There's a big-picture thing that you seem to persistently not get about Obama.
First, it's just about how American government works. Those checks and balances are sometimes great and sometimes a pain in the ass. No dictators here, evil or benevolent.
Second, a huge part of his campaign is how he would be a forthright, moderate, rational negotiator, who would reach across the aisle in good faith and try to get stuff done. People wanted that, that was a big part of his appeal. That's a big part of why he was elected.
When Republicans are backed against the wall with things like "no tax increases," that's the perfect time for him to be making more-than-reasonable offers. They say no because they're all principled 'n' stuff but also because they've been trapped by their own rhetoric. He has the reasonableness market cornered. That's a good thing.
So they turn down the reasonable (more-than-reasonable) offers and he gets to say to the voters, look, this situation sucks, and I'm trying to fix it, and the Republicans WON'T. They're not actually trying to fix things.
That's powerful.