@High Seas,
The writer of that article knows of what he speaks, starting with GW Bush's addition to the national debt (doubling), and how much his two wars have cost this country in military manpower and treasure, and how all of that came about.
Wonder of wonders, now the GOP-tea party wants to blame Obama for the "growing debt."
Even Bachmann said recently that increasing the debt ceiling was giving Obama a "blank check."
I guess it doesn't matter when conservatives fight battles in congress to shift the blame for their careless spending onto a president who took over as the Great Recession took hold of our economy, and through his stim bill was able to reverse the increasing numbers of the unemployed. Not much any president can't do after taking over from the devastation of the housing bubble and fraud perpetrated by the finance companies and banks with their derivatives. That one will take at least a decade or more to reverse.
But we all know conservatives are impatient, and want Obama to solve all our problems in three years.