@Walter Hinteler,
I remember less than you do, Walter, of stories, but stories will remind me of stories, which I then won't be able to detail. There was one about driving and talking with John Denver. Suffice it to say, not a Bob favorite. That might be here on a2k, can't remember, more likely not. I have a maybe memory of a story about Hunter Thompson, but that's much iffier. Then there were the successive neighbors to one house he lived in, pretty famous. Naturally, I forget just who they were, though one was the Zen and Art of Motorcycle Maintenance guy. That might have all been on a2k.
One afternoon, Bob told Diane and me a lot about his music days in Denver, after which Diane begged him to tell it all on a2k. I don't think either of us remember details. Maybe Rockhead does.