Thank you Mr f for you input, yes I have heard of Professor Bewildered, in fact I believe I have read some of his published articles in such eminent scientific journals as Hustler and the Viz. While I have not always agreed with his findings (never) he is interesting (amusing) to say the least.
Now sir as for proof of "The Hollow Earth Theory", well the proof is already there, you just have to dig for it. (excuse the pun).
The idea is not new, Edmond Halley (of comet fame) in 1692 put forth the idea of Earth consisting of a hollow shell about 800 km (500 miles) thick. United States president John Quincy Adams indicated he would approve of an expedition in to the Earth but he left office before this could occur.
When I lie in bed at night I myself can hear noises, scratching, moans as if coming from the very bowels of the Earth. Many a time I have put out my joint, jumped up torch in hand and ventured in to the cellar to try and discover the source of these eerie sounds, but to this date I have found nothing except my Gimp and he swears it isn't him.
The mystery deepens.