Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

Reply Fri 27 Apr, 2012 12:08 am
izzythepush wrote:

I think it's a bit simplistic to blame drug prohibition just on religious types. This policy has given large amounts of money to drug enforcement agencies, and they like to protect their budget. Organised crime makes a fair proportion of its money from drugs and prostitution, and they're not shy of lobbying the odd senator or two. And let's not forget the vast wealth of the legal drug industry.

Having said that, the holy rollers have played their part too.

"The drug war is a perfect continuing example of why we will never win the war on terrorism because it captures the ineffectiveness of U.S. government and it captures the fact that it's being used against poor people and not against the people who benefit most from drugs, which are bankers that launder the money." -Robert Steele, CIA Clandestine Officer

I wouldn't disagree that the drug issue has evolved into what you are saying. I was referring to it's original demonized aspect crucaded by religious people in the beginning. However; I also think that if legalization of any drug were to come up in a political discussion they would be all over it and I doubt a single one would support legalizing it.

It is easy to write this off too. People think the only reason I say we should legalize drugs is so that I can personally do them without threat of punishment. I find this incredibly funny for two reasons. The first is, I don't do drugs and if they were legal I more than likely would still not do them. Second, most christians only act in good ways because they are wanting or thinking they will be rewarded for doing so. If you were to take away this aspect most as they put it, wouldn't care how they treated others. So who is really doing it for the betterment of humanity? Me or them?

The only reason I think and support the legalization of drugs, is because I believe it would actually create fewer problems on to our society. Sure there would still be drug overdoses and there would still be those who get out of hand with their addiction. But I think getting help for these addictions would become easier. Many don't seek help because they are worried about being prosecuted or their friends being prosecuted for being involved with drug.

My point to the religous people who are so against it, if you don't like drugs, then don't do them yourself. This however; shouldn't give you the right to tell or force others not to do them if they so chose.

This is what I have a problem with and why people who claim they speak to god, cause more harm than do any good. Because they open this avenue where they are special and have audience with a being that is going to dictate to everyone else what they should be doing? Silly, plain silliness. If a god were to actually be singling out certain people to speak on it's behalf, it would have to know it was setting up a situation that makes things bad for the society than fixes.

So I have to ask, if a god really thinks this is a good solution, then by all means this god is purposely trying to create conflict. It would not be an admirable god or praise worthy, because it is the root cause of these social problems.

Reply Fri 27 Apr, 2012 01:30 am
I think drug addiction should be treated as a disease not a crime. Prohibition doesn't work, it just puts money in the hands of criminals. Similarly making prostitution illegal just puts girls out on the street, in harm's way. I think it's been that way for so long that a volte-face is almost impossible.

You do seem to have a lot of religious fanatics over there, like those on the right who support making the rich richer and the poor poorer.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 27 Apr, 2012 01:35 am
spendius wrote:

The problem with that Krumpie is that there is no attempt to describe the situation where drugs and prostitution are legal.

Legal drugs didn't get in the way of making an Empire. Try visiting Amsterdam, dope, schrooms and prostitution are tolerated over there, and it's fine.
Reply Fri 27 Apr, 2012 02:44 am
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

Do some Buddhist believe there is a God? I thought so....

Do some? Yes, but do all? No. A huge majority of buddhist do not believe in gods or a god.
Reply Fri 27 Apr, 2012 03:35 am
Where Christianity and Judaism depart (besides the obvious ) is in the rigorous rules that underlie the belief io an afterlife in Christianity. In the Tanach theres really nothing said about an afterlife. Jews believe that this is the shot youve got, and the Big LAwgiver in sthe sky gave you rules of making this world a better place while youre alive.

Jews and athesits are actually more akin in practical reasoning . Jews believe in a God (the lawgiver) wheras atheists feel comfortable in leaning upon natural law as the source of our "making this life a better thing for ourselves and our descendants"

Needing a "reason to be good" , like a reward of a heaven or a threat of eternal punsihment from a hell, is kinda childish IMHO. Just like being a liar requires you to have a really sharp memory so you dont stumble over your past interlaced lies, SO does Christianity have so much pomp and ceremony associated with this "afterlife thing" that it wastes a lot of time that we could devote to just living good lives.

Heaven is a place that a minority of our species believes in (Its hardly universal). SO is a Hell. Weve made up rules to get in and stay out (respectively), and weve created priesthoods to tell us how we **** up. Who tells the priests when they **** up?
It appears that, whatever belief controls the acticities and day-to-days of Christians, it aint working out real well for you.

If all youve got is traditions that speak to you in parables of " your special places in science and culture", then all youre doing is trying to mold self evident and evidenced truths to FIT some mythology. That too is one big Waste of time. Science and culture is a huge pallette of intercommunicating (and some isolated) cultures that have shared, borrowed, and stolen aspects of previous and contemporary cultures . From these weve developed myths, as well as theories.
Id rather deal with cultural evolution as a reality than some dubious belief system that requires storeis of "what if" and" You better not pout..." based upon tales of some officially sanctioned galactic spaghetti monster with a really antisocial streak. Cultural evolution is easily evidenced wheras all the spaghetti monsters are not. Sad really. In Christianity theres these huge spaghetti monster social structures and "meeting places" all devoted to fear of the unknown complete with manyvarieties of spaghetti. Then on top of that, Christians incorporate into their legends a means to sever all ties to their precursor myth (ir Judaism). Christians believe that it was the Jews that whacked their Junior spaghetti monster. SO that allows the Christian l;aity to "Hate" the sin that the Jews commited (and hence Jews themselves).

Makes a great bifurcation tale between Chrsitian spaghetti monster and Jewish spaghetti monster.

I guess you can tell that Im one of the other group tyouve invithed here(ie "those that do doubt Christianity).

Ill stick to real spaghetti
Reply Fri 27 Apr, 2012 03:57 am
farmerman wrote:

Where Christianity and Judaism depart (besides the obvious ) is in the rigorous rules that underlie the belief io an afterlife in Christianity. In the Tanach theres really nothing said about an afterlife. Jews believe that this is the shot youve got, and the Big LAwgiver in sthe sky gave you rules of making this world a better place while youre alive.

I do find this interesting since I like to call christianity judaism-lite. Modern christians try to deny the old testament because we now have evolved beyond admiring a god like being who smites as he sees fit. The funny part is without the OT they have nothing to stand on. The NT is nothing more than pauls writings about his interpretation of jesus. He never met the guy yet christians assume that paul had first hand knowledge and experience but all he was doing is projecting his own wishes and desires about how he wanted or thought it to be. Which is why they are so drastically different.

farmerman wrote:

Jews and athesits are actually more akin in practical reasoning . Jews believe in a God (the lawgiver) wheras atheists feel comfortable in leaning upon natural law as the source of our "making this life a better thing for ourselves and our descendants"

This also might be why very few jewish practioners don't feel threatened by atheists like many christians do.

farmerman wrote:

Needing a "reason to be good" , like a reward of a heaven or a threat of eternal punsihment from a hell, is kinda childish IMHO. Just like being a liar requires you to have a really sharp memory so you dont stumble over your past interlaced lies, SO does Christianity have so much pomp and ceremony associated with this "afterlife thing" that it wastes a lot of time that we could devote to just living good lives

One thing that really tears at the concept of heaven and hell is the mother son paradox. What if a mother ends up in heaven while her beloved son ends up in hell? How could that mother enjoy heaven knowing her son was in hell? Heaven would then turn into a hell for her because she would suffer at the thought of her son's suffering.

The way chrisitians try to escape this line of reasoning is to say that god would invent a new son for her (basically lie to her and make her believe that her son was actually in heaven with her) mean while her actual son was really in hell.

farmerman wrote:

Heaven is a place that a minority of our species believes in (Its hardly universal). SO is a Hell. Weve made up rules to get in and stay out (respectively), and weve created priesthoods to tell us how we **** up. Who tells the priests when they **** up?
It appears that, whatever belief controls the acticities and day-to-days of Christians, it aint working out real well for you.

I agree, and I have to say that my reasoning for morality stems from a very simple concept. If I accept a certain behavior put towards me, then it should be acceptable for me to put forth that same behavior if I want. If I am willing to allow someone to do something that I personally wouldn't mind doing then it should be acceptable behavior.

Everything gets solved then. Even if you try to introduce murder into the equasion it doesn't pan out because I personlly wouldn't want to be murdered so therefore I don't think murder is acceptable. Same goes for rape, stealing, lying, and destroying property. We all can agree on this, so why is it so difficult to just allow people to do what they want as long as they aren't violating these very simple things?

farmerman wrote:

If all youve got is traditions that speak to you in parables of " your special places in science and culture", then all youre doing is trying to mold self evident and evidenced truths to FIT some mythology. That too is one big Waste of time. Science and culture is a huge pallette of intercommunicating (and some isolated) cultures that have shared, borrowed, and stolen aspects of previous and contemporary cultures . From these weve developed myths, as well as theories.
Id rather deal with cultural evolution as a reality than some dubious belief system that requires storeis of "what if" and" You better not pout..." based upon tales of some officially sanctioned galactic spaghetti monster with a really antisocial streak. Cultural evolution is easily evidenced wheras all the spaghetti monsters are not. Sad really. In Christianity theres these huge spaghetti monster social structures and "meeting places" all devoted to fear of the unknown complete with manyvarieties of spaghetti. Then on top of that, Christians incorporate into their legends a means to sever all ties to their precursor myth (ir Judaism). Christians believe that it was the Jews that whacked their Junior spaghetti monster. SO that allows the Christian l;aity to "Hate" the sin that the Jews commited (and hence Jews themselves).

I find it a little funny that chrisitans hate the jews for killing jesus. Why? Shouldn't they be thanking the jews because had they not killed him, there wouldn't be any salvation (according to them). It would be similar to hating someone who bought you the winning lottery ticket. But of course they don't get it and justify their hatred anyways.

farmerman wrote:

Makes a great bifurcation tale between Chrsitian spaghetti monster and Jewish spaghetti monster.

I guess you can tell that Im one of the other group tyouve invithed here(ie "those that do doubt Christianity).

Ill stick to real spaghetti


I think the whole christian religion is convoluted. Why would an all powerful god need to murder a being as a solution for a problem it created in the first place? Why something so brutal and violent? Couldn't it have come up with something less abusive? Just like the flood story. Why does it need to be destruction to solve the problem? It couldn't just roll back time and restart it with a nice pleasant method? No, it had to reign terror and destruction and cause these beings to suffer. I find it disturbing that these followers admire and accept such behavior from their supposed deity as righteous.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 27 Apr, 2012 04:08 am
A Prophet of God will always be persecuted....Always has, and always will....

The only one who really did not such suffer is the Prophet Samuel....
Reply Fri 27 Apr, 2012 04:08 am
Legal drugs didn't get in the way of making an Empire. Try visiting Amsterdam, dope, schrooms and prostitution are tolerated over there, and it's fine.

I'm not sure that the free availability of drugs in previous times can be usefully compared to the same thing now. Mass industrialised society as we have it is like nothing that went before.

An enclave like Amsterdam is not a guide to what the legalisation of prostitution generally would look like. Cash strapped females would resort to it in droves it seems to me and the price would plummet. Amsterdam itself is dependent on prostitution being illegal everywhere else just as certain enclaves in the US prospered from gambling because it was illegal in the rest of the country.

Both issues are very complex and unsuitable for one line solutions but as far as I can see anybody who wants drugs or prostitutes has little difficulty in finding them. The Police seem to adopt a hands off approach so long as connected problems don't arise.

Once legalised these things would be taxed and controlled in other ways as alcohol and tobacco are. 50g of hand rolling tobacco is £13 and what would be the price of 50g of dried cabbage leaves? There seems no reason for a pint of whisky to cost more than a pint of lemonade from an economic point of view.

I am content, as with religious issues, to leave it to the experts who have studied the subjects. I am wary of simplistic arguments for drastic changes.

One can argue that any use of the body's muscles to get money is prostitution.

The real issue is why people want these things.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 27 Apr, 2012 04:22 am
@reasoning logic,
I am going to make a wild guess and you can correct me if I am wrong.
I think, that you think "that someone believing in a spaghetti monster would "not" be crazy and not only that but they could be seen as reasonable if they believed that there is a real live spaghetti monster. Am I correct?

No, I believe believing in a Spaghetti Monster is crazy....I do not believe that the probability of both are close to zero like you and Bill do....

So the comparisons of them together are moot to me....Or anything listed before, The great pumpkin, Tooth Fairy, Santa, Unicorns, Gremlins etc....

If you guys believe they are close in probability, and you do not believe That God is 100% non existent, and can not be fully disproved....Then you guys are also the ones who must believe there is a chance that the Spaghetti monster is real as well....

I used your analogy to make my point....But I do not believe the Spaghetti Monster and God are on the same plane, as one or makes a person sick, and a doctor is certain that God is not real, and makes you sick...

Therefor, the Doctor in your analogy is worse off then the patient is....

Go back and reread my post to Bill probably around page 70 or so, About how I feel every thing is in a 50/50 split....or all or nothing method...Or anywhere in between....Not based on probabilities that are close to 1, or close to zero...

Because like I said if you believe like Bill does, then you must also believe that a Spaghetti Monster could be real....Which Correct me if I am wrong, I bet you don't? So then, it is clearly not on the same plane as a God is....Because I bet you believe there is a chance, In that, you are not certain he is non-existent....??
Reply Fri 27 Apr, 2012 04:25 am
@reasoning logic,
Why do you still insist that we need religion.

I don't. I simply challenge those who say we don't need religion to outline the practical consequences of doing without it. The main consequence, it seems to me, is that nothing would be funny any more.

fm won't answer the challenge and thus everything he says on the matter is empty baloney.

There are three possibilities regarding sexual behaviour. Religious control, no control or political control. Anybody who thinks this debate is not about sexual behaviour is blowing smoke.

Religious control is clinging on by its fingertips so we are getting to the point of a choice between no control and political control.

Will posters kindly man up to voting for one or the other?
Reply Fri 27 Apr, 2012 04:33 am
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

A Prophet of God will always be persecuted....Always has, and always will....

The only one who really did not such suffer is the Prophet Samuel....

I knew you would state this... because thats is how you like to see yourself. As a personal marytr for your cause. You actually think this is an admirable trait? Of course you do, but you can't see how much harm you create by doing it. You refuse to acknowledge it because your belief trumps anyone else's suffering.

Reply Fri 27 Apr, 2012 04:40 am
And the disagreement between you and the new claimant to be getting God's message, or the bunch of them, cannot be adjudicated without losing the ideology your message brings. Compromise is impossible and antagonism results. War even.

I think this would be true if I was spreading words of hate...

To avoid that you then have to insist that your message is the only valid one which entails you in repressing the others who are equally entitled to their own ideology unless you are claiming that they are not and all they did was the same as you have done.

I never said I do not believe that others are not entitled to their own opinions...You are the one who said I must be wrong because the Church must be right....Therefore, you are the one who is pinning one side against the other, and causing the things you listed above, up to the point of even war....If one is open-minded, then it makes no difference what they preach does it? If one is opinionated, that is when the problems start....I have never said my ways must be right, And I never said I could not be wrong....In fact I have said the opposite many times before....What would you do or say if the Church came out and said such a thing?? Again, Do you believe everything they do is 100% how God would want it to be???

Humility is not on the radar in such circumstances. Creating a fog of virtue about peace and goodwill to all men contradicts the fact that human beings are not virtuous because if they were there would be no need for religion or for homilies about virtue or for you to need messages from God.

True, but men and women are mostly good, and God is ultimately going to be forgiving not vengeful...I do not see a problem with conveying that....I have said about my dreams in Hell, and about how I see, people will have to be purged, people may fight off a demon for everyone of their sins to make it, or some may be granted into Heaven....This shows I understand, and speak the same likeness you do in ways, I am speaking what I see God telling me to speak....And there is a chance everyone could be saved....

So I am doing all of the above, And representing Christ, Since I believe he is God....If the Church or others do not agree....I do not know what to say....Other than I can sense and feel God telling me to tell people what he says to me, and that is why I am here....

I have kept his messages to myself for 5 years, Till God said Go tell people what I speak to you, otherwise, It is pointless for you to know the mysteries of Me, that I tell you....

And I tried to stay away from here to see, and even prayed about it, Like I told you before, and I end up back where I started just like the story of the Prophet Jonah, SO I know that it is the right thing, and what God wants me to do....

0 Replies
Reply Fri 27 Apr, 2012 04:41 am
Christians love that martyr bullshit. I'd be interested to see how he would deal with real suffering--never having enough to eat, suffering a painful and debilitating disease without access to health care, being the victim of gross injustices from one's own government. Literally billions of people live with these things on a daily basis. He's whining because people question him, people criticize him, people contradict him. Those are things he just cannot deal with, and he calls that suffering.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 27 Apr, 2012 04:44 am
spendius wrote:
There are three possibilities regarding sexual behaviour. Religious control, no control or political control. Anybody who thinks this debate is not about sexual behaviour is blowing smoke.

You don't give humanity enough credit. Your words time and time again point to the fact that you think people are incapible of making rational decisions without the concept of a god threatening to damn them for making a bad decision.

Sexual behavior would not run wild if our entire society were to abandon religious beliefs. I don't believe in a god, so why am I not out copulating with everything I can find? According to your logic, I should be, but then how do you explain why I am not acting in the way you are trying to insist that I would?

Your speculation is based on nothing more than christian propaganda to attempt to keep christianity functioning. It is a protective measure built into the system to control people and oppress them. Nothing more, nothing less.

If you personally don't like sex, then it is simple, don't partake in it. But you don't have any right to tell or impose your religious views onto others and expect them to no partake.

See this is where you think it is YOUR personal responsibility as a prophet to impose your skewed morality onto everyone else. That you have god in your pocket and thus makes your statements more valid. You don't see the harm by which you promote by calling yourself a prophet of god. You don't see it as harmful because you believe you are trying to save people, save the world. But you are doing nothing but promoting oppression which leads to more evil than you are solving.
Reply Fri 27 Apr, 2012 04:50 am
Why should we make the world a better place while we are alive? What evolutionary science demands that? What does it even mean?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 27 Apr, 2012 05:00 am
You refuse to acknowledge it because your belief trumps anyone else's suffering.

Who else is suffering?? If they are persecuting me, and I feel it is a cause for good, and a warrior for it....

Why would they not stand down from the persecution if they feel they are suffering?? I am not making them suffer...They are suffering by trying to make me suffer....So then, a martyr, is a warrior, and the others who persecute, Get what they are asking for....
Reply Fri 27 Apr, 2012 05:03 am
Oh please . . . what persecution do you suffer? Torture? Incarceration? Being criticized? Here you are, fat and happy, with a computer and internet access, yet expect to be taken seriously when claiming you are persecuted. What a phony whiner.
Reply Fri 27 Apr, 2012 05:13 am
You don't give humanity enough credit.

You're damn right I don't. What exactly is a "rational decision" beyond a nice sounding phrase which casts you in a golden glow?

Sexual behavior would not run wild if our entire society were to abandon religious beliefs.

I didn't say it would. We can have political control. It would run wild with no control. Why would it not?

I don't believe in a god, so why am I not out copulating with everything I can find?

Because you live in a Christian society or possibly because you haven't the characteristics necessary.

Your speculation is based on nothing more than christian propaganda to attempt to keep christianity functioning. It is a protective measure built into the system to control people and oppress them. Nothing more, nothing less.

Same problem. The free ride. Do you favour no control and no oppression?

But you don't have any right to tell or impose your religious views onto others and expect them to not partake.

I don't claim the right. I am making an argument and you have ducked it. Again.

See this is where you think it is YOUR personal responsibility as a prophet to impose your skewed morality onto everyone else.

I think no such thing.

When are you going to vote on the choice I gave you? Are you scared of doing. It sure does look like it when you have to lay a load of **** onto me, which is false, in order to get yourself off the obvious hook. For ****'s sake Krumpie--vote. We can only discuss your position when you have voted. No control of sexual behaviour or political control. It's simple enough.

Reply Fri 27 Apr, 2012 05:13 am
See this is where you think it is YOUR personal responsibility as a prophet to impose your skewed morality onto everyone else. That you have god in your pocket and thus makes your statements more valid. You don't see the harm by which you promote by calling yourself a prophet of god. You don't see it as harmful because you believe you are trying to save people, save the world. But you are doing nothing but promoting oppression which leads to more evil than you are solving.

I take it this was meant for me and not Spendius??

How am I doing nothing but promoting Oppression?

As far as me FORCING my codes of morality on everyone else, all I have done is spread the words of How loving and peaceful, and accepting God is....I do not know how anyone could think that that is a cause of oppression??

If I was saying get down and pry or be burned....Then your point adds up, right now it does not....
0 Replies
Reply Fri 27 Apr, 2012 05:18 am
Oh please . . . what persecution do you suffer? Torture? Incarceration? Being criticized? Here you are, fat and happy, with a computer and internet access, yet expect to be taken seriously when claiming you are persecuted. What a phony whiner.

It does not really make a difference as to what I have suffered or not....Nor really what anyone else says....

Because this thread is a fascinating train wreck remember??

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