously is if it came from another source that wasn't the bible. So the only people who actually think this is acceptable are those who already have bought the garbage you are trying to sell.
reasoning logic
Reply Fri 25 May, 2012 05:52 pm
You need to explain, rl, why you are asserting that I have been irrational, impolite and untrue to myself.

The way I see it Spendius you are not being intellectually honest with yourself which leads you to being irrational, impolite and untrue to yourself.

It seems that you are not willing to embrace your creation, "you know the one that you and many others that came before you created with your sophistry.

You have lied to people for different reasons and now you are complaining about your finished work "Ryan"
He has swallowed hook, line, sinker and then some other things that you did not count on him swallowing.
Reply Fri 25 May, 2012 06:24 pm
This is what it is like talking with you Spendius....

0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 May, 2012 06:34 pm
You do realize that these quotes do absolutely nothing to supply validity? You can't have the one source who is trying to claim itself to be right by itself. That would be no different than writing a book on a topic and saying all the evidence for my arguments are purely my own statements themselves and need no validation. You can quickly see how absolutely NO ONE would accept that as a reasonable explanation. You have to varify truths based on other sources.

You do realize, don't you...That I am a Christian...Full blown...And Spendius is an atheist...Who quotes scripture, and backs up the Church, don't you?

Don't ask me why or how, I can not answer that one....

The only way I would take a biblical authority clause seriously is if it came from another source that wasn't the bible. So the only people who actually think this is acceptable are those who already have bought the garbage you are trying to sell.

Does what the Qu'ran says, back up biblical things for you? Or not?

There are differences such as the Forbidden fruit was a banana, and banana leaves covered their bodies, not a fig leaf as it is much bigger....And there seems to be one God, who is a spiritual being...It talks about Jesus being a Prophet of the Jews...As well as David, and the Torah, Which is basically the Old Testament....

So is this an acceptable source pointing toward things in the Bible? Or is this somehow different...And the Bible is still made up bullshit? Or stories?

It seems to fit what you have said above to me....
Reply Fri 25 May, 2012 06:46 pm
@reasoning logic,
You have lied to people for different reasons and now you are complaining about your finished work "Ryan"
He has swallowed hook, line, sinker and then some other things that you did not count on him swallowing.

You make it sound as though you think he is God to me.... Wink Wink Wink Very Happy

Just kidding bud.... Wink

I know what you mean...
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 May, 2012 06:50 pm
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:
You do realize, don't you...That I am a Christian...Full blown...And Spendius is an atheist...Who quotes scripture, and backs up the Church, don't you?

Yeah you both have abandoned reason. I am aware.

XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

Don't ask me why or how, I can not answer that one....

Easy to explan, difficult to understand.

XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

Does what the Qu'ran says, back up biblical things for you? Or not?

Well it all comes from one source really. First there were the jewish cults. These cults fought for control of land and each cult had their own deity. It just so happens the deity of war, yahweh won and the cult of yahweh started rewriting other works at the time to make it so yahweh was considered the only valid deity worth worshiping.

Later once the cult of yahweh dominated a guy was tortured for protesting how the jews were practicing their yahweh worship and the oppression by their roman conquorers. He gets killed and becomes a maytr for how the cult of yahweh should be followed and christianity is born. Later branches of christianity develop because people would rather interpret how they want their god to function rather than how they themselves should function. Once it spreads out far enough it can morph into other branches of thought all together and in this case islam is just another branch off judaism.

XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

There are differences such as the Forbidden fruit was a banana, and banana leaves covered their bodies, not a fig leaf as it is much bigger....And there seems to be one God, who is a spiritual being...It talks about Jesus being a Prophet of the Jews...As well as David, and the Torah, Which is basically the Old Testament....

Yeah all three, judaism, islam and chrsitianity all come from the same source, the cult of yahweh. They arn't varifiable because they are branches off of the same concept.

XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

So is this an acceptable source pointing toward things in the Bible? Or is this somehow different...And the Bible is still made up bullshit? Or stories?

Well not to offend you but, yeah the bible is pretty much 90% bullshit stories. That last 10% is questionable history or actual places that really existed. Maybe even a few names were right. I think I am being generous with 10%, it might be less than that.

XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

It seems to fit what you have said above to me....

Nope not when all three are the same thing just evolved over time.
Reply Fri 25 May, 2012 07:00 pm
Yeah you both have abandoned reason. I am aware.

Not possible, For one of us, ultimately has to be correct...As he is an atheist...

The only abandoning of reasoning going on....Is to quote scripture, and embrace the Church, and call other Christians fake, When that person themselves, does not do the necessary requirements of the church and scripture, to be considered one of them....

Easy to explan, difficult to understand.

If it is so easy, please explain it to me...I will try and think hard to try to understand it...Maybe hearing it from another source will help me...Or at least give me another perspective....

Yeah all three, judaism, islam and chrsitianity all come from the same source, the cult of yahweh. They arn't varifiable because they are branches off of the same concept.

I am aware of this....But that is not what you had said originally....It is from the Qu'ran, that all three are called the Abrahamic God right? Not the Christian Bible?

Well not to offend you but, yeah the bible is pretty much 90% bullshit stories. That last 10% is questionable history or actual places that really existed. Maybe even a few names were right. I think I am being generous with 10%, it might be less than that.

If 10% could be true...Why can't 90% be true, and 10% be bullshit??

Nope not when all three are the same thing just evolved over time.

Not what you had originally claimed....

Sounds like you are backing out...Like I said you probably would try to do....
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 May, 2012 07:23 pm
Yeah all three, judaism, islam and chrsitianity all come from the same source, the cult of yahweh. They arn't varifiable because they are branches off of the same concept.

I like How you said this I had to post it again!

So then, that means that 3 different religions...Who are geographically different all over the Globe, and in time and existence...Embrace the one same God, although their scriptures are a bit different?

That means these 3 have the majority right, and are wrong about insignificant things, or they would all be the same....not that they all stem from one and the same thing...Except for, there is one living God, always was and has been....

All that other stuff, that each one has endured, and survived...Points to the fact that (by piecing it together)

There is one main God to worship....Not that all 3 are unreliable....

If in the next 5000 years 10 more religions pop up, and have different scriptures, but ultimately embrace the fact that there is one living God...All over the world, and maybe even different planets....And different in time, and existence...and space....then chances are all these books are right about that one thing they all had in common....There is one Living God....

Or by simple, guilty by association, or by thinking parallel...all these books would be wrong about that one aspect as well, since they differ about everything else....

If they were all bullshit, and fake or wrong...then all of them would be completely, radically and drastically different, such as Hinduism, is to Christianity, and Islam, and Judaism....

None would be similar, as there would be no reason for it to be...People would invent a God of their choice...because he or she is not real, and it is for self pleasing...

But that is not what is and has happened....

Which tells me, Yayweh, as you call him....I do not believe that is his name, nor Jehova, nor Allah...as no one can pronounce God's name (the Heavenly Father) is God...

I happen to embrace that Jesus is his son...his only son....and the way to find him...

As this one living God, is a trinity....Of



0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 May, 2012 02:58 am
@reasoning logic,
I asked you to explain why I am irrational, impolite and not true to myself and you reply by saying--

The way I see it Spendius you are not being intellectually honest with yourself which leads you to being irrational, impolite and untrue to yourself.

Sheesh!!. Hey man--that's girl's 1st grade drivel.
Reply Sat 26 May, 2012 03:27 am
There is no reason why an atheist can't admire the Bible or support the work of the Church.

The Bible is the most wonderful literary creation the world knows and writers not influenced by it are not worth reading. The Church is the most powerful and successful organisation in the history of the world and any society or union of societies which deviates from its social arrangements is taking risks.

Obviously such risks are not apparent to those who promote the deviations because the dangerous outcomes are too far in the future and unlikely to impinge on their own lives and, most particularly, in pantsdown moments.
reasoning logic
Reply Sat 26 May, 2012 04:47 am
There is no reason why an atheist can't admire the Bible or support the work of the Church.

Do you think that the majority of atheist agree with you?

The Bible is the most wonderful literary creation the world knows and writers not influenced by it are not worth reading.

Are you talking about the Book of Mormon, Koran, king James or what?

The Church is the most powerful and successful organisation in the history of the world

It is amazing what brute force and the influence that your environment can have on you. If you are born into a world where everyone is mentally retarded, you may not be retarded but you may not advance very well, "compared to what you would have, if you were born in a world where everyone was not retarded.

Obviously such risks are not apparent to those who promote the deviations because the dangerous outcomes are too far in the future and unlikely to impinge on their own lives and, most particularly, in pantsdown moments.

It is amazing the risk that people took in the past. Allowed women to have rights, freed the slaves from brutal force and one of the next things that the secular people and some intellectual theist are going to do is get rid of wage slavery so that the environmentally challenged people are not being taken advantage of by parasitic behavior that many members of these churches around the world unknowingly support.

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