mysteryman wrote:
OK, I read the article you posted.
It clearly says PROJECTED BODY COUNT, that means the authors of the article are guessing.
They dont know, so how can you claim people are dying by the "hordes"?
BTW, several of those states have implemented the ACA.
Also, where is your evidence that "all of these people voted for the GOP"
Are you saying that dems wont die?
Uhh, the "projected body count"? That is the status quo. People are not guessing.
This is how many people were dying in red "and" blue states BEFORE Obamacare.
Now that blue states have had Obamcare for a considerable amount of time the numbers have changed.
Less people are dying in blue states. But the same number have died in red states and continue to die and since it has been that way for years the projection that this many people will continue to die due to shitty health insurance is quite probable.
And the GOP has vowed to take away Obamacare so all people can go back to dying at the much higher rate.
Understand now? The GOP is all about making huge profits off the unnecessary deaths, off even the people stupid enough to vote for them. YOU...
So who exactly are these death panels the conservative news has been terrifying people with? In all reality these death panels are the "entire" GOP political body in the house of representatives who have voted against Obamacare at least fifty times (on our tax dime). The death panels are the entire republican party who voted against Obama care in the very first place other than a couple republicans who crossed the isle and helped get Obamacare passed.
Conservative judges who have voted against Obamacare are also part of these death panels...
Every single solitary democrat and a couple republicans helped vote in Obamacare in the first place.
So these infamous death panels that the conservative news has been terrifying people with are none other than the Republicans!
People were dying without Obamacare! Now that blues states, and yea, a few red states have Obamacare, the only places people are still dying at such a high rate is non Obamacare red states?
And why are they called red states? Because stupid, ill informed people vote for the GOP who have "lied" to these people saying Obamacare is bad for them... Do you really know what a lie is?
President Obama is now undeniably responsible for saving the lives of thousands of Americans and for this the GOP wants to impeach him... These saved lives are not projected, they are cold hard statistical fact.
Doesn't this make you even the least bit angry at the GOP?
The GOP thinks letting desperate people who have paid into shoddy insurance all of their lives are better off dead and the money that would go for their treatment should instead go to filthy rich people because this creates jobs? It is good for the economy? Really???
Letting our work force be decimated by unscrupulous insurance policies is actually very bad for our economy!
But since the insurance companies are paying the GOP to deny their oath to "we the people" the GOP really doesn't care as long as they get their share of the blood money...
And the GOP would rather even their owe people die than President Obama get one single bit of credit for fixing hideously broken insurance rules.
Why, because the GOP are nothing but racist sell-outs to their sacred oath ON THE BIBLE to uphold the constitution of "we the people".
Now please tell me why you don't support Obamacare and why you would vote for the GOP who surely has proven time and again they do not support Obamacare either???
Give me one good reason why people need to continue to die so insurance companies can deprive them of healthcare.
If you continue to support the GOP then you too are indirectly guilty of "murder"...