Lola wrote:This is a technical, but important point, Soz. I distinguish between addiction and compulsion. Addiction has to do with a physical need for more based on use, whereas a compulsion is about an internal pressure to act in a certain way. Of course in the case of alcholism and drug abuse, both are present.
A problem with people who are either addicted to sex & emotional highs or feel the compulsion to have serial "affairs" or relationships:
I know of a man whose basically used women (one after another) for his survival, his self esteem. In each case the current woman believed (in the early stages) that she was becoming involved in a committed, loving relationship, only to become yet another victim of his "problem". Which apparently was that he couldn't "commit".

The same story, over & over! (this man is now in his mid forties) By this stage of his life he would surely be aware that there's a pattern of destructiveness & cruelty (to others) in his behavior, but still he persists, looking for that elusive right person. Surely by now he would have enough insight into his behavior to understand the pain he's caused? I can't understand why a person with this disposition doesn't do something about it ... take some responsiblity.