@Arella Mae,
Arella Mae" wrote:to me, it sounds like one more way for man to escape taking responsibility for their own actions.
It's not about escaping that responsibility, it's about finding how much they are responsible for, and how to influence the neuro connections in the brain to affect how the mind processes information and strengthen the area's of the brain to help a person become a better citizen in society.
Arella Mae" wrote:What has that to do with an undamaged mind that makes the choice to do wrong? It all comes down to we are responsible for the acts we commit and the choices we make.
Different parts of the brain send different "suggestions" to our minds which affect how we think and interpret things. If those are damaged, then they they throw a lot of different things "out of whack", while a normal undamaged mind, may have certain parts working more than others which can cause some mild alterations with how the mind processes. There was an example of that in the video as pertaining to smokers and how the part of the brain that contributes to instant gratification works more than the part that contributes to long term planning. Thus the mind is more influenced to continue smoking because it feels good, rather than caring about all the future health effects.
Arella Mae" wrote:I knew I had made the choice to do it and I knew it was wrong. I just used the excuse of being abused. I was abused but it's no excuse!
Depending on your reasons for doing that, you made have influenced in order to doing those things. It wouldn't be an excuse, just a factor in the reason why. There are various drugs that can assist with the neuro transmitters within your brain and how they transmit those "influences" to the brain in which may have taken you out of the "red". It's not always just one thing that causes us to do certain thing, but a collection of them, by alleviating the extra "influence" that you may have been receiving from that, that could have made all of the other things pushing you towards hurting more easy to manage.