Romans 10:9
That if you
confess with your mouth,
"Jesus is Lord," and
believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved.
Which you do not do!
Quote:I am doing nothing to you or rl. Neither of you need take the slightest notice of anything I say.
I DO like what you have to say...I DO NOT like when you quote Christianity, as if you and others should do it....And then go around and TELL OTHERS HOW THEY ARE WRONG....OR FAKE!
That is what is wrong!
Giving an opinion is not wrong, Doing what you're doing is...In my book...
Quote:A Church has power.
I agree...
Quote: Messages from God are powerless with no Church to promote them.
I disagree, and that is how the Church was founded....If the church somehow did fall tomorrow...People would still go around and spread the words of God, and that would be the Church....You do not need the Vatican, or a Building to have a Church...and neither is everything they say probably 100% correct either, as they are men, whether the incarnation of Saint Peter or not....
Quote:What do you know about Jesus that has not been saved from persecution or desuetude by the Church?
A lot of things, too many to list here, right now...You may not believe it to be, that does not make it real or untrue...
God has told me to specifically write to the Pope about them...That would make me believe they are true, not that they are not....
Quote:You simply aspire to going from toss-pot to archbishop in one easy breath. The rigor of the training being neatly side-stepped and no aspect of the downside of us all loving each other in peace and compassionate and co-operative goodwill needing to be taken into account. Such as the resultant smoking ruins.
You do not seem to get it...I do not mind your opinion...And I am glad you embrace the church....But you do not really have any right whatsoever to play both cards and make it look like you look down upon everyone because you do that...
If you embrace The Church, fully, you're not really an atheist....And if you're really an atheist....And just quote Christianity, and the Bible, but do not embrace it, it makes you look foolish, whether good actions or bad actions is what you wish to accomplish....It gives you Zero credibility....It makes you look deceptive, though I do not think you are...And a hypocrite, big time....
If you do not ultimately embrace the fact of Jesus Christ is the Lord, then ask anyone who goes to Church, and anyone who watches it, or anyone who has ever been....Ask anyone who embraces Christianity, or anyone who embraces Catholicism....If your quoting the Bible, or preaching Christianity,
without doing what I said above to do....It is
all meaningless...
No one on here who does what I have quoted above to do is a fake Christian...Whether they follow Catholicism or the Church or not...If they are not against Christ, then they are with him....
And when you do what you do, any atheist has more credibility than you do....About atheism....
For it is better for a man to doubt the Church but do the things I listed above, and be saved....Then it is for a man to back up Most of the Church, but deny Christ is the Lord....
He is having "faith" in "nothing" but "nothing"
And what he says, is
empty words....
While the man who "doubts" the Church....has little to no "faith" in "men"...But has "faith" in the same thing the Church is..."Jesus"
So he may cast stones that may not need to be, against the Church....But it is probably more to do with trying to help it, than persecute it...
But he still does, and is doing the things that need to be, to be counted as one saved, according to
The Church, and To Jesus Christ....
If you do otherwise....(which you do, and promote) You're going against the Church, and the Bible....
So I would rather doubts things about the Church, But embrace Christ is the Lord....Then go around and quote both of them, But ultimately do neither of what both of them claim to do, to be a true one...A saved one, or real one....
And as it stands, to me, you have no right...at all, To present yourself from both sides...
And tell
any Christian who does the
necessary requirements to be saved, as fake, no matter what else they say or do...Whether it is about the Church or not....
And you really have no right, to go around and tell other atheists that they are wrong, because the Church and Bible say this....If you are not serious about it, and at the end of the day, you're one of them....
It makes you look like you're an extremely arrogant person...Although, I really do not believe that you are....
It helps neither side, and makes you look deceptive, though I do not think you are....
And hurts both sides, more than it helps either one, or both sides out....
That is just my honest introspection....Since, you like to give yours, all the time....