Cats are indeed clean - they wash and groom themselves and cover their faeces - unlike dogs who will happily leave deposits anywhere and everywhere unless their owner cleans up after them.
Only un-neutered Tom cats smell when they mark their territory - not neutering is unfair on self/neighbours etc
Dogs on the other hand definitely do smell - walk into the home of a proud dog owner and there is a positive aroma of dog!
There are several instances of people with lions/tigers etc who are tame - on a wildlife programme recently the guide in a reserve called an adult tiger (HUGE) to him - it stood on its hindlegs and wrapped its paws around his neck to greet him, then there was Elsa - the lion in Born Free - a true story, and many others.
And yes, it is their independence that is so appealing. They have dignity and self awareness and choose you.
Cats rule!
I dislike cats, can't find a single thing likable about them. Sorry to all the cat-lovers here but what ya say? Not for me!
Quote:Dogs on the other hand definitely do smell - walk into the home of a proud dog owner and there is a positive aroma of dog!
Odors are not exclusive to dogs, I can smell cats in cat homes too, your assertion is dead wrong.
Re: Why are there still cat-owners on this site?
And I don't think we can oust anyone with a 'V' in their name.....[/quote]
I love all animals...especially cats.
"I'm not a vegetarian because I love animals.
I'm a vegetarian because I hate plants."
Mr. X, you're correct about cat odors, but it doesn't have to be that way if you are responsible about tending to your pet and environment. Unless you were standing next to the litter box right after it was used, I would defy you to find offensive pet odors in my home. My cat is sitting here batting my hands as I type, saying "you tell 'em Mom!"

He's a very cool cat!
I love cats as long as they're cooked properly.
How can I put this delicately?'s suck.
This thread cracks me up. Such passion!
I don't have a dog in this fight, but I do have a cat. I'm not over the top on this issue. I rescued her from a nasty, brutish and short existence as a feral cat (they breed around here), and we lead a life of peaceful coexistence at my house. She's clean (except for the odd hairball, mostly in the summer), sleeps most of the time, and is mildly amusing.
Re smell: Chacun a son gout, but anyone who rides in a car in which a dog has ridden can hardly say that dogs are odorless!
Why don't we beat up on ferret owners for awhile?
Now there's one nasty little beast!
Uhoh - we HAVE a ferret....
same thing really - cat ... ferret <snork>
You're bad, you know - baaaaaaad.....
Actually cat tastes more like rabbit. Kinda stringy.
Anyway I'm startin' to get annoyed here. We've got Gus wantin' to get rid of ozzies and Mr Still wantin' to get rid of cats. I'm a three cat ownin' ozzie.
Dogs are so bloody needy they're worse than women.
Cats just do their thing. I respect that in any animal.
kirsten wrote:Mr. X, you're correct about cat odors, but it doesn't have to be that way if you are responsible about tending to your pet and environment. Unless you were standing next to the litter box right after it was used, I would defy you to find offensive pet odors in my home. My cat is sitting here batting my hands as I type, saying "you tell 'em Mom!"

He's a very cool cat!
Awwwww!!! That's sooo sweet. If my son wasn't allergic, we'd have one too. We do have a rabbit that's a riot though. Anyone who says rabbits are stupid are wrong.
I'm surprised by that Montana. Most people that are allergic to cats are also allergic to rabbits. I won't even hunt the damn things I'm so allergic to them. So, they're safe from me.
Yeah, but my rabbit lives outside and rarely comes in.