igm wrote:Due to the mind-stream being unstoppable and there being past and future lives nobody escapes cause and effect, I've already said this. Their mind is damaged if they act against reality's true nature it is unavoidable. It's simply cause and effect.
I don't believe this because I have not seen any supporting evidence of it. Sure it sounds good but it would also mean there is some thing that governs this to make it work. How does it work? How is it that the mind is "damaged"? I just don't believe that is possible. What makes it become damaged? How does it get damaged if a person honestly thinks their action is right when it might have been wrong? How? This would mean there is a third system involved which I claimed can not be there. I have never seen any proof of it.
I would love for what you say to be true, but I see no support for it.
igm wrote:
The karmic effects of this life is mostly from actions in a previous life. The karmic effects of the next life is mostly the actions performed in this life and other previous lives. If the causes and conditions are correct there will be an effect.
Yes I have heard this many times. I am skeptical of it on two levels. One level is, so what? If I have lived multiple lives and the current state of my life is the direct result of my past life, then so what? I have no knowledge that this life is the result, so it does absolutely NOTHING to help me. I have no memory, I have no direct understanding of how these pieces connect so it is useless. With that, there is no supporting evidence that we live multiple lives. It sounds great, but I have never seen anything that actually supports that it is true.
igm wrote:
Conventionally it taught to think of karma as 'seeds' planted in the mind-stream that will ripen when suitable future conditions arise. In this life it may seem that someone is 'getting away with murder' but in the future i.e. some future life they will experience the effect of the damage that selfishly motivated murder has done to their mind. Usually as I said in the next life or some future life when conditions are suitable for the cause to ripen.
Like I said before, it sounds nice in theory but it also is horrific if it is true. Sure it gives a good reason for all current suffering, but as the buddha pointed out, a person of the past is not a person of the present. Therefore you are being punished for something that you did not infact do. If I had a past life where I was a murderer but I am not aware that that life took place yet I am being punished because of it, then by that very thing, it is unjust. This means karma is unjust. It only works if you are aware of it that way it could actually create a result. It would be like a person being tossed in prison and when asked why, their accusers claim that in the future they are going to commit a crime and thus they are now going to be punished for it. It is no different than that.
igm wrote:
This in my opinion is not correct. If an action is selfish it will ripen later as suffering due to cause and effect just as a seed ripens when there is light, moisture, temperature and the seed is not damaged; when this happens it must produce a shoot.
My response to this is, even a weed that is poisonous and constricts another plant, doesn't it also live? Doesn't it also flower? Doesn't the poisonous plant continue to exist?
igm wrote:
Your reply is correct 'if' the mind-stream isn't unstoppable. Karma only makes sense if the mind-stream is unstoppable; conventionally this is called reincarnation.
I don't believe there is reincarnation. In fact I don't even think the Buddha meant actual reincarnation or even rebirth. I have difficulty with this concept. I don't see how it is possible, I don't see how a mind stream can continue from one life to another. What exactly is being transfered? How does it work?
Even if it did work, it is meaningless if there is no recollection of it. It might as well not even take place then because it is useless. If you can't learn from one lifes failures what good is having multiple lives? If the mindstream just continues flip flopping from good here and bad there, what good is it? Who cares to even solve it as well? So you might have some good lives, you might have some bad ones, what difference does it make? You won't remember them anyways.
If I have had a million past lives, they are meaningless to me because I have no direct knowledge of them. They might as well not even have existed because of that. To punish me or if my current life experience is the direct result of my past life actions, what good is it? I still have not learned anything from them.
I can't honestly point at them and say, well this is a direct result of some past deed. How can you honestly say that? If everything is of the past, then that means nothing new is being input? That doesn't make any sense then. There would have to be new input, or else the future from this life would not result.
If there is new input, new karmas, then you can not pinpoint which result is a past or which is a present result. You can't even determine any of it. So what good is it? It might as well not even exist since it becomes meaningless or useless.