So the lack of numbers would make the jewish people least persecuted! so why are they being spoken of most? Surely any christian or jew in any Islamic country tend not to be treated well by their hosts, yet any muslim in a christian country demand to be treated as an equal and tend to get their request granted. Yet their treatment of minority religions is deplorable.
Countries that treat minoritys very bad include: Egypy, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia, Turkey, Cyprus, Lebanon, Morocco, Nigeria, etc etc, these include destruction of minority religious sites, murder, unique laws that are religious based, prison sentences and even death for converts written into laws and a lack of laws or willingness to protect these minorities.
We have to get away from the guilt trip the Nazi put on the world and start looking at the real picture, persecution should not be accepted in any society, be it hindu, christian, muslim, jewish, budhist, etc etc