Thu 11 Aug, 2011 12:42 pm
On Christmas ` Eve next, we will enjoy the 20th Anniversary
of the death of communism, as embodied in the ussr.
On Christmas Eve of 1991, Russian soldiers hauled down
the red hammer n sickle flag from atop the Kremlin
and on Christmas Day, thay put up the Red, White & Blue
of the Russian Republic. The ussr was dead. It remains dead.
I remember that I was returning home to NY from Las Vegas
on Christmas Eve. When I got off the plane at Idlewild,
on Christmas morning, communism was DEAD in Russia. HOOORAYYY!!!!!.
It was even better than the death of nazism
in that we were not faced with the need nor expenses
of occupation, as we had with the Germen and the Japs.
I was thrilled & filled with JOY and BLISS!!!!!
That was one of the best Christmas ` Presents I ever had.
All freedom loving, libertarian Individualists shoud
dance on the grave of communism and befoul it.
I don 't have any plans yet. Freedom lovers need to PLAN!
HOW can we make Merry??!!