Horror or Horrors, McG . . . you're not suggesting that we're all the same under the skin are you ? ! ? ! ?
The issue is not self-interest, in an of itself, as being a problem, for it is human nature. The issue is the correlation with self-interest and the maintaining of a condition of superiority or inferiority of condition of others. The median condition of the typical white person is well above that of a black person in this nation and certainly the world. Affirmative Action is a program that is designed to reduce this discrepancy, however, most whites are against it. Thus, most white are against efforts to promote racial equality in effect, regardless of said intent, because they feel the means to the end harms white status and interest.
Oh and I do not mind backtracking if it facilitates better understanding of my position.
You spoke of people HERE. Not averages.
In any case I have stated that I support AA, but because I don;t support the reparations and "black financial leaders" you suggest you still call me racist.
So like I said, it has a lot more to do with disagreeing with you than racism.
And given the quality of your posts your criteria for not being a racist is to be dim.
If you are a member of any "downtrodden minority" be it black, woman, hispanic, whatever,
please take a moment and take this simple Bi-Polar Bear test.
God, Allah, Jesus, the Buddah, whoever you may feel is in charge comes to you and says"From this day forward everything is reversed. Your people are now at the top. You're on the good old boy network, you make more money for the same work, you have better opportunities, whether you deserve them or not, JUST BECAUSE.
"Are you going to say "No thank you Jesus, I don't want to be on top of the food chain if it means my white brother has to suffer as I have, because I'm interested in a rainbow coalition, true brotherhood, and so I guess I'll just have to pass and let the white man stay on top of things for the sake of good form."
Or you you gonna say "Hot Damn!!!Justice at last, get to the back of the bus cracker".
Because if you can't answer number one, then shut the hell up and quit your whining.
If it's true that I'm a "white devil" or at best a guy taking advantage of my race to have more than you, then take it if you can. Otherwise.....Please!!!!!
First of all, I would have to be sure that it was GOD talking. Once I assured myself of that, I would expect that he is all knowing and would only do what is fair and thus I would submit to his will. My question to you, however, is when did God have this conversation with white people, to tell them that they should lift themselves up, by taking land and resources from native and enslaving African people for centuries, thus creating a racial dichotomy and separation characterized by economic inequality? More than likely, such conversations that would promote such would be from the DEVIL and not from THE GOD.
Now, quickly, all of you, to the back of the bus. You are mortal and you smell bad.
Noah The African wrote:First of all, I would have to be sure that it was GOD talking. Once I assured myself of that, I would expect that he is all knowing and would only do what is fair and thus I would submit to his will. My question to you, however, is when did God have this conversation with white people, to tell them that they should lift themselves up, by taking land and resources from native and enslaving African people for centuries, thus creating a racial dichotomy and separation characterized by economic inequality? More than likely, such conversations that would promote such would be from the DEVIL and not from THE GOD.
I never said the conversation ever took place with white people Noah, and defy you to show where I said it or even inferred it.....
Noah, noah, why'n't you stop sending darts to the hearts of humans who might care at all?
You misperceive us as a package of whiteys here. You think even if we aren't all entirely whitey we act as. And you condemn all whiteys by definition. That is an underestimation.
You have no clue of the depth of humanity you are talking to because you don't listen. Everybody directs answers to you to reassure you for what was already yours by posting here, that is, a listen.
Are you in fact from Africa? Where, exactly? A friend of mine is from the village Charles Taylor is from. Another, well, never mind. You have a skewered view, a defensive manueuver view is handy for a time, but won't work out in the long run. You have spent what seems like weeks now battering people who might actually like to get to know you.
Well, go on. But, I for one am sorry.
onyxelle, what does well well well mean? Are you amused? Confused? Frustrated? bookmarking? Would you care for a cocktail or something from the bar? :wink:
I am just watching really. not even bookmarking. I can easily say that I don't have much more to say of noah's posts, at this point. He already thinks I'm an Aunti Tometta (about which I don't really care) but I'll wait for him to post something I'm actually going to have fun discussing.
Well, i cannot, for the life of me, find much entertainment in what NTA posts, apart from lampooning the idiocy therein . . .
Onyxelle...You will always be my sister in agreement, nutrality or disagreement. I would never call you an uncle tom or whatever. You arrived at your station the same way I did, likely. Your ancestors were enslaved for centuries in this land, just as mine. Our ancestors sprites live within us as they live on because we live on and thus must honer their sacrafice and spirit and not let it end in vain.
I choose to honor the sacrifices of those who came before me by living my life in such a way as to not waste those liberties which they died getting for me....not by lambasting the entirety of a people who are living their lives just like me, some of whom believe in disadvantage and advantage based on the levels of melanin in our skins. For me, the honor of my ancestors is in not forgetting the lives they lived. It's in not acting like a fool when I know better. It's in not behaving and living out of a poverty mentality. It's in doing what I can do get along with the people who share this earth with me and living up to the standards of affording those with whom I come into contact a modecum of decency and respect based on their individual personalities and behaviors.
I respect that. For me, I honor my ancestors by doing the things that they wanted to do but could not do. I also honor them by honoring their culture, their beliefs and not having the usurped by the culture and beliefs of the peoples that oppressed them for profit. I honor their spirit by dishonoring a system that fueled their exploitation. That system was not slavery, but capitalism, which has an insatiable appetite for cheap sources of labor to fuel the profit and wealth of the elites. Bondage was simply a way of forcing people to work cheaply, but was not, in and off itself, the goal. The goal was profit maximization then and the goal is profit maximization now. The difference being is that people are not placed in bondage, but funneled into being exploited by removing other viable options for a decent survival that does not amount to selling yourself to owners of capital for a wage. I honor my ancestor not by fighting for the right to be MASTERS in a master slave SYSTEM and not primarily slaves, but to fight against the whole construct of the master slave system born through the practice of capitalistic principles and goals.
My ancestors were Africans, primarily. Thus, emulation is the height of admiration and by emulating their culture, ways and beliefs I am demonstrating my admiration and appreciation for and of them. This is why I am NOAH THE AFRICAN and not onlyxelle THE AMERICAN.
The distinction between the labels is unecessarily divisive.
BTW, onyxelle, take a bow!