Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

Reply Fri 30 Mar, 2012 02:47 am
and isn't the natural balance of the physique of things....including yourself, mostly!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 30 Mar, 2012 03:49 am
@reasoning logic,
Sorry my friend...I was too quick with the finger! In all my posts I mean "Psyche"

not "physique", as in your body's make-ups...

but I imagine you were smart enough to understand that fault...If not, go back and reread and insert "Psyche" in there, and it will make sense...
0 Replies
Reply Fri 30 Mar, 2012 03:59 am
@reasoning logic,
Nevermind, I will do it for you because I am bored, and it will make more sense if you see it in person...

What makes you think all drugs are straight out of Hell? Do you feel this way about antibiotics as well?

No, I mean drugs that are used as in drugs that are ingested with the sole intentions of altering a psyche of a person, So almost every hallucinogenic, and almost every recreational drug, or designer drug....

Antibiotics, to me, are classed as drugs, but the 2 should be listed as different...those drugs (and ones like it) are beneficial, and if not taking them to get high, (Use any drug here) then they are beneficial....Once you conjure up to "use" a drug for Mal reasoning, and personal benefit, is when you alter a psyche...Some drugs are not powerful enough to reveal things that would alter you...Some of them are...(read above) as to ones that do this...

They are straight out of Hell, because they make most people believe that a synthetic high, or euphoria they feel is reality...Which is bullshit...When the real fact is the drug they take of choice is very damaging, and if spiritual things happen to reveal truth from the drug(s) it would be wrath, or of a deceased one, saying stop doing this immediately...So much so, it would alter your psyche but for a better purpose, which would destroy the fact of using it to begin with, because people take drugs to feel good, not alter a psyche, and see true reality....

So, the ONLY way you could potentially use a drug, or demonology or any of that stuff...(I will list them all below) Is when something happens that causes you to alter your life, based upon an altering of your own psyche...Since people do not use drugs to be scared out of their minds for hrs, at seeing hidden truths, but use them to "get high" then the effects they see are bullshit things, that make them "feel good" I call that the work of the Devil...

(as far as my description above: I would not use Designer drugs, hallucinogenics, Demonology, Alchemy, Wicka, Seances, Tarot Cards, or even Ouija boards...(not even cheap ones!) All those things open portals...Portals where even if the intentions are good, the result could be very bad...To the point where a deranged spirit could latch on to you or others...Or evil spirits (such as a demon) could latch on as well...VERY FEW would ever contact a loved spirit in Heaven, First because they are not consumed with the wicked world anymore, and 2, if they were to come thru, they would say the right thing and truth, being pure, and clean, and that would be something to the effect of...What your doing is a bad thing to do, It alters a psyche, and throws off the natural balance of the way things are meant to be!

If a deceased love one does not contact you right now, then it is inconceivable to think that forcing THEM to come to you, to supply you answers is an acceptable way of revelations of truth, and isn't the natural balance of the psyche of things....including yourself, mostly!
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 30 Mar, 2012 04:58 am
As an agnostic you can't say that.

Why not? Are you under the impression that being an agnostic somehow freezes your vocal chords?
Reply Fri 30 Mar, 2012 05:35 am
Enlightenment does not equal heaven. The buddha isn't in some heaven. In fact had you actually studied buddhism, you would have known that heaven resides within the desire realm and is imperfect. Beings who reside in the heaven realm are still subject to impermenance. In other words they are still subject to samsara.

If you don't believe what I'm saying here, do a search for "The six realms of existence."

I was not aware of this, so thanks for pointing it out to me!


Deva. Deva-gati in Sanskrit. Tendō 天道 in Japanese. The realm of heavenly beings filled with pleasure; the deva hold godlike powers; some reign over celestial kingdoms; most live in delightful happiness and splendor; they live for countless ages, but even the Deva belong to the world of suffering (samsara) -- for their powers blind them to the world of suffering and fill them with pride -- and thus even the Deva grow old and die; some say that because their pleasure is greatest, so too is their misery. See also the Tenbu page and Hachi Bushu (8 Legions) page.

And you think this is acceptable to think?, That even in this Heavenly state their is still death, and pain, and misery of them seeing the unjust?? Why? How are they God-like, if they die and experience pain? To truly be in a Heaven like place would mean a complete separation from what is considered wicked, or less moral...So Christianity still makes more sense, after really reading into Buddhism from a few sites...Just to see how much I supposedly did not know! A lot makes sense...But it ultimately does not! I can not explain how being in Heaven for ever would not make a person insane...(like some atheists say they would be, without knowing what Heaven is even like) But I do know, that just like Taoism, If there is no separation from good/bad people...Or in this case, they are in a Heavenly state, so much so, they are god-like...But still Die, and feel pain...Then it is not a Heavenly state at all...

And defeats itself, when examined...

It took me roughly 5 minutes to think about this, and post that position...

And to me, There is only maybe 3 realms that exist...First is Hell, Second in Humans, third is Heaven...the other 3 are not necessary at all...When you break it down...

Could there be a realm with hungry ghosts? Sure! I would imagine Christians call this realm Purgatory....

No such thing as a realm with both good and evil...it would never co-exist...It is impossible...The good would be treated like ****, and suffer, and the bad would take, and be kings...Sure they may pay for it in their next life....But it destroys itself as an existence during that realm of an experience...

No such need to ever be an animal, whatsoever...And I will not shake from that, because that is the way I feel!

Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 30 Mar, 2012 06:10 am

You wrote:

No such thing as a realm with both good and evil...it would never co-exist...It is impossible..

I really would like an explanation of that.

Fact is, I cannot conceive of realm where there could be only good or only evil. The contrast between the two is the only way either makes sense.

And I certainly see the realm in which I currently find myself...to be composed of both good and evil.

You also wrote:

There is only maybe 3 realms that exist...First is Hell, Second in Humans, third is Heaven

Let me ask you this: Do you consider Heaven to be the place of eternal bliss…and Hell the place of eternal suffering?

I have a follow-up question after considering your answer to this one.
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 30 Mar, 2012 06:12 am
@Frank Apisa,
When I wrote, "...to be composed of both good and evil"...I was taking a shortcut I may have to explain later. But I used it so as not to cloud the issue here.
Reply Fri 30 Mar, 2012 06:18 am
@Frank Apisa,
I really would like an explanation of that.

If there is a realm that exists where both good and evil people are 50/50...Then by a Buddhist view, and Taoist view...the good would be treated like ****, and the bad would take everything from the good, because the good would allow it to happen being that they are good...Therefor, the Good, would be shitted on, and the bad would ultimately be kings, in this realm....

Fact is, I cannot conceive of realm where there could be only good or only evil. The contrast between the two is the only way either makes sense.

Would it be possible, there is no Hell, and everyone is in Heaven for ever? Is that more plausible than a contrast between both forever?

And I certainly see the realm in which I currently find myself...to be composed of both good and evil.

Maybe so, but it is not 50/50...It is like 70/30...And for this (thank you Christian morals, that some say hold them back) the evil get reprimanded for their actions....no good deed goes unpunished...
Reply Fri 30 Mar, 2012 06:19 am
@Frank Apisa,
What is your follow up?
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 30 Mar, 2012 06:29 am

If there is a realm that exists where both good and evil people are 50/50...Then by a Buddhist view, and Taoist view...the good would be treated like ****, and the bad would take everything from the good, because the good would allow it to happen being that they are good...Therefor, the Good, would be shitted on, and the bad would ultimately be kings, in this realm....

Where did the 50/50 come from? That was not in your original statement. And why should we take the Buddhist or Taoist view as "gospel?" Has an argument been offered that shows it is impossible for good and evil to exist in equal quantity without the bad shitting on the good...and the bad ultimately winning any war between the two?

Would it be possible, there is no Hell, and everyone is in Heaven for ever? Is that more plausible than a contrast between both forever?

Anything is possible, but why are you proposing this question? I have not asserted anything that requires it.

Maybe so, but it is not 50/50...It is like 70/30...

Really? And in what direction?

And for this (thank you Christian morals, that some say hold them back) the evil get reprimanded for their actions....no good deed goes unpunished...

I still cannot figure out in what direction.
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 30 Mar, 2012 06:31 am
What is your follow up?

Cannot give the "follow up" until you answer the first question.

Here is the first question:

Let me ask you this: Do you consider Heaven to be the place of eternal bliss…and Hell the place of eternal suffering?

I have a follow-up question after considering your answer to this one.
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 30 Mar, 2012 06:31 am
@Frank Apisa,
Gotta go play golf now. Be back shortly after noon.
Reply Fri 30 Mar, 2012 06:38 am
@Frank Apisa,
Gotta go play golf now. Be back shortly after noon.

o.k. have fun and good luck! I will answer the posts and look for you later...
0 Replies
Reply Fri 30 Mar, 2012 06:41 am
@Frank Apisa,
Do you consider Heaven to be the place of eternal bliss…and Hell the place of eternal suffering?

If it is as The Bible says, Yes...

My own personal perceptions from God, Is that yes, to Heaven being blissful....No one will ever have to suffer forever...It is all merely a test to see how high or low we actually are seated in Heaven, and if a Hell exists...People will be purged, but ultimately not be dumb enough to reject God, and be stuck in Hell Forever....
Reply Fri 30 Mar, 2012 06:53 am
@Frank Apisa,
Where did the 50/50 come from? That was not in your original statement.

Read the 6 states of existence in Buddhism, and what Taoism says...They claim that there is or are a realm that consists of the people being 50% bad and 50% good...If it is true, it is almost physically impossible to co-exist, by the reasons I stated before....

And why should we take the Buddhist or Taoist view as "gospel?"

I Do not believe that we should, that is what I said to Krumple, and would say it to a Buddhist, or Taoist as well....

Has an argument been offered that shows it is impossible for good and evil to exist in equal quantity without the bad shitting on the good...and the bad ultimately winning any war between the two?

No, Probably not, But think about it...Without a God, and 50% bad, and 50% good...What do you believe would happen in a realm such as that one?? There is no God, to stop or control this realm... The Wicked ones, would act wicked, which would mean they would do something to gain over the good people...and the good people, being good, would sit back and let it happen, otherwise they would be one of the wicked...So the wicked would rule that realm, and the good would suffer in that realm till a rebirth occurred....there would be no 50/50 about it...especially if there is not a God to keep them in check....Which would mean, either, the realm is unnecessary to begin with, or it is not practical, and does not in fact exist....

Anything is possible, but why are you proposing this question? I have not asserted anything that requires it.

That was my answer to your question of: Do you think Heaven is blissful forever? and Hell is torment forever?

Really? And in what direction?

70% Good honest people...who do bad at times...30% wicked...Who do mostly evil, with some sprinkles of good actions in there at times...Which means the good have control over the earth, not the other way around....If it was 50/50...the world would be in global warfare, or it would have been obliterated by now....

I still cannot figure out in what direction.

I think you got me now! Wink 2 Cents
Reply Fri 30 Mar, 2012 07:39 am
@Frank Apisa,
Why not? Are you under the impression that being an agnostic somehow freezes your vocal chords?

Sure I am. I have already told you that. Catatonia. The fact that the vocal chords are making a noise is neither here nor there. The noise means nothing. Possibly I ought to have said "may not". In the sense of not being polite.

Your evasion only works in unintelligent company. Such as on a golf course.
Reply Fri 30 Mar, 2012 12:02 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Speaking of Golf and being poor...

My brother played a few rounds of golf with friends and others, Using a set of Ben Hogan Woods(TM)!

I thought you may find that a little humorous!

It is not funny were poor, but it is funny to picture someone going to play golf, and others having 3 thousand dollar sets...And my bro, trotting out there with a ratty ass bag, and Ben Hogan Woods (TM)

Funny thing is, is that he was not bad at all! Probably like an 7 or 8 handicap, using that equipment....

And I am a nasty putter!

I think, if your ever interested, we could talk thru pm about how poor we really are...If nothing else to get a laugh, or brighten up the day! Wink Wink Very Happy

Because ones like us, know what survival really is about! Wink Wink
Reply Fri 30 Mar, 2012 12:06 pm
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

And I am a nasty putter!

Nasty like porn star nasty?
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 30 Mar, 2012 12:54 pm
Spendius, wake up.

You mentioned that there was something I, as an agnostic, could not say.

It was an absurd comment on your part.

Deal with it...or any "evading" that is being done is being done you you.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 30 Mar, 2012 12:57 pm
If it is as The Bible says, Yes...

My own personal perceptions from God, Is that yes, to Heaven being blissful....No one will ever have to suffer forever...It is all merely a test to see how high or low we actually are seated in Heaven, and if a Hell exists...People will be purged, but ultimately not be dumb enough to reject God, and be stuck in Hell Forever....

So if someone where to "reject" you god...your god would have that person stuck in Hell forever...being tormented???

And you are saying that good and evil cannot co-exist?

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