Hi Spendius,
Fortunately, I don't follow the sheep because that is a horrible thought, I visualised robots walking then, all dressed the same
I understand what you are saying and I appreciate the length it took you to type that all out...
Most certainly, if a few sentences are quite detailed with un-heard of words, it can be difficult to comprehend what in fact is stated, said and therefore left alone. If a person was to be honest with themselves, they would know that not everyone would "get" those words and be able to therefore, put the sentence together in their minds of thoughts to answer...
I don't believe it "should" make anyone feel dumb.. The English Language is an Art, just as much as singing is an Art.. It purely means that an individual has chosen to learn the full language whilst another, doesn't find it necessary in life for their way of living.
Google has become my friend...
Quote:I think it is something to do with being a person in your own right rather than a subject.
(Where is the like button? )

I agree... Could not have said that better myself.