@Arella Mae,
Quote:Don't you find it rather strange? How many cases on the rape thread did we discuss where someone was convicted and bill swore up and down they were railroaded., etc., etc., etc. Why would he consider those juries' decisions any differently than this one? Bloody hypocrite he is.
He's an out and out hypocrite.
He sang quite a different tune in the rape thread where he carried on, ad nauseum, about not enough hard evidence to charge, let alone to convict, someone of a crime, and the necessity for not ever believing one person's word against another. Yet here, he's more than willing to see guilt in the absence of
any hard evidence, or any compelling circumstantial evidence, and he's suddenly willing to accept one person's word against another, even though that word was given in a possibly coerced, quite inconsistent, and
recanted confession.
He also sang quite a different tune in the Casey Anthony thread where he made it quite clear he did not agree with the jury's verdict and he did not feel she should have been acquitted of all charges and allowed to walk free. So much for his alleged great faith in the validity of jury verdicts.
And when was the last time you heard BillRM express heart-felt compassion, or genuine empathy, or any real concern about the victim of a crime? Ever?
His hypocrisy sure is impressive, isn't it? Rather stunning. One of his most out-standing attributes.
To be demeaned by him should be considered a compliment, Arella Mae. It's a definite indication that you're not a hypocrite, or dishonest, or dumb. He just can't relate to sincere, thoughtful, intelligent people--to him they are an alien species.
Just step over his posts, Arella Mae, the way you would with a mud puddle on the sidewalk.