Helping partner return to sex

Reply Thu 21 Jul, 2011 02:19 pm
Strange I never had a desire for risky sex even if as a gentleman I would go along with some behaviors of that nature that turn my partners on from time to time.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 Jul, 2011 02:20 pm
Let see when wife is not in the mood or when she is away traveling then porn and the hand is a fall back means but no I would not pass up a session with my wife to jerk of to a Rachelle Steels porn video.
I am sure that Firefly does not want to get into why porn is so popular now, because then we would need to talk about how so many bossy bitchy women suck so bad in bed that men decide that they would rather jack off than deal with them. The use of porn today is very sad, but not for the reasons she and the other busybodies give.
Reply Thu 21 Jul, 2011 02:40 pm
I do not consider porn in itself either sad or not sad.

A man who is using it to allow him to hide from having a partner relationship that he desire is sad but not using it as a backup.
Reply Thu 21 Jul, 2011 02:45 pm
I do not consider porn in itself either sad or not sad.
That these men are spending so much of their time with porn rather than playing with women is sad in my books. We seriously need to get cracking working on the disconnect between men and women. That the man hating bitch feminists run sex law is certainly a part of the problem, but it is not all of it.

I dont have the stats handy, but young men spend a lot more time with porn than they used to, and are having less playtime with women than they used to.
Reply Thu 21 Jul, 2011 02:53 pm
I dont have the stats handy, but young men spend a lot more time with porn than they used to, and are having less playtime with women than they used to. 0 Replies

Somehow I would question such studies/surveys as the society as a whole is full of nonsense numbers such as one in four women are assault victims in college or 200,000 plus teenagers are involved in the sex trade in the US.

When you look at where and how the information was gather it turn into bullshit in short order.
Reply Thu 21 Jul, 2011 03:15 pm
Somehow I would question such studies/surveys as the society as a whole is full of nonsense numbers such as one in four women are assault victims in college or 200,000 plus teenagers are involved in the sex trade in the US
MAybe it is because I have three teens/young adults and I talk to them and their friends, but I am convinced the something has gone wrong with the relationship between the sexes. The reports the young men have turned into massive consumers of porn and that they are having less relationship sex tracks for me.


Preliminary results from the University of Sydney study show many men, and women, are spending massive amounts of time and money viewing porn. Of more than 700 adult Australians surveyed, about one-third looked at internet porn three to five times a week, while 28 per cent look at it almost every day - half of them for between 30 minutes and three hours. A few are spending up to 14 hours watching porn.
Co-researcher Professor Raj Sitharthan says many are becoming addicted to the safety of online pornography to the point where some are unable to achieve orgasm during intercourse.
While it's well known that more people are watching pornography, before this research there had been little positive discussion about what makes it so addictive and what impacts it has on people's finances, sex life and work.
Dines's claim that "there is no room for porn in a just society" is no different to the response of many parents who find a girly magazine hidden under their son's bed. It's a type of lecturing that treats pornography with prohibition. Free of discussion.
Critics such as Dines are correct in saying that porn has shifted from the edges of popular culture to the mainstream, as the new research makes clear, but their argument lacks any sort of solution.
Dr Mark Griffiths, a leading academic in addiction at Nottingham Trent University, says online pornography has its rewards, just like any addiction: "Whatever you're into there is something there on the net that will sexually excite you, arouse you, reinforce you. Compared with not having sex with your partner or engaging in other types of sexual behaviour - if it's all there for you on the internet - you can see how people get into these cycles of just searching this material."
For many people, sex is scary. It means you have to deal with another person's emotions. Not to mention rejection. With technology's place in our everyday lives, the touch of a mouse and keyboard can seem easier and more accessible than the touch of a loved one.

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/society-and-culture/demonising-porn-use-unleashes-more-evil-20110519-1eusw.html#ixzz1SmDMZhgY

porn is both medically safe and legally safe, which is the bigger driver IDK but I would like to know. I certainly expect that it is the draconian legal penalties which have been enacted by the feminists for sex that they dont approve of which is the main driver here.
Reply Thu 21 Jul, 2011 04:06 pm
Hawkeye you have to assume that young males as a class are aware of the danger they are in by interacting sexually with young women and are so concern about this risk that they had reduce such contacts and increase porn veiwing.

I find that unlikely and remembering back to my younger years I was of the firm opinion then that I was invincible so a theoretically danger would not had cause me to go toward porn and away from girls.
Reply Thu 21 Jul, 2011 06:54 pm
I find that unlikely and remembering back to my younger years I was of the firm opinion then that I was invincible so a theoretically danger would not had cause me to go toward porn and away from girls.
Boys are bashed over the head with the evilness of their dicks from birth these days, so it is different now.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Jul, 2011 02:29 pm
As he recently put it to me, it is figuring out how to move his mind from porn dependent self relationship to a physical sexual relationship. It's not that he doesn't care for me and not attempting to integrate me into his life.

If you dont really care why bother replying?
Why be verbally obtuse at someone for responding the things in context of the question?
Do you always run from relationships that require the least amount of work?

Regardless of what you may think of me or my relationship, I believe in working at things and not just abandoning ship when it gets rough. It's a sign of weakness.

Reply Fri 22 Jul, 2011 02:33 pm
I believe in working at things and not just abandoning ship when it gets rough
It was never NOT rough with this one, you picked him this way, which indicates that you have a need to save someone. This does not usually work out too well, jsyk.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Jul, 2011 03:49 pm
Comet83, have your friend check out the self-help tools on this page.

And I'd suggest that you ignore BillRM and Hawkeye.

There is no reason to run from a relationship with someone you think is "a really great guy". Your friend will be able to work out his problem, and I think that all the resouces at the above Web site will help him to do that.

BTW, welcome to A2K.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Jul, 2011 04:23 pm
First, if you going to get involved with his problems the sane thing to do is drag the man to an expert not start a home do itself mental health program.

Now my friend I am 62 years old and I been in relationships where I could picture myself on a white horse and winning the love of my new partner forever by rescusing her(in my case) from whatever problems she was facing.

If tend never to work out that way.

Now I am not stating that if a long term partner get into trouble you do not stay by him or her however you are now taking on a partner with as the insurance companies would say a pre-existing condition not supporting a partner who ran into a problem during a long established relationship.

Good luck in any case.
Reply Fri 22 Jul, 2011 07:44 pm
Comet83 has made it clear he is not looking for relationship advice. And he does not want to bolt from the relationship just because his friend is having a problem shifting his sexual focus from porn to a partner.

So, why do you persist in telling him to get out of the relationship? If the partner's problem was obesity, and he was looking for a sensible diet plan, and Comet83 wanted to help him lose weight and adapt a healthy lifestyle, and posted a thread asking about diets, would you reply by telling him to stop trying to rescue the man and get out of the relationship?

You're overly hung up on why Comet83's friend was celibate for 10 years, and it really doesn't matter why he made that choice--or it shouldn't matter to you. Maybe celibacy isn't something you would would have chosen, but this man experienced a rather significant betrayal in a past relationship and he made that choice. But that's the past. In the present, the man doesn't want to be celibate. He's in a new relationship with a partner with whom he does want to enjoy a sexual relationship. However, because he's relied only on porn for sexual arousal, and stimulation, and satisfaction, for a long period of time, he just isn't getting sufficiently aroused now that he once again has a real life partner. That is not an uncommon problem, but you seem unable to grasp or accept it. In terms of sexual dysfunctions, and sexual behavior/sexual performance problems, this one is fairly easy to understand and fairly easy to remedy.
the sane thing to do is drag the man to an expert not start a home do itself mental health program.

No one has suggested a "do itself mental health program". And no one but you seems to be suggesting that the man has a "major mental health problem".

The man has a sexual performance problem--a behavioral problem--because his brain and body have become so accustomed, and conditioned, to respond to the intense visual stimulation of pornography, that the stimuli now provided by an actual partner are insufficient in arousing his libido. And as long as porn competes with his real life partner, the partner is going to lose, which is why he has to start by eliminating the porn and letting his body re-adjust to a more normal and natural level of stimulation and arousal, and one that can encompass and react to a wider range of stimulation, like touch, that a partner provides, instead of the exclusive focus on detached visual images that porn provides. It's a re-learning, re-adaptation process he has to go through in order to find greater arousal and satisfaction with a partner, and it should happen fairly gradually and naturally once the porn is eliminated as a competing, and interfering factor. And it is definitely something he can do with the help of the tools in the link I posted.

Reply Fri 22 Jul, 2011 09:14 pm
Comet83 has made it clear he is not looking for relationship advice

The thread title is "helping partner return to sex" and you are claiming that the poster is not looking for relationship advice? Drunk
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Jul, 2011 07:08 am
because his brain and body have become so accustomed, and conditioned, to respond to the intense visual stimulation of pornography, that the stimuli now provided by an actual partner are insufficient in arousing his libido

That is indeed your theory and if true almost no young man could preform with his first girlfriend as most young men had many years looking at porn and jerking off to porn before they gotten to try it with a woman or a man.

Sorry porn does not compare to the real thing even evil evil evil internet porn.

Oh you happen to be revealing a lot about yourself in this thread.
Reply Sat 23 Jul, 2011 09:53 am
That is indeed your theory and if true almost no young man could preform with his first girlfriend as most young men had many years looking at porn and jerking off to porn before they gotten to try it with a woman or a man.

A young man who spent 10 years using porn and masturbation as the only form of sexual arousal and stimulation might well have difficulty becoming fully aroused, stimulated, and satisfied when he is finally with a partner.

What you are still failing to grasp is that for this particular man the porn may be the problem and, for that reason, the stimuli now provided by a partner are insufficient. In addition, his sexual focus and functioning has been conditioned not to include a partner--his focus has been on visual imagery, internal fantasy, and self stimulation.
Sorry porn does not compare to the real thing even evil evil evil internet porn.

For some people, particularly those who excessively view porn, or who become sexually dependent on porn, the porn can become better than the real thing--and, thanks to the internet, it's available on demand, with endless variety, and is completely under one's control.

Even Hawkeye is more astute and better informed on this topic than you are.

If someone reacted to the breakup of a relationship by turning to junk food as comfort, and they continued to eat only junk food and fast food for 10 years, only dining alone, their palate and appetite would become conditioned to higher levels of fat, and salt, and sugar, as well as to the aromas and textures and tastes of such food and snacks, and, when hungry, that's the food they would crave. But now this person is in a relationship with someone who eats a more balanced and healthier diet, so this junk food addict decides he would like to do that too, and he wants to share fine dining experiences with this person. But, when this new partner prepares a dinner of broiled fish, steamed vegetables, and a salad, the junk food addict just doesn't seem to have an appetite--it's not really what he wants, and, it's not satisfying. So, he just sort of picks at his dinner, and goes out afterward, by himself, and gets himself a Big Mac and a large order of fries, and a large Coke, and then he feels satisfied.

Finally, the man realizes he's got to quit the junk food if he's going to change his eating habits and preferences. It's not easy, he really craves and enjoys the junk food, but his cholesterol level is too high, he's overweight, and he really wants to enjoy a healthier lifestyle and a different sort of dining experience with a partner. So, he swears off junk food. At first he is miserable. He misses those fries and the sight and aroma of a pizza fresh from the oven--and he fantasizes about them constantly. But then he stops thinking about them all the time, and he starts paying more attention to the aroma and taste and texture of the food his partner has prepared. He notices a scrumptious garlic, butter, and lemon sauce on the fish and a dynamite dressing on the salad. And a juicy ripe honeydew melon really is a delicious dessert. And the dinner conversation they share is lively and funny and terrific. So, he suddenly begins looking forward to these wonderful meals his partner prepares, and he's consuming them with real gusto. And then he and his partner begin enjoying some fine wine with their meals, and they start preparing the meals together, and the thought of trading in this sort of shared wonderful dining for a solitary meal of a Big Mac and fries on a tacky formica table seems downright absurd to the former junk food junkie.

Even you should be able to understand the analogy between the junk food and the porn...

One can change and alter one's sexual appetites, and preferences, and sexual satisfactions in much the same way. We humans are really quite malleable.

Reply Sat 23 Jul, 2011 10:14 am
I agree that 12 step programs work. I have had many friends become clean thanks to them, and with great success.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Jul, 2011 10:25 am
Even I can't be a 100% certain that the problem is either entirely HIV related or porn related. I do recognize that people don't tell the truth completely anymore.
Reply Sat 23 Jul, 2011 11:06 am
the porn can become better than the real thing--and, thanks to the internet, it's available on demand, with endless variety, and is completely under one's control.

LOL only someone like you could think or state such nonsense.

At the very best porn can serve as a coping means for some people without a normal sex life or as a minor add on to a sex life however it is never better then the real thing.

The worst and most disappointing sexual encounter in my life was still far better when watching the best produce porn I had ever seem.
Reply Sat 23 Jul, 2011 12:54 pm
At the very best porn can serve as a coping means for some people without a normal sex life or as a minor add on to a sex life however it is never better then the real thing.

The worst and most disappointing sexual encounter in my life was still far better when watching the best produce porn I had ever seem.
WOW, you have either been always blessed with amazing women or cursed with low quality porn.....porn and a fantasy can very often be better than the woman, because so many women now feel free to be uber demanding as well as demeaning, they say yes to sex but because they dont really want it they do their passive aggressive bull **** in the hopes that the guy has a bad enough time that they will think twice before asking for sex again. I have experienced this and I hear this complaint from other guys as well. There are today far too many guys who either can't or won't take their women in hand, they put up with this BS, and a lot of them decide a lot of the time that putting in the porn and jacking off is the best option, rather than dealing with the bitch, after running a quick risk/benefit analysis. I hear women say the same thing I am saying , though they have it that guys are too weak and too lazy to deal with real women so they retreat to porn.

I said that relationship sex is better than porn to all guys who have a willing non bitch woman option, but that is a huge qualifier. We can argue if the lack of non bitch option is due to men not working hard enough and smart enough to secure such a woman, or if it is because there are too few non bitches to go around.

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