Pelosi asked Cruz why he was against Obamacare. He replied "Because, unlike you, I read it!"
Really Ted?
You read all nearly 20,000 pages – with many more to come?
Did you read them while counting the political extortion payoffs you received from the Koch brothers?
Did you read even the first page?
Or did you read the first and last pages only?
Did you read the closed captions from someone explaining it on Fox News?
Did you also read the several thousands of pages of the EPA's report from the nations leading scientists about the irreversible effects of climate change? The same EPA you have received political extortion money so as to threaten to shut them down?
Have you also read the Department of Labor reports on how much inflation would rise if immigrants were deported just to please your racist task masters?
Did you read the Department of Commerce and US Treasury reports on the billions of dollars mostly "you" and your Tea Party goons have cost the government for your shut down of our government? Have you read the Department Of Defense military reports on how it left us vulnerable to foreign attack?
Read these Mr Cruz...
This is the money you have been instrumental in piling onto our deficit.
Average Americans wish they could read these but you have stolen them from them with your crooked political treachery.
You are a liar Mr. Cruz and shame on you for lying right in the face of Nancy Pelosi, a woman who has been also credited in saving the lives of many countless Americans who were being bamboozled out of their healthcare due to unscrupulous insurance fraud.
What good Mr. Cruz have you done for America? NOTHING!