Quote:For some strange reason some people give the possibilities of a Christian god existing being greater then such beings as the Great Pumpkin even those there seems no logical reason for doing so.
But yet you have no logical reason to specifically single out the Christian God at all, If you truly believe he is non-existent....But yet for some strange reason you keep doing it!! Why>>>???
You say you are good at Math, and are good at probabilities?? Ok, I will use the reverse so that the equation = out...
You did it again! This is the last time I am gonna try to explain this, then I am gonna move on...because you do not seem to be thinking logical in my responses to you...
But yet you have no logical reason to specifically single out the Christian God at all, If you truly believe he is non-existent....
But yet you keep bringing him up? Why?
Why do you NOT bring up to us, Why and how it is SO ridiculous to believe in the Tooth Fairy? Great Pumpkin? Santa? Other Deities? Satan? Zeus? Gremlins? Unicorns? Spaghetti Monster?? Etc...and go into DETAIL as to how ridiculous they are to believe in?? Since they ALL APPROACH A ZERO PROBABILITY???
You only harp about how this Christian God is so incredible ridiculous....and evil?? Why? He is not real remember? What does it matter what it says in the Bible to you or not???? (Please explain this to me!)
This tells me you either, one believe he is real, and wish to voice your displeasure with him not us, him....Or two, you believe God is in the wrong, and are a Satanist...Because you feel God is so wrong, that the Devil is right!
I still do not know what I believe you actually are....But you sure as Hell do not seem like you have a rejection of faith, or a lack of belief, but an actual problem with this God, a Bone to pick...There IS NONE IF GOD IS NOT REAL, and THE BIBLE IS BULLSHIT!
If I had to perceive it to be, I would say it is the first, and you are so pissed at God...Your speaking above the believers here...And voicing how mad you are at this God, that you single out EVERY TIME!!
But the bottom line, is if this is how you feel, it is pointless to even do...either one, he is not real, and it makes no difference to say such things, or 2 he is real, and it is gonna bite you in the ass in the end! That is why I said earlier you can not run from a God, and you can not out think him, and you can not try to work against faith....
Do you get it?