Setanta wrote:
Listen, jackass, i know the dogmatic claims, and the whole litany of false modesty which permeates Buddhism, with it's undemonstrable claims and assurances of attaining undemonstrable states of being. I took formal instruction in Buddhism 40 years ago, culminating in my rejection of its phony dogma. People who are considered bodhisattvas don't call themselves that, they sit around with little smiles on their faces waiting for their devotees to call them that. They are just as parasitic as most other Buddhists.
Why don't you call me ignorant a few more times, clown?
Thankx for noticing. Your instruction I must admit must have been very limited or you weren't paying attention then because you got two things incorrect.
Setanta wrote:
This is the kind of puerile crap which lead me to despise the smug attitudes of Buddhism. Wars are caused by venality, greed, the lust for power--by a wide variety of reasons, none of which is that people are at war with themselves.
Sure they are. The reason people chase greed, is because they believe it will make them happy and content at the other end. It actually does, but it doesn't last, so they need to have more, of it and this snow ball effect creates more problems for them as they continue to chase it. Their only crime is that they are chasing happiness and contentment in a way that causes other people pain and misery. They don't care because they want happiness, they want contentment. Everything is like this. This is the war I am referring to.
Setanta wrote:
What drivel, what utter nonsense. It's meaingless happy horseshit like that that makes Buddhism all the more pathetic and despicable.
Yeah it is useless isn't it? Doesn't matter to me one bit if you don't like it, or me for that matter. Does nothing to me if you hate or dispise buddhism. Does nothing to me if you hate or don't like what I have to say. You don't see the value in it, then that is fine, you don't use it's value. Buddhism might as well be a pile of useless junk. That's fine too.
Setanta wrote:
Buddhists are always on about ending suffering, but they're really only talking about ending their own personal angst. If you deny that such a claim is at the heart of Buddhism, then you yourself are pathetically ignorant--that is the goal of enlightenment. You might want to PM igm on this one, too, since that is his consistent claim.
Sure, many talk about it, because our motivation is to find lasting happiness and/or contentment. Usually by reducing suffering it gets replaced with some joy or temporary happiness. A little bit of joy is better than suffering, I doubt you would argue. However; the problem is, what is the source of that joy? What is the source of that happiness? Because sometimes those sources will result in future unhappiness, or uncontentment.
They want to make sure you aren't trying to chase the same thing that will lead to future bad results. This they generally refer to as suffering. It's much more than that but it is hard to talk about something with only a few sentences. People generally fall asleep or stop caring if you take too long to explain.
Setanta wrote:
I don't care if Buddhists want to end suffering. The fact that they don't end suffering, and often contribute to it, while they prate about "enlightenment" is precisely why i despise their religion. It is a realigion, too, whether or not you are willing to admit it.
I don't what it is called. I don't care if it is called a religion. I don't care if it is called a philosophy. I don't care if it is called a pile of junk. Doesn't matter to me what you want to call it. A buddhist can't end your suffering. I don't know if this is what you mean by it when you keep referring to it, but no one can end your suffering. That is impossible. Only you can do it. It doesn't just end all of a sudden either. Not to mention not all of it just ends like that either. So why are you so hooked on this idea that it doesn't end suffering?
It is not an on off switch and the buddha says flip the switch to off and you are good to go. If you think it is like that then you have a bent idea or expectation on buddhism.