Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

Reply Sat 14 Apr, 2012 02:48 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:
Now, RL…either point out the inconsistencies in my logic…or stop asserting that I am being logically inconsistent.

No don't do that, post one and a half hours of video instead.
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Reply Sat 14 Apr, 2012 03:02 pm
@reasoning logic,
You're having a little free ride on the kiddiwink's roundabout with your elves, leprechaun , flying spaghetti monsters etc.

The Muse is a myth. Who believes in the Muse? Can man live by bread alone?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Apr, 2012 03:06 pm
For some strange reason some people give the possibilities of a Christian god existing being greater then such beings as the Great Pumpkin even those there seems no logical reason for doing so.

But God is the Great Pumpkin if that is what you want to call the power of Creation. Also the FSM.
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Reply Sat 14 Apr, 2012 03:08 pm
@Frank Apisa,

Frank means that atheists are as daft as Billy Graham.
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reasoning logic
Reply Sat 14 Apr, 2012 03:16 pm
@Frank Apisa,
I have never asserted that fairies, unicorns, and leprechauns DO NOT exist. If I ever have…please cite where I have and let’s discuss it in context.

I do not feel like digging through thousands of post to find the first time you seem to make such a claim but this seems just as good.

My statement
Most of us here know the fact that you also do not "believe" there are no elves, leprechaun , flying spaghetti monsters and so forth.

You replied back;


You folk "know" lots of things...many of which are not so. [/quote]

” For whatever reason, it seems to make atheists happy to suggest that people who claim not to know if gods are involved in REALITY are hypocrites…or logically inconsistent.


Frank I do not have a problem with the truth and the truth is in my opinion No one knows if a God exist or not, I know that I do not know so please rest assure that this has nothing to do if whether you believe God exist or not but rather to do with being logically consistent.

I have never asserted that fairies, unicorns, and leprechauns DO NOT exist.

The next time you are out on the golf course with a friend, look over at him and smile, and say "you know I have never asserted that fairies, unicorns, and leprechauns DO NOT exist.
Reply Sat 14 Apr, 2012 03:26 pm
Sorry, I seemed to have misread this or misinterpreted it...You said you were not looking for my explanation of faith...
Don't be sorry, I didn't need your interpretation or explanation because I already know that you "have" faith.. I was curious as to those that are stating they don't believe in God, yet, what do they think of the word faith and do they have it, use it...
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reasoning logic
Reply Sat 14 Apr, 2012 03:29 pm
What does the word FAITH mean to you?

It means to trust to me.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 14 Apr, 2012 03:30 pm
@reasoning logic,
RL...I am not sure what is going on with you, but think about what you just posted.

You made a statement which is damn near incomprehensible.

Most of us here know the fact that you also do not "believe" there are no elves, leprechaun , flying spaghetti monsters and so forth.

To which, I replied (referring to the "we know"...

"Really? You folk "know" lots of things...many of which are not so. "

How in the hell do you interpret that to mean that I am asserting that fairies, unicorns, and leprechauns do not exist?

This has become an Abbott and Costello skit.

I have carefully stated my position. Work from that...or come up with something that I have said that actually shows me to be logically inconsistent.

I may have screwed up some time in the past. I may actually have made a mistake. BUT FIND IT...before accusing me of being logically inconsistent or a hypocrite. Cite it...allow me to defend my own words...or to acknowledge that I screwed up and have to reverse something I have said.

Not sure why you want to make such a big thing of this. EVEN IF I AM the most hypocritical individual ever to walk on planet Earth...

...that is not going to impact on the fact that I think gods are possible; I do not know if they exist or not...and I do not have enough unambiguous evidence upon which to base a guess that they do exist or they definitely do not exist.

That is not all that difficult to understand, RL.

Reply Sat 14 Apr, 2012 03:32 pm
For some strange reason some people give the possibilities of a Christian god existing being greater then such beings as the Great Pumpkin even those there seems no logical reason for doing so.

But yet you have no logical reason to specifically single out the Christian God at all, If you truly believe he is non-existent....But yet for some strange reason you keep doing it!! Why>>>???

You say you are good at Math, and are good at probabilities?? Ok, I will use the reverse so that the equation = out...

You did it again! This is the last time I am gonna try to explain this, then I am gonna move on...because you do not seem to be thinking logical in my responses to you...

But yet you have no logical reason to specifically single out the Christian God at all, If you truly believe he is non-existent....

But yet you keep bringing him up? Why?

Why do you NOT bring up to us, Why and how it is SO ridiculous to believe in the Tooth Fairy? Great Pumpkin? Santa? Other Deities? Satan? Zeus? Gremlins? Unicorns? Spaghetti Monster?? Etc...and go into DETAIL as to how ridiculous they are to believe in?? Since they ALL APPROACH A ZERO PROBABILITY???

You only harp about how this Christian God is so incredible ridiculous....and evil?? Why? He is not real remember? What does it matter what it says in the Bible to you or not???? (Please explain this to me!)

This tells me you either, one believe he is real, and wish to voice your displeasure with him not us, him....Or two, you believe God is in the wrong, and are a Satanist...Because you feel God is so wrong, that the Devil is right!

I still do not know what I believe you actually are....But you sure as Hell do not seem like you have a rejection of faith, or a lack of belief, but an actual problem with this God, a Bone to pick...There IS NONE IF GOD IS NOT REAL, and THE BIBLE IS BULLSHIT!

If I had to perceive it to be, I would say it is the first, and you are so pissed at God...Your speaking above the believers here...And voicing how mad you are at this God, that you single out EVERY TIME!!

But the bottom line, is if this is how you feel, it is pointless to even do...either one, he is not real, and it makes no difference to say such things, or 2 he is real, and it is gonna bite you in the ass in the end! That is why I said earlier you can not run from a God, and you can not out think him, and you can not try to work against faith....

Do you get it?
Reply Sat 14 Apr, 2012 03:34 pm
I am inclined to think these days that it is more than idiotic having children. I think it is an imposition. The risks are ridiculous. The idea that children owe their parents anything is preposterous. Spending their inheritance on self-indulgencies is downright ignorant. And that includes further children to split the inheritance with. If changing nappies, listening to the bawling and worrying about whether the mite will be an abject failure, or a complete nuisance, possibly both, is not enough to convince any sane person to pack it in then they must be idiots.

The first smile and the first faltering steps are no doubt wonderful but they are soon forgotten when the cops knock at the door or the report card shows a string of Ds and there's a pair of size 11 trainers on the coffee table and some Gothic posters on the bedroom wall.

I don't know that I am all that glad that I exist. I would need a blank sheet of paper with a line down the middle to come to a conclusion on that. If I didn't exist I might arrive in 3500AD when all the difficulties have been straightened out.

I could have done without existing in the same way I did without existing in a colony of the Roman Empire. Or a school of cave painters. No sweat.
The Bible does give us a faint taste of what existing was like in colonies of the Roman Empire. Maybe in 3500 AD there will be people who think themselves lucky not to have existed in 2012 as I do not to have existed in Judea in 300 BC. Most people then must have been frightened of waking up.

Think of all the kids born after Hitler got on the rampage. Idiotic doesn't do justice to it.

I can't deny that this generation is different from the last and so on. And, that our parents, parents at least grew up more "family" orientated. 50c as a present was an amazing thing.

Strangely enough, whilst I have had every pet under the sun, (so to speak), strays even and have shown immense love for all of them, as well as my two nephews and niece and even their cousins throughout the years.. I actually, as a young woman told my Mother I was never having children.. I didn't like the way the world was travelling and how the media were ensuring these kids spent big as well as every child needing to go to UNI or else they would never get a job, another few thousand for the parents x's the amount of children they have. For the increase in rape, murders..Life is already a struggle.. It wasn't selfishness on my behalf, like I said, I give it out elsewhere (love), but to me more, selfless.. It's a hard world to live in for an Adult let alone a child.
Reply Sat 14 Apr, 2012 03:43 pm
I have no children...and do not plan to either! I am not fit to raise a kid...And they are better off with someone else!! I know how you feel! Wink Wink Very Happy Very Happy 2 Cents
reasoning logic
Reply Sat 14 Apr, 2012 03:47 pm
@Frank Apisa,
You made a statement which is damn near incomprehensible.


Most of us here know the fact that you also do not "believe" there are no elves, leprechaun , flying spaghetti monsters and so forth.

This is a copy and paste from you, I inserted "you" into that sentence. I also do not "believe" there are no Gods

I added the word you and the word god I reinserted but you had it there originally.

Let us end it here because you are making the claim that elves, leprechauns , flying spaghetti monsters and so forth may exist. and that is logically constant with the logic you are using so I stand corrected. I will add though that I think it is crazy talk to think that elves, leprechauns, flying spaghetti monsters and so forth could exist.

I do have to say that you have one hell of an imagination though. Wink

Reply Sat 14 Apr, 2012 04:10 pm
But yet you have no logical reason to specifically single out the Christian God at all, If you truly believe he is non-existent....But yet for some strange reason you keep doing it!! Why>>>???

We just happen to live in a culture that the Christian three in one god is the main god where that god religion text was in fact read to me in public school every morning however if I happen to live in India instead we would be likely talking about the Indra/ Śakra Hindu god instead.

If we had a time machine and was living in Carthage before it fall to the Romans we would be talking about the god Cronus and if we should keep burning children alive in it honor.

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Reply Sat 14 Apr, 2012 04:14 pm
I have no children...and do not plan to either! I am not fit to raise a kid...And they are better off with someone else!! I know how you feel!

Why do you feel you are not fit to raise a child?

That wasn't my reasons behind choosing to not have any.. I just felt that they would have such a struggle in this "World" instead of just growing up, being happy, learning, playing softball/baseball in the backyard, learning to gather chook eggs etc, the oldern days are gone.. I also feel so many kids suffer emotionally and where maybe they turned to "someone" in the past, these days, there is no where to turn as they can't get past their emotions. There is no wise grandparent to guide them.. And so, so many go in the wrong direction or start cutting.. I've a "daughter" in Canada, thankfully after 4 years of being there for her, she is now an amazing girl, happy, in a decent job, now knows love and that it can happen and no longer feels the need to revert back to the closed self she was...

I just personally believed and still believe it's a different world and I didn't want to bring any children into it, to suffer in any way.

I love my step-daughter, she is now 14 almost.. And, for the most part her Mother is glad that I am also in her life.. We have chats that she other-wise wouldn't have with her Mother, though she is close, very close to her Mother. Point being, I know I am and could have been a great Mum. It's not why I chose not to have children.

Reply Sat 14 Apr, 2012 04:23 pm
There are so many what if's in this world, but if you can't find wonder and amazement in science, then you aren't looking hard enough and are incredibly ignorant (as in you are not as knowledgable as you could be) of science...no offense. Science, and all it's various branches are full of so much wonder that, oddly enough, the supernatural can't compare to it! Here are a few examples of the wonders of science and this doesn't even cover a fraction of the fraction that actually know!

I can't watch a couple of them yet, as I can't put the volume on without waking the house Smile But I want to say, I see beauty in nature.. When you love deeply "life" and everything in it, you love all that is in it, all that you see.. I don't necessarily have to live full on science. It doesn't make me ignorant at all, rather, my way of seeing the World and your way may be different. To me, supernatural for the most part is scary, yet, the Universe is beautiful.. Having said that, knowing that I have some gifts and that those gifts have helped people, makes supernatural beautiful.

It is what it is... I am who I am.
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Reply Sat 14 Apr, 2012 05:00 pm
"In any case, the “universe/multiverse/megaverse” may always have existed; may have come into being from nothing; may have come into being as the result of gods creating it…the gods having come into being from nothing; or any of a bunch of other possible scenarios."

Perhaps we do need a 'special word' for people who believe that maybe something can come from nothing.

Reply Sat 14 Apr, 2012 05:11 pm
@Frank Apisa,
...that is not going to impact on the fact that I think gods are possible; I do not know if they exist or not...and I do not have enough unambiguous evidence upon which to base a guess that they do exist or they definitely do not exist.

Why do you keep reiterating this type of statement Frank. Nobody gives an on the winger whether you have not enough unambiguous evidence upon which to base a guess that they do exist or they definitely do not exist. Nobody else has either.

It is of no significance. Has nobody ever informed you of the fact? You're like a shutter banging in the wind in a deserted mining town.
Reply Sat 14 Apr, 2012 05:17 pm
spendius wrote:

...that is not going to impact on the fact that I think gods are possible; I do not know if they exist or not...and I do not have enough unambiguous evidence upon which to base a guess that they do exist or they definitely do not exist.

Why do you keep reiterating this type of statement Frank. Nobody gives an on the winger whether you have not enough unambiguous evidence upon which to base a guess that they do exist or they definitely do not exist. Nobody else has either.

It is of no significance. Has nobody ever informed you of the fact? You're like a shutter banging in the wind in a deserted mining town.

I may have mentioned it Smile
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reasoning logic
Reply Sat 14 Apr, 2012 06:05 pm
Do you see any problems with the logic, that the person in the video is trying to claim as truth?
Reply Sat 14 Apr, 2012 07:04 pm
@reasoning logic,
reasoning logic wrote:

Do you see any problems with the logic, that the person in the video is trying to claim as truth?

If it's detracted from the point I was making I may have picked one too hastily... Never mind...
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