She sees what she wants to see and hears what she wants to hear

Reply Mon 6 Jun, 2011 12:26 pm
It seems that the toast of the tea party can't admit to mistakes. The Sarah Palin Paul Revere fiction is in her mind real--one bell if by sea and two shots if by land.

-> The fact checker<-

Don't believe the liberal press?

The amazing thing is she confounded the Fiction on Faux

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Type: Question • Score: 10 • Views: 19,178 • Replies: 73

Reply Mon 6 Jun, 2011 12:54 pm
I hear that people are trying to edit Wikipedia to support her version of events.
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Reply Mon 6 Jun, 2011 01:04 pm
I like to call her a dunce as much as the next liberal, but I bet most Americans cannot intelligently describe more than a few historical events.
Reply Mon 6 Jun, 2011 01:14 pm
Please Ignore Palin ... Maybe She'll Just Go Away
Reply Mon 6 Jun, 2011 01:54 pm
Don't get me wrong--I want Palin to run--nothing cures a fungus better than exposure. And the more exposure she gets, the more likely she'll have a conniption like the one she had while Governor of Alaska and quit.

Reply Mon 6 Jun, 2011 01:55 pm
edgarblythe wrote:

I like to call her a dunce as much as the next liberal, but I bet most Americans cannot intelligently describe more than a few historical events.
I am absolutely one of those Americans. And I doubt that that's exclusive to us (Americans). I'm about as concerned with her being a finagling twit here as I would be if she was being a finagling twit while arguing with her husband about who ate all of the dang cookies.
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Reply Mon 6 Jun, 2011 04:18 pm
I would vote for a real fungus before voting for Sarah.
Reply Mon 6 Jun, 2011 04:39 pm
I would vote for a real fungus before voting for Sarah.

She's no different then any other republican woman, just another brainless twit.
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Reply Mon 6 Jun, 2011 07:30 pm
The Orwellian aspect worries me the most.

Sarah Palin's Paul Revere Wikipedia rewrite: who writes history again?
Palin fans attempt to alter Paul Revere Wikipedia page to match up with statements from the ex-governorhttp://i.i.com.com/cnwk.1d/i/tim/2011/06/06/apologiestocopley1_244x183.jpg

1st pp wrote:
(CBS/What's Trending) - They say if you don't like the topic, change the conversation. Or, "If you don't like your favorite political figure getting roasted by the news media for failing to describe Paul Revere's historic nighttime ride, change the facts on Revere's Wikipedia page." That's just what Sarah Palin supporters did over the weekend apparently, after Palin took flack for stating that Revere "warned the British" on that famous night.

Face it She talks too much--she found it was best when asked to say something about anything--tweets are sent and lost, her emails when she was shortly the Gov of Alaska are just being released after a thorough scrubbing, Now a rewrite of Wiki history.

She learned to rewrite when asked about the 'Bush Doctrine' in 08.
But the attempt to rewrite Wiki is sheer sign of peril.

But back to reality, prom queens like Sarah don't like ridicule....I can see streets full of Bumper Stickers of Sarah Palin's best mommy mug smiling 'nd all and across the bottom it says

'Sarah Palin'--'I'd do her'

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Reply Mon 6 Jun, 2011 07:39 pm
Cm'mon Waterdude--there are much better fiscal conservatives than this 'talk before you think' supposed social conservatives than this bimbette. Jeez, do we really need a president who couldn't find either cheek with either hand. So don't give me a "Simpson's did it" retort.

Far as I'm concerned Ron Paul is a close as it gets, age breeds conservatives, and Paul is smart and remembers his lies.

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Reply Mon 6 Jun, 2011 08:29 pm
There is no way in hell that that level of stupidity can ever just go away, h2oman. Conservatives clutch to their breasts 'sarah level' stupidity like a drowning person clutches a straw.

GWB and little Ronny Reagan are two fine examples.
Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2011 05:11 am
raprap wrote:

The Sarah Palin Paul Revere fiction is in her mind real--one bell if by sea and two shots if by land.

What you and so many others seem to forget is that outside of the New England area ( Boston ), few Americans have ever heard of Paul Revere. And, they could care less if it was one or two or whatever.

Many Americans laughed at Sarah when she said that she could see Russia from her back porch. But, I can remember, during the cold war with Russia, when such a statement would be taken very seriously and for good reason.

How many Americans know anything from their school classes about the history of the Mid-West, the South or even the settlement of the far West of the USA?

While most Americans over the age of 65 know who Paul Revere was, very few under that age do . What does that say about teachers, classes and students in the USA today?

Personally, I never heard of Paul Revere in history class when I was growing up in Chicago. I learned about Paul Revere from my high school Literature class and conversations about history which were held at home.
Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2011 05:33 am
interesting, i'm a canadian who grew up near detroit, and somehow, either through schooling or just my own interest i've known about paul revere since grade school, geography is not an excuse for ignorance of history, especially when it's your own

indifference is another story, there are many instances in my own countries history that i have little or no interest in knowing about, but i would probably look at my facts before i started giving speeches about history

to be honest i'd probably just make up a pack of lies, but at least i'd admit to it
Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2011 05:36 am
edgarblythe wrote:

I like to call her a dunce as much as the next liberal, but I bet most Americans cannot intelligently describe more than a few historical events.
You may be correct in your conclusions, but kindly look at the situation.... The fact is that since we have had the legal 8 hour work day the average worker's ability to produce had doubled many times... This has led to great profits, but less leisure, unless we are talking about all those made unnecessary to the process of production... Those who are working are at the mercy of their employers and of their own bottom lines... They do not work less, but more and longer, and worry about it more on top of everything else...

If their lives are consumed by dreams of payday and fear of layoffs, are troubled by taxes and long commutes, then all they will know is what they must know and to that they will give a cycloptic rapture of attention... If you ask: Who does this society actually work for; then the answer is silence...

No one is happy... Even if the occasional rich person can be happy; what insanity is happiness in the midst of misery??? We have followed too closely on the heels of an ideology through the muck of reality and are now covered with ****... The society does not work... Let the tea party tear it down... Help them in their chore... Do not let them slack off when the reality of what they are doing: throwing their own existence into danger, -looms before them... Hurry them on... Learn less, and do more, or undo more if that is your bag...
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Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2011 05:49 am
raprap wrote:

Don't get me wrong--I want Palin to run--nothing cures a fungus better than exposure. And the more exposure she gets, the more likely she'll have a conniption like the one she had while Governor of Alaska and quit.

She isn't a fungus amongus... She is the Typhoid Mary of a new Venereal disease... The ideas which led to the formation of this country have always been prostituted... She is just one of many who have over the years turned the ideals we think we can't live without into money...

They could make the charge as well as the rest of us that there should be no taxation without representation, but they would find money more well represented by government than anyone, so the cry should be: No representation without taxation... Let those who now buy the affections of politicians cheaply pay taxes to have access... Let all those who pay have access... If government were actually doing anything for the poor, they would not be poor...

Just as syphilus once resulted in insanity, tea party politics results in insanity... In this force for reaction the government will find every excuse to destroy itself, and to push the people over the edge of revolution... People like Palin could put her own head on the chopping block with gay good humor... It still should happen... She carries a disease called ignorance that cannot be cured...
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Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2011 05:51 am
djjd62 wrote:

interesting, i'm a canadian who grew up near detroit, and somehow, either through schooling or just my own interest i've known about paul revere since grade school, geography is not an excuse for ignorance of history, especially when it's your own

indifference is another story, there are many instances in my own countries history that i have little or no interest in knowing about, but i would probably look at my facts before i started giving speeches about history

to be honest i'd probably just make up a pack of lies, but at least i'd admit to it
It is just a story... He got caught, and the credit while another man did the deed and was forgotten by history...
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Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2011 05:56 am
JTT wrote:

There is no way in hell that that level of stupidity can ever just go away, h2oman. Conservatives clutch to their breasts 'sarah level' stupidity like a drowning person clutches a straw.

GWB and little Ronny Reagan are two fine examples.
People say that virtue and vice are both their own rewards, but the same is true of ignorance... It saves people from responsibility... Even when that woman would like to be president it is not to have responsibility so much as to have the power to act irresponsibly...

The goverment is doing it now because of pressure from the idiots... There are a lot of people out there with no hope but the government and they are about to find themselves with no visible means of support...It ought to result in revolution and I hope it does...
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Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2011 07:52 am
Miller wrote:
What you and so many others seem to forget is that outside of the New England area ( Boston ), few Americans have ever heard of Paul Revere. And, they could care less if it was one or two or whatever.

Typical Miller (and Palin) BS. If you want a fact, then make it up.
Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2011 10:17 am
In Palin's case, then try to rewrite history to match your misconceptions.

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