@reasoning logic,
Quote:The truth is I do not know what is possible because I do not know what all is possible according to nature but I have never seen a God nor a spaghetti monster I just think that they are both ridiculous and when I say this please do not take it as a personal attack against a God or you.
It is not personal, I know you are not insulting me...Although I would like to drop the Spaghetti thing...Use anything else please, I need a break from that....
But in any event then they are on the same plane, there is no more or less credible, if neither have been seen....And if You consider a God insane based on something like a Gremlin!

Than that would mean for the Gremlin to be real, The God must be, and the Gremlin is more ridiculous than a God is....
One had to create one, and if they both sound insane, it makes sense that the one who is responsible for everything created everything...So a God must be, If a gremlin is real....not the other way around...
Quote:I am using Probability theory, it seems the less complex that something is the greater chance it can have of existing. That does not mean that it can exist.
It is not a reliable method at all though....Is it more or less complex to study quantums, and think the string theory is right? Or is it more less credible to believe there is life at the bottom of the Mariana Trench??
Neither have been proven, But it is more likely there is life at the bottom of the ocean, than a person taking great leaps in accepting a Quantum study that suggests the earth is in a parallel demention with gravity pulling on the universe, So that our galaxy is stable, and others are not....
Yet, scientists (some) believe the String theory is right, But maybe not so many believe life can not exist that low without the sun....
Which one sounds more credible??