Ive got no pity for stupid acts.
We just returned from helping my BIL close and batten down his beach home in Broadkill Beach DEL (about 20 mi N of Rehoboth Beach DEL) WE finished up at 5 PM and it took 4 hours to run the 90 mi trip N to our house where they are gonna stay the week until an all clear os given. DEL beaches have been under a MANDATORY evacuation since about 10AM today. Same thing with MD beaches and NJ (CApe MAy Co and Ocean CO). Gov Lardass over there wants to declare martial law even before the whole storm displays its intensity.
Seems theres a bit of "Dry" air seeping into the eye wall and this is eroding her intensity (But niot its rain massload).
I hope for the best but weve prepared for the wurst.
I am relly beat, I took a showere and had a ST PAuli NA beer and I feel like Im a limp noodle.
WE got a copy of "Paul" at the redbox so well watch that until crash time .
My Paslode nail gun got a hell of a workout today. My arm feels like Ive been jackhammering for a week.I can baerely lift my beer.