Documentary Producers Helped Free West Memphis 3
Stephanie Scurlock
August 21, 2011
(Memphis 08/21/2011) The world is watching as the men known as the West Memphis 3 begin their new lives as free men after spending 18 years in prison.
A judge released them with time served Friday.
It's a story that could have had a far different ending had it not been for some documentary film makers.
Joe Berlinger or Bruce Sinofsky make documentaries. They've followed the West Memphis 3 since Jessie Misskelley's confession to police in 1993.
Sinofsky said, "We came down here. We sniffed around and it just didn't equal out."
Sinofsky and Berlinger produced Paradise Lost: The Childhood Murders at Robin Hood Hills.
It showcased the crime, arrests and convictions of Jessie Misskelley, Jason Baldwin and Damien Echols.
"A lot of people identified with Damien. They felt that I'm a little different. I dress in black. I like Metallica. I could be that guy under the right circumstances," said Berlinger.
The documentary raised doubts about the West Memphis police department's motives and questioned if it was witchcraft or a witch hunt behind the convictions. As a young cub reporter for News Channel 3, I was one of those featured in the film.
"The media, you look around today, you were one of the few people that was there. It's was a small group. Today it's a whole different world," said Sinofsky.
The film aired on HBO and made its away around the circuit of festivals.
"It took us about 2 and a half years to edit the film because we had so much footage. It came out in 1996 as opposed to 1993 and right at that moment was kind of the birth of the internet," said Berlinger.
The film is how Brooklyn raised Lorri Davis, the wife Damien Echols met and married in prison came to know him and how celebrities like Johnny Depp became aware of what happened in Arkansas.
Berlinger said, "When you make a film you hope it's going to have an impact but I have to say we're stunned at the world wide support. The Natalie Maines, the Johnny Depps, the Eddie Vedders. We had no idea it would create this ground swell."
As support grew Paradise Lost 2 was born. Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory is in the making. A trailer for the film shows the two returning to Death Row for a visit with Echols. The team says they were almost finished with the film when Echols, Baldwin and Misskelley were released from prison Friday.
In the trailer Echols is shown saying, "These people would have gotten away with murdering me if it had not been for what you guys did."
Echols is not only alive but the West Memphis 3 are now free.
"We get letters from people all the time saying we saw your movie. Please help us. You can't make a movie about everybody who writes you a letter. It's tragic but these guys were lucky enough to have a films," said Berlinger.
The original version of Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory is scheduled to premiere at the Toronto Film Festival in early September. The one that will air on HBO will also be shown at the New York film festival in October.,0,4827694.story