Quote:No FM it's intended for me. Sturgis has taken against me ever since I supported the rights of the Palestinians. He accused me of anti-Semitism way back in September, and when pressed to provide evidence could not come up with any.
You sure it's for you? Were any names mentioned? If I am so vile as you claim then would it not stand to reason that I'd have dozens of vile messages from people? Really, hon, you are just too full of yourself.
Quote: I know he's a sad pathetic individual, diabetic, on dialysis and had a stroke, but that doesn't excuse his repulsive malevolence. Not only that, he's very dull, and thinks he's hilarious, not a good characteristic.
Silly boy. I am not pathetic, nor am I a diabetic. I didn't have a stroke either (at least not by medical definition).
Dull? Perhaps. Think myself hilarious? No, I never take that as a character trait of mine.
Quote: To be frank, he's obsessed with me, he follows me round trying desperately to get a response, so I put him on ignore. That just made him more frantic, voting down every single one of my posts and responding to almost everything I said. Then he started pming me, none of which I read, just initially responding to tell him I wasn't reading his posts, that he was on ignore, and to leave me alone.
Really? I follow you around looking for a response? Earlier in this thread you brought up my name some 3 weeks after you had last sent me a message. I had not responded to any of your posts in that time. Similar to the dead man, I only respond to you now, when you bring up my name or if I find a factual error. Actually, your last factual error took place a few weeks ago, I didn't respond on that since it was between you and the dead man.
Perhaps you are confusing yourself with your chasing around after Setanta, a relationship which recently went sour when you started calling him names...which seems to be your standard stock and trade. Can't put up a good argument, try childish name calling.
Quote: The only thing disgusting about the pm is the recipient. Sturgis is a bitter man with two much time on his hands, and an unhealthy interest in my children. Why claim someone's children are imaginary unless you want to provoke them into posting pictures of their children? And why would someone want to do that?
Why thank you. I am disgusting, isn't that nice.
Imaginary children? Well there is a chance they are. However I have never requested you put up their pictures and have no interest in you doing so now. Personally, I don't approve of putting up pictures of people who are under legal age or without the consent of the person.
Produce the requests, or answer to charges of slander.
Quote: When Sturgis got hold of a picture of Jason Goldman's mother he insulted her appearance and drove Jason off the site, which is a real shame. I miss Jason, he was funny. If he got a picture of my son,who is autististic, at the very least Sturgis would do the same. I don't want to think about the worst.
You do realize that JGoldman10 had a link in his posts to his series of pics on one of those image places. In it he also had photos of others, including a pilfered photo of someone from this site.
It was immediately after I contacted that member about the pilfered pic. that JGoldman disappeared, this was weeks after the pic. of his mother.
JGoldman's exit was not from me putting up the pic of his mother. If that had been an issue, since the link was from his collection, he would have removed it and there would be an empty spot in the post.
In the JGoldman threads, you were just as insulting as several others, myself included. Many of us mocked him, made fun of him, bullied him. I regret having done so, do you? I recall you actually being taken to task at one point when you were in your full attack mode on him.
In any event, I was not the only one in those threads and why he is not here is known by him.
Quote: In my pm, sent after Sturgis was put on ignore, and repeatedly told to stop pming me, I accuse Sturgis of being a paedophile. I was hoping that he would then leave me alone. He hasn't. I still believe he has an unhealthy interest in much younger men, whether that goes as far as outright paedophilia, I can't be certain, but I think it's highly likely. After I sent him the pm he removed his profile, where he expresses his attraction to much younger men. Why would he do that if he hasn't got something to hide?
so let me see, you now admit to accusing me of being a pedophile. How interesting.
Attracted to younger men? Since when? At no time have I expressed such a thing and given that I am some 60 years of age, younger could mean 40. In any event, I have never had an interest of that sort in children. If you can produce posts which say it, then by all means go for it.
My profile never mentioned sexual proclivities or preference.
I deleted a profile which indicated where I was born, where I grew up, how I returned to New York and at some time may have mentioned my political leanings. It closed with my biggest regret, that being not sticking with it as a blacksmith. Perhaps that indicates pedophilia to you, if so, you need more help than anyone can give.
I took down the profile because frankly I had considered exiting here because of the likes of you. What does it matter to you, and why were you spending so much time reading my profile if I was as you allege, on ignore?
Quote: In any event he's an obsessive, and clearly insane. I think he's trying to say I'm also posting as either Spademaster or Spendius or both. Anyway I don't cave in to blackmail, here's the pm, I stand by it, although I have removed a couple of typos, and a reference to another poster.
izzythepush wrote:
Don't talk to me, you sick ******* nonce. I know what you are, (poster removed) told me about how you tried to provoke me to show pictures of my son. No way I'm going let a sick pervert like you look at him. You've already admitted to being attracted to much younger men, you've just not admitted how young. That's why nobody defended you, when you thought I'd called you a paedophile. Why not get your carer to stick your rotmobile outside, that way you can look at something other than your cadaverous countenance.
Yes, that was such a cheery uplifting message.
'rotmobile' 'cadaverous countenance'. Those go along with your traipsing around this site, calling me Cryptkeeper and Buzz Killington as well as putting up gruesome images after my posts in some cases.
Additionally, I never accused you of being either Spendius or Spademaster, I merely mentioned that some crybaby seems to have a second account.
Why are you so sure it means you when I refer to a person with a second account? Something to hide izzythepush?