West Memphis 3 Are Going To Be Freed!

Arella Mae
Reply Tue 23 Aug, 2011 10:50 am
BillRM wrote:

The harm you are doing is by supporting a believe system that had a few thousands years track record of doing great harm to individuals and society as a whole.

Limit your power by fighting to the max such efforts as to block the teaching of real science in the public schools and or the teaching of religion nonsense as a science, challenge the rewriting of history and false claims such that the US was founded on "Christian principles" as a Christian nation or that there exist any prove outside of the bible that such a man as Jesus had any real existed. On and on we go................

Help bring the people who are only given lip service to religion out of the closet by encouraging people who are non believers to be very open in their non believes.

So are you saying non-beleivers are innocent of atrocities in the past so they aren't supporting any kind of beliefs that others might consider harmful?

You do not even know what constitutes a TRUE Christian so how in the world do you think you would have any right to try to LIMIT us to anything? You don't get it, do you? Your type of thinking is a HITLER MENTALITY. YOU deciding who is appropriate and who isn't in society?

You should just be really grateful that grammar and butchering sentences isn't a capital offense. DO YOU SEE HOW DANGEROUS
YOUR thinking is? If they don't agree with you, well, LIMIT THEM!

Arella Mae
Reply Tue 23 Aug, 2011 10:51 am
Considering your VERY LIMITED (proven by you) knowledge of this case, what you have to say about it means VIRTUALLY ZIP to me but you are entitled to whatever opinion you have.
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Arella Mae
Reply Tue 23 Aug, 2011 11:11 am
These three young men surely know what it is like to have their rights UNJUSTLY stripped from them at the hands of someone else's ignorance and fear. Note what Mark Byers said about them being released BUT NOT being exonerated being an outrage! In the beginning I doubt you'd find anyone more positive than Mark Byers that these three were guilty

Freed 'West Memphis Three' enjoy family, food, technology
West Memphis

(CNN) -- Jason Baldwin paused Saturday on his first morning of freedom in 18 years to share a revelation he gleaned in prison while serving a life sentence.

The "West Memphis Three" member recalled telling inmates he had figured out the secret of life.

"What is it?" they asked.

"I said, 'Enjoy it. Enjoy it,'" Baldwin told CNN Memphis affiliate WMC.

And enjoy it he did Friday and Saturday. Baldwin, Damien Echols and Jessie Misskelley Jr. -- freed Friday in Arkansas after a complicated plea arrangement -- spent time with family, friends and supporters.

Echols and Baldwin saw the sunset Friday from the rooftop of the Madison Hotel in Memphis, across the Mississippi River from West Memphis, Arkansas. Supporters Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam and Natalie Maines of the Dixie Chicks joined the party.

The three men, who served 18 years in prison following their convictions in a 1993 triple-slaying in West Memphis, walked free Friday to cheers from a supportive crowd after entering rarely used pleas in which they maintained their innocence but acknowledged that prosecutors have evidence to convict them.

They had been imprisoned for the slayings of second-graders Steven Branch, Christopher Byers and Michael Moore.

The boys' bodies were mutilated and left in a ditch, hogtied with their own shoelaces. Prosecutors argued that the defendants, teenagers at the time, were driven by satanic ritual and that Echols, sentenced to death, had been the ringleader. Baldwin and Misskelley received life sentences.

Attorney Stephen Braga, who represented Echols, said his newly freed client and Baldwin were fascinated by new foods, cell phones and other technology Friday.

"It was if you could see two little 5-year-old kids at their first Christmas," Braga told CBS' "Early Show" Saturday. "The idea you could take pictures with an iPhone totally blew them away."

Misskelley spent Friday night with his family near West Memphis.

CNN affiliate WREG said Echols, who met his wife while serving time, and Baldwin left Saturday for undisclosed locations to enjoy seclusion.

Echols and Baldwin entered what is known as an Alford plea on three counts of first-degree murder. Misskelley entered similar pleas to one count of first-degree murder and two counts of second-degree murder.

Craighead County Circuit Judge David Laser sentenced the three to the 18 years already served and imposed a 10-year suspended sentence -- meaning they could be returned to jail if they violate the law.

"I don't think that it will make the pain go away to the victims' families. I don't think it will make the pain go away to the defendant families," Laser said, adding it was nevertheless the best for all involved.

Critics of the case against the men argued that no direct evidence tied the three to the murders and that a knife recovered from a lake near the home of one of the men could not have caused the boys' wounds. More recent DNA testing also demonstrated no links, according to the men's supporters.

Baldwin said he didn't initially want to accept the deal.

"This was not justice," he said, adding that he dropped his opposition to pave the way for Echols' release from death row.

"I have now spent half my life on death row," Echols said in a statement released Saturday. "It is a torturous environment that no human being should have to endure, and it needed to end. I am innocent, as are Jason and Jessie, but I made this decision because I did not want to spend another day of my life behind those bars."

While prosecuting attorney Scott Ellington said the pleas entered Friday validate the decision of jurors who sent the men to prison, it also spares Arkansas the possibility of a retrial, which would have been difficult to prosecute after so many years, or a potential civil lawsuit by the men. The trio had been on course to win the right to new trials later this year.

Ellington said he believes the pleas resolve the case.

"I have no reason to believe there was anyone else involved in the homicide of these three children but the three defendants who pled guilty today," he said. But he said the state could file charges against others if new evidence emerges implicating someone else in the case.

John Mark Byers, whose stepson Christopher Byers was one of the three victims, said he believes the three men are innocent and releasing them without exonerating them of the crime is an outrage.

"They're innocent. They did not kill my son," Byers said before the hearing.

The father of another of the victims, Steven Branch, also blasted the decision, but for another reason.

"I don't know what kind of deal they worked up," Steve Branch told CNN affiliate WMC-TV before the hearing. "Now you can get some movie stars and a little bit of money behind you, and you can walk free for killing somebody."

Baldwin, who said he prays for the victims' families, told WMC Saturday he hopes to return to school.

"Right now, I am floating on the hands of people who love and care for me, people trying to get my feet under me and everything," he said. "I'm just trusting God to take care of me."

Braga credited new DNA evidence, a new hearing and a new judge as instrumental to Friday's proceedings.

The attorney claims the three freed men and supporters will push to see that the real killer eventually is found.

"He's still out there," Braga told CBS. "The right guys have been set free."
0 Replies
Reply Tue 23 Aug, 2011 11:33 am
@Arella Mae,
AM there must be very few true Christians compare to non true Christians and they tend to be very very silent when non true Christians are killing in Jesus name.

Off hand I do not remember reading about any true Christians standing up when the non-true Christians was killing and torturing in Jesus name in 1400s Spain for example.

Now I do remember that when some non true Christians on their way to take part in one of the Crusades went on a killing spree of Jews, that a Bishop offer them sanctuary in a church. Sadly the non true Christians burned the church with the Jews in it.

True Christians seem rare and also very rarely stand up to non true Christians.
Arella Mae
Reply Tue 23 Aug, 2011 11:45 am
So because of those people you treat me and others the way you do? I have news for you. If a parent wants science taught to their child then they should be able to make that choice. If they don't want it taught, they should be able to make that choice. also. So far, everything you try to blame me for because of my "Christianity" has been a false accusation.

You continually try to blame Christians for what other people are doing. I do not dislike you because of anyone but YOU, nor do I hate all men who can't spell or put together a decent sentence because of YOU.

You do not see the complete hypocrisy of your thinking. You want to punish anyone that says they are Christian because of what others have done and that is totally an unjust action. That's coming from you.............ONE WHO IS SUCH AN ADVOCATE FOR THOSE FALSELY ACCUSED............which is the same type of mentality and actions that got the WM3 convicted for something they didn't do and the real killer/killers is now walking free because the DA won't admit he was wrong and find the true murderer/murderers.
Reply Tue 23 Aug, 2011 12:10 pm
@Arella Mae,
If a parent wants science taught to their child then they should be able to make that choice. If they don't want it taught, they should be able to make that choice. also. So far, everything you try to blame me for because of my "Christianity" has been a false accusation.

So parents should be allowed to block the teaching of science in the public school on the tax payer’s dime?

How about mathematic or logic or history or that the earth is not flat?

Sound like you wish to allow parents on the public dime to block any teaching concerning the real universe to their children that they care to so their religion brainwashing is not harm.

Now everyone do you not see why I consider her and people like her a danger to the public welfare to say nothing of the welfare of the next generation of children.
Arella Mae
Reply Tue 23 Aug, 2011 12:25 pm
What everyone can see Bill is that you are wanting to FORCE kids to learn what YOU WANT THEM TO LEARN (um, brainwashing?) where I believe the parents should be given a choice. It is probably the very reason so many decide to homeschool nowadays because PEOPLE LIKE YOU want to dictate how they should teach and raise their children, yet, you are also one that wants to keep the government out of the homes, etc? You can't have it both ways.

I have to laugh, people like me are dangerous because I think we should be able to make choices?

Funny, you seem to think that is just fine as long as it is a CHOICE you advocate. I only became dangerous (in your mind) when I disagreed with you.
Reply Tue 23 Aug, 2011 12:33 pm
@Arella Mae,
Arella Mae, you are arguing with a person who expresses almost nothing but anger and contempt, regardless of the topic.
BillRM is so self-righteous and arrogant he is definitely in the same category as the type of religious person (really more of a straw-man) he continuously stereotypes and attacks, but he is unable to see that and, he's so defensive, I doubt you'll be able to help him see that.

Even in this thread, apart from the obvious fact that his comments are based in almost no knowledge of the legal case, he is the one who fails to respect differing opinions. Those who feel that the WM3 were unjustly convicted on the basis of flimsy evidence will of course feel relieved about their release. Those convinced that the three are guilty, will feel upset about it. But, BillRM seems unable to grasp that legitimate difference of opinion, or the fact that this case has gone on for 18 years, with many appeals decisions and rulings which have also affected people's perceptions of the guilt or innocence of these three men. Instead, he harps on the fact that, because these three were convicted by juries, no one should entertain the thought that the verdicts might have been wrong.

Despite any real knowledge of what went on in that community at the time of the trials, or the many factors that might have tainted the justice process during those trials, BillRM has decided that the original verdicts are all that count, and that they trump all other considerations regarding the possible wrongful incarceration of three men, and the near execution of one of them. His insensitivity to the value of human life--the lives of these three men--is breathtaking. Three children were brutally murdered, and justice for those victims would not be served by the wrongful imprisonment of possibly innocent men.

This case should always have been a search for the truth of what happened to those children, but a rush to judgment, in an atmosphere of community near-hysteria, may have seriously obstructed that search. The doubts that people have about those original verdicts are very legitimate doubts, and if BillRM had any real knowledge of this case, he would be aware of that. Instead of intelligently discussing why the differences of opinion exist, and persist, which would be hard for him to do given his lack of familiarity with this case, he instead resorts to snide comments, sarcasm, and insults--juvenile tactics rather than meaningful discussion--directed at those who are relieved that the WM3 might finally have received some measure of justice at the hands of the state. He seems to be doing this only to satisfy his own needs for attention, but, in the process, he clearly reveals his lack of respect for anyone else's opinions. It's his way or the highway--and people who are that rigid and inflexible in their thinking cannot meaningfully discuss any topic with anyone--and BillRM proves that in thread after thread.

Since BillRM has such apparent faith in those original jury verdicts, I would like him to tell us what evidence that was presented at those trials that he found the most compelling. What about the evidence convinced him that these three men were guilty of those murders beyond a reasonable doubt?

I mean, surely he can't be dumb enough to feel that, just because a jury says so, means that their verdict is irrefutable proof of guilt or innocence, beyond just the legal pronouncement. Did he even agree with the O.J. verdict, or the Casey Anthony verdict? What about all the men wrongfully convicted of rape who were later exonerated by new DNA evidence? Would he cling to their original jury verdicts too? BillRM knows full well that people in the public make up their own minds about guilt, apart from the jury verdict--he himself does that all the time.

So, I want to repeat what I said before, in (a probably futile) attempt to engage BillRM in a meaningful discussion about the actual substance of this legal case. There is no point in his quibbling about whether people should or should not feel relieved or happy about the release of the WM3, if he doesn't understand and address the legal issues in this case that have resulted in those differing emotions. So...

Since BillRM has such apparent faith in those original jury verdicts, I would like him to tell us what evidence that was presented at those trials that he found the most compelling in terms of pointing to guilt. What about the evidence at trial convinced him that these three men were guilty of those murders beyond a reasonable doubt?
Arella Mae
Reply Tue 23 Aug, 2011 12:38 pm
I couldn't agree more with everything you said. Right now, I know I am basically beating my head up a brick wall about his wanting to "limit" Christians and as long as I can keep a civil head about me I don't mind talking to even him. LOL I suppose it's much like trying to have a civil/intelligent conversation with Hitler.

His name needs to be Cleo-King of Denial.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 23 Aug, 2011 12:47 pm
@Arella Mae,
Yes indeed children who are unlucky enough to have parents like you should be denial access to the society knowledge of the universe.

Home schooling in the hands of such as you is clearly child abused as everyone should had a birthright of becoming an inform citizen with at least a basic understanding of science and technology and history and related subjects.

There is no more right for a parent nor should there be to cripple a child mind then to cripple his body.

Reply Tue 23 Aug, 2011 01:03 pm
Firefly you do know you are offering support to a woman who is of the open opinion that parents have a right to block basic knowledge and education to their children.

How my friend, is crippling children minds so they can not live a full life and compete on a level playing field with others not as bad as if she was supporting parents rights to keep their children on a starvation diet and cripple their bodies?

Footnote she is not even talking about trying to block small areas of knowledge but all of science just to start with.
Reply Tue 23 Aug, 2011 01:23 pm
Footnote she is not even talking about trying to block small areas of knowledge but all of science just to start with

And you're trying to block her freedom of religious belief and expression--not that you've characterized her religious views at all accurately.

More importantly, you are trying to derail another thread with your own needs for attention. You are exactly like JGoldman10, you are flip sides of the same coin in terms of your views on religion, and you are equally juvenile in your need to provoke in order to gain attention for yourselves.

If you can't address the topic of this thread, and address the legal issues I raised in my last post, and directed to you, I am not really interested in continuing to respond to you. It would be feeding a troll.
Arella Mae
Reply Tue 23 Aug, 2011 01:27 pm
BillRM wrote:

Yes indeed children who are unlucky enough to have parents like you should be denial access to the society knowledge of the universe.

Well, it could be worse. They could have parents like you who think you have the right to dictate to others what they should learn and what they should not because you think you know more than even great legal minds. HYPOCRITE.

Home schooling in the hands of such as you is clearly child abused as everyone should had a birthright of becoming an inform citizen with at least a basic understanding of science and technology and history and related subjects.

Since you are lacking in reading comprehension skills, spelling, and grammar, shall I assume you were child abused (your phrase)? Who said they shouldn't have a basic understanding of science and technology and history? I never said that. That is your strawman acting up again. I said there are certain things that should be left up to the choice of the parent; whereas, YOU want to have the decision FORCED on them.

There is no more right for a parent nor should there be to cripple a child mind then to cripple his body.

Who is crippling anyone? Um, that would be you because you want to FORCE what YOU WANT onto others. Sorry, that's not right. It's what you accuse Christians of doing but think it's okay to do yourself. Hitler thought that way.

Those that homeschool their children are not allowed to just teach them what they want. There are still things those children have to learn that is learned in school. BUT there are some things it should be left up to the parent of that child to teach. They should not be FORCED TO DO WHAT YOU WANT THEM TO DO BECAUSE YOU THINK YOU KNOW IT ALL.

By the way Bill, I agree with firefly. No more feeding you. You are seen by all for what you do. The only person you fool is yourself.
Reply Tue 23 Aug, 2011 01:33 pm
No religion belief justify harming children Firefly and if you feel otherwise then I guess you have no problem with that Mormon offshoot forcing the boys out of the community and marrying the 14 years old girls to 40 years old men and all in the name of their religion.
Reply Tue 23 Aug, 2011 01:36 pm
If you can't address the topic of this thread, and address the legal issues I raised in a pervious post, and directed to you, I am not really interested in continuing to respond to you. It would be feeding a troll.
Reply Tue 23 Aug, 2011 01:39 pm
@Arella Mae,
AM I will admit that I misjudge you as I was of the opinion that you was not evil just lacking in some intellect but now that you came out in favor of harming children in the name of your religion and parents rights to block basic information from their children that is no longer the case.
Arella Mae
Reply Tue 23 Aug, 2011 01:45 pm
I do not know how you live with yourself for all the lies you flat out tell and the false accusations you make. Personally, I no longer even feel sorry for you. I think you are happy being the say you are.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 23 Aug, 2011 01:47 pm
It ok Firefly if you do not wish to address her clear statement that parents should have the right to block the teaching of all science to their children not just evolution or the big bang but the whole damn area of science.

Frankly I am still in shock over such a statement by anyone even AM.

If a parent wants science taught to their child then they should be able to make that choice. If they don't want it taught, they should be able to make that choice. also.

Still it show that religion believes being irrational tend to be harmful to society.
Arella Mae
Reply Tue 23 Aug, 2011 01:55 pm
BillRM wrote:

It ok Firefly if you do not wish to address her clear statement that parents should have the right to block the teaching of all science to their children not just evolution or the big bang but the whole damn area of science.

YOU STUPID TWIT! I qualified it later. YOU ARE SUCH A HYPOCRITICAL LIAR! I said some choices should be up to the parents.

Frankly I am still in shock over such a statement by anyone even AM.

However, I doubt anyone is shocked at the lies you are continuing to spew.

Still it show that religion believes being irrational tend to be harmful to sociey.

What is irrational is the fact you keep saying I said things I never said. Yep, you give non-believers a bad name. CLICK, CLICK AND CLICK! FADE TO BLACK.
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Arella Mae
Reply Tue 23 Aug, 2011 01:57 pm
Did you watch the video on wm3.org of the hearing Friday?

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