parados wrote:Because something came first in the past is not evidence that it will always happen that way.
I made this point before in the Global Warming thread, but I did so only to keep our logic sound.
Almost everyone agrees that the climate is warming. The primary disagreement relates to how much human activity is contributing to an already natural warming trend. Most scientific studies attempt to show that human activity contributes to the warming, but they don't (or aren't capable of) showing to what
degree human activity is contributing. I have yet to see any study based on evidence which defines the percentage of the warming trend to which human activity can be blamed.
If you throw a bucket of water into Niagara falls, you are contributing to an increase in the falls. But is really worth derailing whole economies just to stop what amounts to an insignificant contribution to the natural forces which are already causing the trend?
I suggest that it's actually more effective to let the economies and technology fueled by that economy advance rapidly through to the point where they break their dependence on oil as an energy source. If technology (fertilized by economic wealth) grows rapidly we might become an energy/environmentally neutral system in a hundred years (or less if we could get the politicians out of the way). But if we allow ourselves to languish in our present form, our present wasteful systems might hold on for many hundreds of years. Which approach is better for the natural environment?