Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 16 Apr, 2012 10:56 am
You touched on one religion, Hinduism, that has more gods than many country's population! Let us count the ways....(some estimates at 330 million) Mr. Green Laughing Rolling Eyes Drunk Drunk Drunk
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Reply Mon 16 Apr, 2012 11:04 am
Oh other then Catholics I know of few Christians churches with a big problem concerning divorce.

In which case they are not strictly Christians. Never mind Henry. Ask Prince Charles. Schoolkids know all about Henry. Diplomatic arrangements mainly. We are still living with the problem. The EEC is a Roman Catholic conspiracy with us in the time-honoured role of the gallant seducer who bottles it when the lady gets her corsets off.

Serial polygamy. A wife a night Aldous Huxley predicted when the Church was gone and hedonistic elites run the show. Contraception genetically engineered in the Hatchery. Lovely jubly.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 Apr, 2012 11:05 am
He clearly is not one in a rejection of belief...Or have a belief God is non-existent....

0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 Apr, 2012 11:15 am
What by this makes you "think" that the Catholic Church was interested in money...And have bad intentions??

The Catholic church like all churches and even non-religions organizationS are concern with the flow of funds in order to keep existing.

Hell the mother church had a long history of even doing very evil deeds in order to keep funding flowing in for that matter and the one case that come to mind is the case of the Knights Templar.

As far as bad intentions that is on if face true in this case as they try to use laws to punish a man for the "crime" of debunking a false claim to a miracle.
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 16 Apr, 2012 11:22 am
farmerman wrote:

agnostics truly believe that they are the only ones being intellectually honest. They dont believe but , JUST IN CASE, they dont fully commit to reason.


I used to be an agnostic , its a "safety zone" where your nonexistant god, SHOULD he exist, wont be fully pissed at you. The fact that this creature of legend is a self absorbed , anti social fiend, is of no consequence to us (when I was an agnostic).

Would you agree with farmerman, Frank? If you disagree can you explain why?

I disagree, igm...at least, I disagree with regard to this agnostic.

The moment Farmerman used the word "believe" in that first sentence of his, he lost me. I am of the opinion that in order to be "intellectually honest" about the existence or non-existence of gods, one would have to answer, "I do not know." This is not a belief. It is my opinion.

As for the "just in case" "fully pissed" or "safety zone"...that is just laughable nonsense that I think Farmerman included to get laughs.

If there is a god that exists that wants to punish me because I do not kiss its ass...it can go **** itself. I am not afraid of any gods and I could easily make a wild, blind guess that no gods of any kind exist.

But the intellectually honest answer to whether gods exist or not is: I do not know.

I hope that answers your question fully, igm.

Now a question for you, if I may: Is it possible for gods to exist...or are gods impossible?
Reply Mon 16 Apr, 2012 11:24 am
BillRM wrote:
Hell the mother church had a long history of even doing very evil deeds in order to keep funding flowing in for that matter and the one case that come to mind is the case of the Knights Templar.

It was King Phillip IV of France that did that. He put pressure on the pope who at that time was seated in Avignon.

It's fairly obvious that you know as much about history as you do about basic sentence construction. **** all.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 Apr, 2012 11:31 am
Your ignorance is stunning. India is a land of many religions, other than Hinduism and Islam. Obviously, you are ignoring the Buddhists. But you are also either ignoring or ignorant of the Parsee, the Sikhs, the Jains and many others. Are you aware that there are more Sikhs in the world than there are Jews? According to the CIA World Factbook, the gross religious composition of India is as follows: Hindu 80.5%, Muslim 13.4%, Christian 2.3%, Sikh 1.9%, other 1.8%, unspecified 0.1% (2001 census). With a population of more than 1.2 billion, that means there are more than 27 million christians in India. Are you aware that there is more than one flavor of Hindu, of Muslim, of Buddist?

I suspect your passion for simplistic descriptions comes from an unwillingness to acknowledge that not everything is black and white--but it's so much easier to see the world as though that were the case.

No, Your ignorance is stunning...I was aware of those other religions...And have even read a bit about them all!! Like I said twice, 93.9% is a Mostly Hindu/Islam Nation...I did not go into the specifics...Because I did not have to, to prove my point...2.3% out of 100% Is clearly a minority religion which would most likely be persecuted by the dominant ones...

You should recheck your facts other than an 01' consensus...I bet the number of Islams have exploded! Is this something an Ignorant person would say? Or someone who only sees in black and white??
Reply Mon 16 Apr, 2012 11:37 am
The Catholic church like all churches and even non-religions organizationS are concern with the flow of funds in order to keep existing.

Hell the mother church had a long history of even doing very evil deeds in order to keep funding flowing in for that matter and the one case that come to mind is the case of the Knights Templar.

As far as bad intentions that is on if face true in this case as they try to use laws to punish a man for the "crime" of debunking a false claim to a miracle.

2 questions to you then...by both of your above posts to me...

Why would you donate money to support it, If you do not hide your faith? Or if your supporting something so evil??? Because even if your intention are good...By donating, the result is bad!

Do you think if people stop giving money to churches...That the Church would fall?? The churches now, may not be around, but people will STILL gather in buildings to spread the words of Christ! God does not NEED our money to FUND his mission!
Reply Mon 16 Apr, 2012 11:39 am
Yeah, i'd consider that a statement made by an ignorant person. Do you have a source for your claim, or are you just making **** up as you go along? Muslims (Islam is the religion, Muslims are the people who adhere to it) do not necessarily have a higher birth rate than Hindus. Can you show a source for such a claim? I know of no credible evidence that christians are routinely persecuted in India. Can you give a source for such a claim?
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 16 Apr, 2012 12:19 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Your safety quote, "I do not know," only proves your indecision about a subject that only shows millions of gods created by man in this world has a chance. What else is there?
Reply Mon 16 Apr, 2012 01:02 pm
Yeah, i'd consider that a statement made by an ignorant person. Do you have a source for your claim, or are you just making **** up as you go along? Muslims (Islam is the religion, Muslims are the people who adhere to it) do not necessarily have a higher birth rate than Hindus. Can you show a source for such a claim? I know of no credible evidence that christians are routinely persecuted in India. Can you give a source for such a claim?

Well then, I would consider your statements to be ignorant...It just does not sink in with you at all...Your skull must be as thick as a bank vault! Your the one who made the post of I should post in specifics to prove my point...I do not need to post in specifics to prove my point since I am saying hypothetical's...

You decided to tell me to post in specifics, So I gave you criticism as to how YOU could enhance your specific argument...I do not need to be specific to prove my point...You the one who is RELYING on a specific to prove yours! So my criticism, Is beneficial toward you, it is not ignorant at all to say so!

If this prove everything to me now, this instant, in order to be true, mentality, has limited your intuition, and you can not read between lines...than that is the fault of your own basis which you live your life by, not mine!

I do not have to show such evidence, and will not! If you RELY on evidence go watch or research your History of Religion to see how many more people that embrace Islam are in India now, than in 2001...People do not need to be born at a Higher Birth rate in India to be Muslim over Hindu...There is a such thing as Conversions, and people migrate there, it is that simple...Read it yourself...I am not obliged to play your game...

And if you knew anything about a theism, you would know that a minority, is persecuted in a Majority area...Most Christians in the US act hostile toward Islams and others...and they reciprocate the actions...people on here claim that atheism is persecuted the most...probably to do with the fact it's a minority in the US...and everywhere else...When broken down...to YOUR specifics make-up of nations populations of theism/atheism...and I bet if you go to a mostly atheist place...If you were a believer of some sort you would be persecuted by atheists it is that simple...

As far as this post...

That you did not have the courage to leave up there and deleted...

You said something to the effect of: Are you aware there are different practicing Hindu's and Muslim's?

I will say this to sum it up for you...

That is a self answering question is it not?? I embrace a theism, and have studied up on a lot of other ones...You do not believe that ANY theism is correct...So why would you think I do not realize that there are different practices or types of ways of practicing a certain type of theism?? I am the one who fallows one, and know first hand how many different denominations there are in Christianity...You can not argue that you do or are aware of this!!

But have fun "thinking" you can...And fully understand this concept...Keep on being ignorant if you would like too...But in the mean time, focus on yourself before always pointing fingers...is a few good words I could give to you...take it or leave it, it does not matter to me...
Reply Mon 16 Apr, 2012 01:23 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:

The moment Farmerman used the word "believe" in that first sentence of his, he lost me. I am of the opinion that in order to be "intellectually honest" about the existence or non-existence of gods, one would have to answer, "I do not know." This is not a belief. It is my opinion.

I believe (pun intended) the difference between a belief and your or anybody's opinion is that you don't have to back up an opinion. If your agnosticism is an opinion it consequentially carries little intellectual weight; that's my belief. Surely, you devalue the very thing that you say that you value by saying, 'It is my opinion' and that if you personally have no belief in agnosticism why all the fuss? At least farmerman understood he had a belief whilst you only have an opinion.

Frank Apisa wrote:

Now a question for you, if I may: Is it possible for gods to exist...or are gods impossible?

If you define what you mean by the term 'god' or 'gods' and what you mean by the term 'exist' then I'll have a go at answering your question.
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 16 Apr, 2012 01:37 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Your safety quote, "I do not know," only proves your indecision about a subject that only shows millions of gods created by man in this world has a chance. What else is there?

ci...it is not a "safety quote." That is merely an insult from someone without the character to make his insults more direct.

And all it does is to tell the truth. I do not know if gods exist.

I ask you, "Is the existence of gods possible...or is it impossible for gods to exist?"
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 16 Apr, 2012 01:39 pm
If you define what you mean by the term 'god' or 'gods' and what you mean by the term 'exist' then I'll have a go at answering your question.

Have a go at it...do not have a go at it.

We all know the answer...and we all know who is willing to answer and who will not.
Reply Mon 16 Apr, 2012 01:42 pm
@Frank Apisa,

The moment Farmerman used the word "believe" in that first sentence of his, he lost me.

I think, and I hope fm will forgive me if I'm wrong, that he means that the concept of God is beyond belief and that his concern is merely how beliefs are exploited by worldly men in order to gain advantage. Worldly women having been given long enough in the 2 million odd years before a grip was got on the situation. Argive Helen and Poppaea Sabina having brought society to its knees.

Bearing in mind how advantageous it is to be at the top of a successful culture rather than at the top of an unsuccessful one and to be extremely jealous of such a position.

That's fm's problem. The exploitation of the beliefs being the motor for the success of which he is a glad participant what with his boat trips to see the whales and his 40 mile round trips in a gas guzzler for a pizza. It's an intellectual problem which causes him to put me on Ignore from time to time when I tweak it.

He tries to make his case, which is actually relating to the sexual problem, by claiming that the beliefs are holding back science. He doesn't try to justify that holding back science is a bad thing. He assumes it. Which he shouldn't really do until he has considered what science would do if it wasn't held back a bit. He thinks the Christian approach to science would continue if Christianity ceased to exist.

So he ridicules the beliefs without any reference to their social consequences which, if history is the judge, has been a scientific miracle like a man holding a few tigers by the tails would be.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 Apr, 2012 01:42 pm
@Frank Apisa,
The answer is a choice. With the information at hand, one can chose any answer and it will be correct as long as one can explain the reasoning to satisfaction.
Reply Mon 16 Apr, 2012 01:48 pm
@Frank Apisa,
I ask you, "Is the existence of gods possible...or is it impossible for gods to exist?"

Oh dear!! Not again? How many times is that Frank? We've got it. You have no evidence blah blah blah on a continuous loop.

Your variations are like those of a speak your weight machine.
Reply Mon 16 Apr, 2012 01:56 pm
Against my better judgment I'm gonna throw caution to the winds and open my big mouth and make a statement that really has nothing to do with the current line of exchange in this topic right now. Perhaps I'm being rude, but it doesn't really matter to me. (Forgive me, please! I'll probably reget it later. Mr. Green ) It's time for me to make an off-the-wall statement. Call me narcissistic or crazy (or both).

The following comment may surprise many of the atheists and agnostics who are members of this forum. Then again, it may not. And that is, I happen to be a Christian; but that doesn't necessarily mean I'm pleased with many other people who also profess to be Christians. Many believers seem unable to grasp clear teachings in the New Testament that contradict their denominational doctrines. (They sometimes make me groan inwardly.) And, besides, some believers are hypocritical jerks. (To be "fair and balanced," my congregation includes many of the finest people I've ever met -- including those who, literally speaking, would give you the shirts off their backs.) I once read a post in a particular forum or blog that had been submitted by a "Christian" woman who said all school students, including those who weren't athletically inclined, should be forced to take P.E. -- even if they are bullied. I was amazed that the stupid woman professed to be a Christian in the same breath. What hypocrisy! There are many atheists and agnostics who have more compassion that that (as well as some who don't, of course). In this particular context I'm not defending one set of beliefs as opposed to the other; I'm just sayin' ...

I wonder if someone will pummel me for saying this or if I'll be ignored (deservedly) for being the online oddball and outsider that I confess to be. (Every forum has its own party line, which must be followed by each of the members or else. Twisted Evil ) I'm now in an indifferent mood (which will probably change later, as I have mood swings that are probably caused by certain health factors), which means (for now) I couldn't give a ...


I'm through blattherin' for now. Mr. Green
Reply Mon 16 Apr, 2012 02:00 pm
So, essentially, your argument for your claims about christian pesecution and an extraorinary Muslim birth rate is that you have no argument, but you have "intuition." Good luck with that.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 16 Apr, 2012 02:08 pm
@Frank Apisa,
You are ready to argue anybody else's point without any from you except "I don't know." If you truly don't know, what are you arguing for?

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