raprap wrote:
The Sarah Palin Paul Revere fiction is in her mind real--one bell if by sea and two shots if by land.
What you and so many others seem to forget is that outside of the New England area ( Boston ), few Americans have ever heard of Paul Revere. And, they could care less if it was one or two or whatever.
Many Americans laughed at Sarah when she said that she could see Russia from her back porch. But, I can remember, during the cold war with Russia, when such a statement would be taken very seriously and for good reason.
How many Americans know anything from their school classes about the history of the Mid-West, the South or even the settlement of the far West of the USA?
While most Americans over the age of 65 know who Paul Revere was, very few under that age do . What does that say about teachers, classes and students in the USA today?
Personally, I never heard of Paul Revere in history class when I was growing up in Chicago. I learned about Paul Revere from my high school Literature class and conversations about history which were held at home.