Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 12:49 pm
I am sorry, I thought about this for awhile, and even took some time away to let it sink in....

I always thought of you as a friend, and I thought you thought likewise....I have backed you up, and you have seem to do it for me in the past...I have voted your posts up in debates because I thought you were right....

What made you turn on me, and think I am such a malicious guy??

It seems to have all started when I stated it was my birthday, and you took that as I was glorifying myself, then you jumped the gun, and said how I am a glorify-er, by my screen name, which you did not even ask about....

I am sorry you feel I was glorifying myself, but I was not...I do not have a lot to look forward to and was excited....I am happy to see that my friends wished me a happy Birthday, and a few gave me a great present in a picture...I am even more pleased that a few I have had spats with before, came out to wish me a Happy Birthday, and I wont forget it....When it is theirs, I will do the same....

I suggest you take a step back.....And we start over again, if your willing....I have no problem with you, I just don't appreciate the animosity that you are harboring against me, when if you are Christian, the battle is not between you and I....

I meant no self-glorification in my posts, and do not wish to ever do so, whether I have, or you think I do....

It is my way of expressing joy (my birthday), or telling people what I consider to be the truth (others asking how I have special knowledge), and my opinions in some cases (what I believe, and do not believe about the Church), nothing at all to do with putting myself on a peddle-stool...

And I could do the same to your posts, and tear them apart, or anyone could do it to anyone...and find errors, or flaws....But I am not even gonna waste my time doing it to you, or throw others out there....

Because it is not really necessary....If after reading this, you do not want to be my friend, I am find with that option as well, and I will leave you alone....
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 01:14 pm
I do not know of another way to speak the truth, without crossing into being unhumble, can you??

Of course I do. It is to submit to the wisdom of the ages refined by the process I mentioned earlier.

Since I have already been here, and done this...What am I supposed to do, When I am in Church, or hear someone else preaching....And I can hear or feel God saying that is not how it was, but this is how it is....Or Go and tell them that God says this....

What am I supposed to do when that happens?? Believe in what a Mortal man does and says, because he thinks it is right, Or listen to God telling me to tell him or them otherwise??? If you heard God's voice, are you telling me you think you would be able to silence it???
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 01:31 pm
The way I see it Spade is that I'm trying to do you a favour. This direct line to God stuff in no good to anybody.

You're not actually saying anything useful at all it seems to me. If we all believed you had a direct line to God you would be besieged in your home with the President at the front of the queue.

I didn't come on here to make friends.

Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 01:33 pm
I didn't come on here to make friends.

Let me be the first:

You are succeeding beyond your wildest imagination.
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 01:38 pm
@Frank Apisa,
There is no wildest imagination on an internet debate site Frank. It's just a bit of fun and mostly corny and mundane.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 02:28 pm
Well, you're not doing me a favor, a favor would have been answering my questions as to what you would have done??

Thus says the Lord God, The Lord of Hosts, Truth God of Israel....

Spendius, Why do you lay up this trap? And lay a burden on a Prophet of mine that you and he both know he can not withstand or refuse?? Why do you reason in your heart and place judgment on a servant of mine, As to what he should and should not do concerning the Church, When you do not understand everything that I speak to him on behalf of concerning the Church??

What is your answer to that??
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 02:32 pm
If we all believed you had a direct line to God you would be besieged in your home with the President at the front of the queue.

This is again your own reasoning as to what a Prophet of God should be doing....

I am more concerned with believers and doubters than the President of the US....
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 02:50 pm
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:
I disagree, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, All point to the same truth....

You are a moron. In christianity, what a majority of christians state that the only way you can get to heaven is through believing in jesus. That is the only way. Yet buddhism, does it say that too? No. But not only that buddhism states that heaven is not the goal and you can't rely on anyone else.

All you did was go back into your idiotic rhetoric on all your responses to me. You completely dodged everything and made **** up that is far from the truth.

I guess keep living in your delusional world and you might want to consider getting some help for your mental illness that is obviously plaguing you.
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 02:58 pm
Do some Buddhist believe there is a God? I thought so....

And all the major religions I listed all point to the fact that they believe there is one Divine God....

Fine, then go get some help for your mental illness, for thinking others have a mental illness, and sitting here and agitating them! That makes you sicker than me! B U D D Y! Go deal with what is plaguing you, before telling others what they should and should not do!

Hypocrite #101
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 03:11 pm
All you did was go back into your idiotic rhetoric on all your responses to me. You completely dodged everything and made **** up that is far from the truth.

Do you mean this post???


You did say if drugs were legal, then there would not be gangs, and religion is to blame for it, did you not???

So then, Do you believe religion is in the wrong for causing drugs to be banned??? Regardless of Gangs or not...

If you don't, How is religion at fault, if people create gangs?? If you do, Then do you believe drugs like crack and heroine should be legal??
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 03:20 pm
You are a moron.

Come to think of it, I guess I must be...Because Krumple on A2k said so! Wink Wink Very Happy 2 Cents
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 03:27 pm
I get it...

Sometimes there is nothing wrong with what you "see" to you, but is to others.. And, that you should talk more about what you "believe" ... and want to learn of a said subject...than focusing on what's seen Smile

Spades, if you feel you have been targeted before, for "speaking of what you see", then can God protect you every single time? What if he can't what if it's best not to . Why would he put you in the firing line? I'm getting what igm is saying now and maybe that would be safer.. See, at the beginning of all of this, I meantioned esp, which you recently bought up, I can't see that as a mental illness by the way, rather, to do with the power of the mind perhaps, we only use a portion of what our brain is capable of. But, anyways, I also said that I believe in God, but won't go to Church, don't have to and never preach, rather help where I can, if I can, with that gift, (esp).. quietly.. As a result people call me a Witch (in jest) and only in jest, but never mentally ill...

Pretty sure everyone has something they are really good at.. That's still a gift no matter what it is they are good at.

Whilst I think people should be honest and themselves, where danger is involved, either emotional or physical, there is an exception...not on honesty per say, but on how much you divulge of that honesty.
reasoning logic
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 04:09 pm
You do think that believing in a spaghetti monster [ I am not talking about God] is crazy don't you?

I already said you can not demonstrate a way to show it...

I do apologize for not remembering what you said. I would like to see if we can take this one step at a time an see if we can use some logic to sort it all out.

I already said you can not demonstrate a way to show it

I am going to make a wild guess and you can correct me if I am wrong.
I think, that you think "that someone believing in a spaghetti monster would "not" be crazy and not only that but they could be seen as reasonable if they believed that there is a real live spaghetti monster. Am I correct?
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 04:15 pm
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

All you did was go back into your idiotic rhetoric on all your responses to me. You completely dodged everything and made **** up that is far from the truth.

Do you mean this post???


You did say if drugs were legal, then there would not be gangs, and religion is to blame for it, did you not???

So then, Do you believe religion is in the wrong for causing drugs to be banned??? Regardless of Gangs or not...

If you don't, How is religion at fault, if people create gangs?? If you do, Then do you believe drugs like crack and heroine should be legal??

You are so incapible of understanding a few pargraphs that arn't religous rhetoric.

My whole point was to say how disillusioned religious people get when they feel the need to impose their beliefs onto the world and force others to behave in ways that they don't agree with. This causes more harm than it solves and that is my point.

I did not say, religion causes gangs. I said indirectly, do you know what indirectly means? Do I need to point it out to you specifically what I am saying? Here it is again for you.

Relgious people disagreed with drug use and wanted to force their beliefs onto society by banning drugs. By banning drugs, it creates a black market because there is still a demand for them. So what happens, drug dealers arrise and they recruit others to help them sell. This is the start of gangs. Now what happens is there are often disputes between pockets of these groups for many different reasons but the ultimate reason they exist is because illegal drugs brings in massive profits.

The same thing happened in the 1920s when religous groups forced the US government to ban the selling and making of alcohol. It created gangs but these gangs were known better as the mafia. They made millions of dollars on the illegal sales of alcohol during this ban and followed with vast amounts of violence and murder. The governement finally realizing that it was creating more problems than it solved, over turned the prohibition of alcohol. Something to which religous people are STILL trying to re-ban despite the history lesson.

Similar cases can be made for prostitution. Relious people forced the ban of selling sex which has caused nothing more than violence and the death of many women.

So yes, drugs should be legal and so should prostitution. But people like you refuse to acknowledge the reality that banning these things actually causes more harm than good to society. You don't get it because you are delusional and think a god speaks to you.
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 04:54 pm
You are saying you have ESP ? Then surely my comments also apply to you. How can saying you have ESP help us relate to your posts? There's no point telling us you believe you have this 'gift' is there? This isn't an attack just an observation and a question.
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 05:00 pm
The problem with that Krumpie is that there is no attempt to describe the situation where drugs and prostitution are legal.

I agree that them being illegal creates problems but what evidence do you have that not banning them doesn't create greater problems. You are comparing one situation with nothing you need answer to just as atheists compare the evils of religion to nothing rather than to the operation of the alternative-atheism. It's a free ride like those in the public parks compared to the giant roller-coaster which charges admission.

You need to make the case for the legalisation, the making respectable, of drugs and prostitution. Nothing else will do I'm afraid.
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 05:09 pm
I think it's a bit simplistic to blame drug prohibition just on religious types. This policy has given large amounts of money to drug enforcement agencies, and they like to protect their budget. Organised crime makes a fair proportion of its money from drugs and prostitution, and they're not shy of lobbying the odd senator or two. And let's not forget the vast wealth of the legal drug industry.

Having said that, the holy rollers have played their part too.

"The drug war is a perfect continuing example of why we will never win the war on terrorism because it captures the ineffectiveness of U.S. government and it captures the fact that it's being used against poor people and not against the people who benefit most from drugs, which are bankers that launder the money." -Robert Steele, CIA Clandestine Officer
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 05:17 pm
Your basic problem Spade is this--

Any ideology, and God's message to you is certainly such a thing, necessarily dominates all existence and it starts splitting as soon as someone else makes the claim you are making.

And the disagreement between you and the new claimant to be getting God's message, or the bunch of them, cannot be adjudicated without losing the ideology your message brings. Compromise is impossible and antagonism results. War even.

To avoid that you then have to insist that your message is the only valid one which entails you in repressing the others who are equally entitled to their own ideology unless you are claiming that they are not and all they did was the same as you have done.

Humility is not on the radar in such circumstances. Creating a fog of virtue about peace and goodwill to all men contradicts the fact that human beings are not virtuous because if they were there would be no need for religion or for homilies about virtue or for you to need messages from God.

Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 05:27 pm
Given this thread is about belief, or non-beliefs, of God, which then turned as threads do, into discussions of ghosts, or un-explained events, which I questioned, I merely directed that last post to Spades, as he has bought up, ESP, meaning my beliefs that, that does exist but possibly can be explained, as I pointed out in my previous post.. Our minds are powerful.. That was all the intention of bringing it up was for.

I don't claim I have a gift. Rather, some strange things have occured in my lifetime that I can't explain.. I don't "practice" anything, I don't go around trying to read minds.. I on occasions, have been able to state something that only the other person knew about.. Has confused the shirt of of me, I put it down to our minds are powerful. End of story..
reasoning logic
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 05:38 pm
That was very good Spendius.

Why do you still insist that we need religion. I can see a need in the best moral understanding that we can achieve but to claim an absolute in this moral understanding is to be religious.

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