@reasoning logic,
reasoning logic wrote:
Yes that is where I am trying to take this thread if I am successful!
What would you do if you are a moral person? How far will you extend your ethical radius?
Will your morality be consistent or will it change when you walk away from your love ones and into society?
These are questions that I hope all of you will share with us your answers!
Great thread. Thoughtful and thought provoking ideas.
Even though we naturally have an emotional hierarchy which puts family first, that's not necessarily a stumbling block to caring for others as well (unless you are blessed with a truly and desperately needy family, which can drain you of all your resources).
Re: fairness and sharing, a little gem of wisdom I recently heard: you don't look through other peoples' walls to see if you have as much as they do, you only look through other peoples' walls to be sure they have enough.
I know how self-centered this is going to sound, but there were times when I ventured forth to "do good", sometimes motivated by genuine compassion (and other times by self righteous arrogance), into areas for which I simply was not properly equipped. I found myself drowning in more suffering and sorrow than I could possibly assuage or emotionally "handle" . Yes, my emotional meltdown was nothing compared to the suffering of the people around me, but it paralyzed me and made me virtually useless in that scenario. I couldn't possibly help all who needed help, I couldn't choose some while abandoning others who were just as dear and desperate. Has anyone else gone through a similar experience?
Now I try to do what I can on a more limited basis, still sometimes self-centeredly feeling wounded and completely "played out" from exhaustion and frustration, feeling guilty that I can't, or don't, do more, feeling an almost intolerable sorrow and melancholy for the suffering and inhumanity I see every day, the suffering and cruelty and inhumanity of a world system that seems foreign to everything I know and believe in. I really don't see the meek inheriting the earth in the near future. How do others here cope with similar feelings?
Re: "What would Jesus do?", I also ask, "How did he find a way, find the strength and wisdom, to do what He would do? COULD He really do all that He WOULD do?"
"No peace until there is peace for all. No rest until all has been fulfilled." Dag Hammarksjold