West Memphis 3 Are Going To Be Freed!

Arella Mae
Reply Sun 21 Aug, 2011 01:46 pm
osso, do you have a link to your thread? I am trying to get caught up on this case and I'd like to read all I can.
Reply Sun 21 Aug, 2011 01:50 pm
It does a body good to stay acquainted with the levels of stupidity and ignorance BillRM regularly shows, Arella. It's too easy to forget that there are people this dumb on the planet.

I agree. And BillRM is displaying his stupidity and ignorance to their maximum advantage in this thread.

He's commenting on a legal case he is not even minimally informed about, but on which he's freely offering his usual sort of mindless opinions. Stupidity of that degree must be some sort of gift. We don't come across it that often, and we should be thankful to BillRM for bringing it to our attention.

Unfortunately. his lame attempts at sarcasm are such pathetically banal cheap shots, they cannot match the level of his stupidity. But, if he keeps working on them, I'm sure he'll get there.
Reply Sun 21 Aug, 2011 02:05 pm
My my I do not feel the love............and here before I came along you guys was so happy that three men who had been convicted by two juries of murdering children was walking free and learning to used iphones.

I wish I could share your joy but sadly there is no solid proof that the 24 men and women of the two juries got it wrong in the first place.

That is the main reason I would be overjoy if they did take lied detector tests and all three pass.

Then I could share your happiness without feelings that it is likely that men who should never walk the earth as free men are now doing so.
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Arella Mae
Reply Sun 21 Aug, 2011 02:18 pm
I can understand some people speaking in ignorance because they don't know all of the facts. What I cannot understand is why they want to remain ignorant and blatantly disregard any truth of the matter.

The harder these types of people try to prove their intelligence the easier it is to see how truly ignorant they are. It is no different than a bully in a schoolyard. He wants attention so he acts like a jerk to get it. Restorting to such tactics as to mentioning a woman's monthly is the height of childishness and flat out stupidity.

That is not the type of person I want anything to do with. Bad company corrupts good morals.
Reply Sun 21 Aug, 2011 02:23 pm
@Arella Mae,
You're not thinking about the economy. Think about how much money could be saved if we did away with trials and lawyers and judges, and just asked Bill what he thought.
Arella Mae
Reply Sun 21 Aug, 2011 02:26 pm
Sad, isn't it? He thinks he knows more than every legal mind that has been involved in this case for 18 years. If it wasn't so pathetic, it would be funny.
Reply Sun 21 Aug, 2011 02:27 pm
@Arella Mae,
Don't you find it rather strange? How many cases on the rape thread did we discuss where someone was convicted and bill swore up and down they were railroaded., etc., etc., etc. Why would he consider those juries' decisions any differently than this one? Bloody hypocrite he is.

He's an out and out hypocrite.

He sang quite a different tune in the rape thread where he carried on, ad nauseum, about not enough hard evidence to charge, let alone to convict, someone of a crime, and the necessity for not ever believing one person's word against another. Yet here, he's more than willing to see guilt in the absence of any hard evidence, or any compelling circumstantial evidence, and he's suddenly willing to accept one person's word against another, even though that word was given in a possibly coerced, quite inconsistent, and recanted confession.

He also sang quite a different tune in the Casey Anthony thread where he made it quite clear he did not agree with the jury's verdict and he did not feel she should have been acquitted of all charges and allowed to walk free. So much for his alleged great faith in the validity of jury verdicts.

And when was the last time you heard BillRM express heart-felt compassion, or genuine empathy, or any real concern about the victim of a crime? Ever? Rolling Eyes

His hypocrisy sure is impressive, isn't it? Rather stunning. One of his most out-standing attributes.

To be demeaned by him should be considered a compliment, Arella Mae. It's a definite indication that you're not a hypocrite, or dishonest, or dumb. He just can't relate to sincere, thoughtful, intelligent people--to him they are an alien species.

Just step over his posts, Arella Mae, the way you would with a mud puddle on the sidewalk.

Arella Mae
Reply Sun 21 Aug, 2011 02:29 pm
I wouldn't speak to him again if my life depended on it.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 21 Aug, 2011 02:36 pm
@Arella Mae,
He thinks he knows more than every legal mind that has been involved in this case for 18 years. If it wasn't so pathetic, it would be funny.

Actually I do find it funny. Every time he mentions lie detector tests, I have a good laugh. Laughing

I guess he feels all defendants in rape cases should take lie detector tests too. Laughing

We could just do away with juries and give everyone lie detector tests. Laughing

I'd call him a shmuck, but I think that would be an insult even to shmucks.
Reply Sun 21 Aug, 2011 02:55 pm
I found this an interesting comment...
Oprah Owes An Apology to the West Memphis Three
August 20, 2011
by Star Foster

So does Geraldo Rivera, Dan Rather, WMCTV (the local NBC affiliate in Memphis, TN) and every other media, therapist, law enforcement and religious figure that willingly stoked up fears over Satanic Ritual Abuse despite the complete lack of evidence. FBI investigations found absolutely no evidence that Satanic ritual abuse was happening, or that, as anyone who knows a Satanist could tell you, Satanists are not organized in any fashion to facilitate such widespread abuse nor do they have any interest in it.

Oprah was taken in by the author of the Michelle Remembers, a ridiculous book that has been thoroughly debunked since its publication. It’s not the first time Oprah has been duped, (remember James Frey?) but her promotion of the hysteria helped give it legitimacy. While she is seen as the paragon of compassion today, she built those ratings on ruthless sensationalism.

Promoting James Frey may have meant her viewers bought a book they were disappointed in, but promoting the “Satanic Panic” was fearmongering of the basest sort. It had real consequences in peoples lives. Jason Baldwin, Damien Echols and Jesse Misskelley Jr spent 18 years behind bars for a crime they didn’t commit because Oprah, Geraldo and Rather told people that if their children wore dark clothing, listened to metal music, meditated or questioned religion they were dangerous. They turned the normal process of teen rebellion and self-identity into a crime.

It’s not just Baldwin, Misskelley and Echols they need to apologize to because the families of those three little boys know the murderer of their children still walk free and no law enforcement agency is looking for them. Ever since the Lindbergh Baby law enforcement looks to the parents and stepparents first when a crime involves a child, and the DNA found at the crime scene is consistent with Terry Hobbs, the last person to see the boys alive.

The Satanic Panic made it a crime to be different. If you were 30 and wore all black with eyeliner you were a New York book critic, but if you were 16 you were demonic. The 80’s and 90’s weren’t the first time the youth of the nation were demonized (jazz and booze; sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll) but it was the first time since the Witch Trials that you could be convicted of murder based on religious speculation.

Some journalists have done an excellent job of covering the West Memphis Three, but a lot of people who have had successful careers built on fearmongering owe these men an apology.
Reply Sun 21 Aug, 2011 03:11 pm
You're not thinking about the economy. Think about how much money could be saved if we did away with trials and lawyers and judges, and just asked Bill what he thought.

You know izzy you are on to something.

Too bad that the US founding fathers did not adopted the Roman practice of appointing a dictator with absolute power for a given numbers of years during periods of crisis.

I would had been a wonderful dictator and likely been able to cures most of the ills of this society in three years or so.

The problems with the criminal justice system might have taken me a few months to straighten out all by itself as it is now in a very mess up state.

On the one hand we imprison a key world financial expert in the middle of a world wide financial crises where millions of people welfare and the fate of nations are on the line on the word of some third world maid/con-woman and then we turn around and overturn two juries verdicts and set three men free who likely had kill three children. At least they was convicted of doing so.

After I got done with that task I would have been the first person since Napoleon to get a whole legal system name after myself.

Footnote I think I would grant Hawkeye the power to rewrite all the laws dealing with sexual matters.
Arella Mae
Reply Sun 21 Aug, 2011 03:14 pm
I hadn't thought about it but they do owe an apology to a lot of people. I can't imagine how it must feel to know they fed that satanic panic that let the real killers go free and three teenagers spent half their lives in jail. That has to be a sort of hell all its own.
Walter Hinteler
Reply Sun 21 Aug, 2011 03:16 pm
BillRM wrote:

Too bad that the US founding fathers did not adopted the Roman practice of appointing a dictator with absolute power for a given numbers of years during periods of crisis.
Before some more get wrong ideas about Roman history, please read the
Wikipedia article about Roman dictators:
[...]It was generally accepted that the dictatorship would be limited to six months and no instances occur in which a person held this office for a longer time, save for the dictatorships of Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix and Gaius Julius Caesar. On the contrary, though a dictator was appointed for six months, he often resigned his office immediately after he had dispatched the business for which he had been appointed.[...]
Arella Mae
Reply Sun 21 Aug, 2011 03:18 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
I hear that Walter. I've been studying the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire of as late and strange, none of what he said was what I studied.

The most important thing guarded by the Republic of Rome was there wasn't ever be ONE person with that much power for a long period of time.
Reply Sun 21 Aug, 2011 03:29 pm
@Arella Mae,
I can't imagine how it must feel to know they fed that satanic panic that let the real killers go free and three teenagers spent half their lives in jail. That has to be a sort of hell all its own.

It might indeed be the case AM if there was any proof of that having occur instead of three child murderers being set free because of pressure being put on the state by such celebrities as Natalie Maines of Dixie Chicks and Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam and people out to sell two documentary videos.

So by this theory one celebrity got them lock up and other celebrities got them released.

A very interesting legal system we are getting no need for lawyers as it is now a battle between celebrities.

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Reply Sun 21 Aug, 2011 03:32 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Sorry but if memory serve me correctly there was a numbers of cases where the dictatorship got renew/extended many times.

Beside 6 months is too short of a time period for me to fit the mess that the GOP had gotten us into.
Reply Sun 21 Aug, 2011 03:50 pm
@Arella Mae,
I've been studying the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire

AM so you are studying Rome history? Be it known AM however that the Roman Empire came after the end of the Roman Republic in 40 BC or so. Off hand I can not remember more accurately the date that is given normally for this event.

Of course it been dying long before that as the small land owners that was the backbone and the strength of the Republic was replaced by large slaves work land holdings of the riches and mercenaries replaced these same land holders in the legions. Loyal only to the man who paid them not the Republic hell we even have completely privately own legions near the end.

Two major civil wars did not help the matter either. One of the wars was over the right to be a Roman citizen and after half a millions or so deaths the senate grant the supporting city states that right. Lord what a hell of a waste.

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Walter Hinteler
Reply Sun 21 Aug, 2011 03:58 pm
BillRM wrote:

Sorry but if memory serve me correctly there was a numbers of cases where the dictatorship got renew/extended many times.

I suggest, you have a look at Broughton, T. Robert S. (Thomas Robert Shannon), Magistrates of the Roman Republic. New York, 1951-52
Or at this List of Roman Dictators

Of course, the consuls could and actually did nominate a dictator for another term if he had done a good job with his delegated job.

There have even been two dictators at the very same time: in B.C. 216 after the battle of Cannae, when M. Fabius Buteo was nominated dictator for the purpose of filling up the vacancies in the senate, although M. Junius Pera was discharging the regular duties of the dictator.
Reply Sun 21 Aug, 2011 04:02 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Most often I roll my eyes, and roll them again, with all these lucid people continuing to answer BillRM. It drives me nuts - you find him continually off base, stop feeding it over and over and over.

However, that one was useful, Walter.

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Reply Sun 21 Aug, 2011 04:03 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Was there not one Roman gentleman who had three or even four terms as dictator over his lifetime of course those terms was not all together and he was very old the last time he was drag into the office.

Lord I do not feel like googling it right now.
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