I'm a slow reader.
This--ligth--is obviously light, and you autocorrect when you read.
This--is transposing a sentence from one part of a word to another. That can throw you, but you can autocorrect for that that, too. It becomes more difficult, though, when there are such subtle differences that either word would work. You have to read the sentence again, and sometimes again and again, to make sure you've got the sense of it.
The worst thing is transposing a sentence
from one line to another of the word.
Is the real nightmare, because sometimes you transpose between line number one and line number three, and you can end up thoroughly confused. Once again, the only remedy is to read the text over and over. I learned to read more than 55 years ago, in the summer before my fourth birthday. It was all hard, and i don't recall any particular difficulties which i might ascribe to dyslexia. So, i can read really, really fast (taught myself to do it), but i'm a slow reader because i have to read some parts of the text more than once.
Scanning is true dogsend--i can scan a text quickly, and then go back for the relevant portions afte i've identified them. Sometimes, i remember that something i read was on the left-hand page at about a third of the way though the book. I can open the book and scan dozens of pages very quickly to find what i'm looking for. After all, i don't have to read it, just scan for a key word or two on the left-hand side.
As for using a search engine--yeah, i do that sometimes. But if i didn't already know a subject in detail, i wouldn't know what to search for, would i?