@reasoning logic,
Quote:I think that many atheist and agnostics have tried just as hard as theists, to believe there is a God but something happened and they were not able to logically believe in a God, because logic got in the way.
Like kids at school laughing at the thought, or stated "ahha, you go to Church Nerd" ... Or, a death... If there is a God why the heck didn't he save her/ him? Or long suffering... I don't know if it is logic, or a logically reason or whether it "became" non belief due to individual circumstances, or fear of looking "stupid".. If we look at the very religious, not a Sunday is missed, Easter, Christmas, Mass and whom they associate with, how they believe in a girl being a virgin... All sorts of worshiping and sacrificing.. Most of us have a cheeky side, or some call a slightly evil side, rebelious.. It is better to live a life how you want, than to follow all this "Bible" rules... I think that is why people reject it.
Quote:I do have a question though, Do you think that there is any criteria that both an atheist and a theist can agree on that would demonstrate that a person is believing something that is not true? Example someone who thinks that they are Jesus and will try and prove to us that they are.
Is there any type of system that both theist and atheist can use to demonstrate that it is only in that persons head? I would Hope so but I would say that we probably would not be able to show the person who thinks that he is Jesus because that person will not be able to use logical reasoning in that part of their life but they will be able to use it in many other parts of their life.
IDK RL... If Jesus was to turn up today, I bet my life on it, that this time, his proof would be so overwhelming that people would know... I somehow don't think that will happen, not in my lifetime in any event. People, do claim to have seen him, felt him, talked to him and things have changed dramatically in their life as a result.. And, a sense of calm and peace overwhelms them... To be honest if someone approached me and said they were Jesus, I'd try very hard not to smile or be rude but I certainly would think it's in their head. To me, as you know, I am convinced of things that I have seen can't be explained (some things such as how our mind works, can for sure be explained) But, my mind doesn't see ghosts, especially whilst I am not thinking, rather talking to someone about nothing in general...I would suspect or expect if I was ever to see Jesus, it would not be in the flesh..
I am happy to walk this Earth, with that feeling of peace, except when I stress the shirt out of myself over work

I'd rather feel that, and believe what I have seen means something, as it does, to me, and I like that feeling, than to walk the Earth, angry, cheated, and say "hey, when I die, I just go in the ground ,that's it, let the worms eat me, "... I would rather feel that if my mind can and anyone's can, can visualise and create pictures, stories, prior to drifting right off to sleep than when our mind is no longer active, those types of pictures become reality.... It's a nice dream isn't it.. Much better than the Devil got ya
I believe I can't explain anymore than that, and again, as you know, I love old Churches but I'm not going to start going to Church... I don't feel I need to and I don't want man to preach... not interested.
Sorry I can't offer more ... But, I've offered something