Sun 10 Jul, 2011 05:27 am
Little kid got on the school bus today wearing a T-shirt with the slogan "Proud to be a Democrat."

Bus driver asked why he was a Democrat and the kid said, "Because my parents are Democrats."

"So," said the bus driver, "What if your parents were lying, bible-thumping,
perverted hypocrites? Then what?"

The kid replied: "Then we'd be Republicans."
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Sun 10 Jul, 2011 05:52 am
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Sun 10 Jul, 2011 07:21 am
2012 will see a large number of democrats voted and we will also see republicans that didn't do their job voted out of office.
All of the democrats and RiNos will be replaced with real conservative Americans.
Sun 10 Jul, 2011 08:25 am
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Sun 10 Jul, 2011 09:55 am
I did not say there were not nukes in Europe I said nukes in Europe "unchecked".

And when has there ever been nukes "unchecked" in Europe?
Sun 10 Jul, 2011 05:06 pm
mysteryman wrote:

I did not say there were not nukes in Europe I said nukes in Europe "unchecked".

And when has there ever been nukes "unchecked" in Europe?

Apparently you don't read the news.... Or at least news worth reading...

Duh... And you think you are fit to vote? These articles took me under two minutes to find on Google.
Sun 10 Jul, 2011 05:30 pm
H2O MAN wrote:

2012 will see a large number of democrats voted and we will also see republicans that didn't do their job voted out of office.
All of the democrats and RiNos will be replaced with real conservative Americans.
You mean republicans who sold out and did the dirty deed for the oil companies and the rich while neglecting the work of the people who pay the bulk of the taxes that run our government? The republicans who shut down government, laid off vital services and fired teachers and lowered their pay so big corporations could get tax breaks. The republicans who have destroyed women health support agencies across the country? The republicans who lowered standards for ecological restrictions so the big corporations could dump hazardous chemicals into the sea? Are these the republicans you mean? The republicans who fought healthcare tooth and nail for the middle class so filthy rich insurance companies could deny sick people from utilizing their health insurance once they become ill? The same republicans who are paying millions of dollars for propaganda ads that have not one morsel of truth to them? The truth hurts.. And why exactly are the people going to vote for republicans again? Is there one decent shred of virtue left in the republican party?

Let's not forget the homophobic religious "wrong" dragging the republican party around by a nose ring who can't stand that gays get to marry the adult partner of their own choosing...

Implying that all gays do is have sex... is just as wrong as implying that all straights do is make babies. What about love?

Make grandma work another three years before she can retire so oil companies can pollute the environment without impunity.
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Sun 10 Jul, 2011 08:06 pm
And none of those links support your claim that there were nukes unchecked in Europe.
They do say that possible weapons grade material is missing, but that is nothing new.
Also, I dont recall Pakistan and North Korea being part of Europe, so that link was meaningless in supporting your argument.
Sun 10 Jul, 2011 09:52 pm
mysteryman wrote:

And none of those links support your claim that there were nukes unchecked in Europe.
They do say that possible weapons grade material is missing, but that is nothing new.
Also, I dont recall Pakistan and North Korea being part of Europe, so that link was meaningless in supporting your argument.

Moldova, officially the Republic of Moldova (Moldovan and Romanian: Republica Moldova pronounced [reˈpublika molˈdova]) is a landlocked country in Eastern Europe, located between Romania to the west and Ukraine to the north, east and south.

Got thirty million dollars?


Can you read that?

How big does a nuke have to be to be a nuke? I have a nuke in my kitchen. I cooked dinner with it tonight.

And considering this black market is looking for these nukes as we speak, do you think it is time to cut the investigative people from checking for these materials out of our defense budget so filthy stinking rich people don't have to pay their share of taxes! So they can outsource more jobs to foreign countries?

Notice the dates on these article... June 29 2011. 11 days ago! Are the republicans thinking with their brains or their wallets? And you think we need them running Washington? HELL NO!

And who do you think this nuclear material was planned for?
0 Replies
Mon 11 Jul, 2011 04:07 am

debt talks continue...

Consider this in the next election, do we want republicans who care only about the rich not losing the Bush tax cuts while the rest of the population pays for everything including losing our livelihoods when big oil decides to dump a few million gallons of oil in your town or city (gutting environmental regulations)


Do we want democrats who care about healthcare for all, fair business practices and issues that affect the elderly, teachers, education, fire and police, women's health and helping the under privileged in our society?

Help the rich or help the poor?

It is sad that the republicans masquerading as the christian right care so little about the principles that Jesus cared most about. Jesus feeding the 5000 with bread and wine or feeding the pharisees, lawyers and scribes with more gold to line their pockets? If Jesus was here today trying to start a ministry would he not consider the republicans hypocrites?

Do we want hypocrites running our government?

Will a robust middle class help our economy more or a robust upper class who is outsourcing jobs to other countries, again, just to get more wealthy and hording their wealth. What actually trickles down is the common person's income.

Do tax cuts for the wealthy really mean more jobs or does it just squash small business into nothing? While small businesses and individuals pay all the taxes every year and loopholes exempt large corporations who are profiting? And is there nothing sacred, they even want to privatize social security so they can profit on our futures. Then they can do as the banks just did causing nearly an international depression and gut our future investments and write their CEO's big fat paychecks. The want to invest our futures in wall street who are currently artificially inflating our gas and oil prices.

democrats or republicans?
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Wed 13 Jul, 2011 11:43 pm
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Sun 17 Jul, 2011 07:00 am
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Wed 27 Jul, 2011 04:25 am
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Wed 27 Jul, 2011 04:31 am
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Wed 27 Jul, 2011 04:46 am
More republican polluters? NO THANKS!

Sorry you gotta mute the inconsiderate loud and obnoxious ads on this page.
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Mon 1 Aug, 2011 05:27 am
Is this the "trickle down effect" that republicans keep referring to? The banks don't pay taxes, record profits and they are cutting MANY jobs... and why do they get tax breaks again? What service are they providing the public other and raking in the bucks? Perhaps the public should boycott a few banks? Aren't these the same banks that bled our economy to death only a few months ago for giving loans to people who they knew could not pay and we wonder where they got their record profits? Ruining countless people's credit... And republicans demand we lower the debt a few trillion dollars on the backs of the middle class?
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Mon 1 Aug, 2011 06:39 am
RexRed wrote:


Social security effective? Wow that is absolute BS. Social security is a ponzi scheme, but not only that it is insolvent. The money that you pay in for what the government tries to claim is for your retirement is in fact not "your" money. If you were to die the next day after you retire, you or your heirs would not receive any of that money you paid into the system. This is why they keep wanting to raise the age limit on retirement. They know that if you die they get to keep all the money you paid into the system.
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Thu 4 Aug, 2011 03:51 pm
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Thu 27 Oct, 2011 12:34 am
In my email... the Wisconsin legislators are hard at work:

by Callen Harty on Tuesday, October 25, 2011 at 9:16pm
Tonight I sat in the Assembly gallery and was incredibly saddened by what I saw.
The current Assembly session is part of the second week of the Governor's "special jobs session". There was not a single bill last week, and none on the agenda for this week or next, that has related to the creation of jobs in Wisconsin. The Democrats tried introducing one this evening about wind power that would have created hundreds if not thousands of jobs, but it was not allowed. Instead there were bills defining a bicycle, allowing the drinking of wine at county fairs, allowing certain retail establishments to sell alcohol later, and other equally important items, including some to make the corporate benefactors happy.
While these inane bills were being discussed the State Patrol and Capitol Police were again busy arresting ordinary citizens for standing up for their First Amendment rights in the Assembly gallery. The absurdity of these arrests is beyond the pale. Yet they keep happening. Members of the public are removed from the gallery, put into handcuffs, and charged, usually with disturbing the peace. And for what? Were they screaming at the idiocy of the Representatives who do not represent anyone but moneyed interests? No. Were they throwing tomatoes at the Assemblypersons who clearly do not care about their constituents? One could wish, but no. What horrible thing could they possibly be doing to be taken out of the gallery and arrested? In short, they violated Assembly rules.
Assembly rules are simply rules of decorum for behavior in the gallery. Pages passed out miniature versions of those rules to everyone who entered. For the record, these are the gallery rules, which start with a note, "For reasons of safety and decorum please observe the Assembly rules."
No laptops.
No bags or briefcases.
No standing (except for prayer or pledge).
No movie/video/tv cameras.
No photography.
No cell phone or pagers.
No newspapers.
No eating or drinking.
No public displays or demonstrations.
No signs or placards.
No hats (except U. S. military)
At the bottom of the page it states, "Violators will be asked to leave."
While there were no arrests for newspapers, eating, or drinking, at least seven to ten individuals were arrested tonight for videotaping the proceedings of the Assembly, and there have been several consecutive days of this while the Assembly has been in session.
There are several issues that make these arrests wrong, besides wasting taxpayer money on more than a dozen police officers to enforce these rules.
First, the rules, which are prominently displayed on the way into the gallery and as mentioned passed out to individuals by the pages, specifically state that violators will be asked to leave, not arrested. None of the ones I witnessed being arrested were asked to leave the gallery. They were asked multiple times to stop taping, but were never asked to leave the gallery because they refused to stop taping. They were not just escorted out of the gallery. They were arrested and charged for videotaping in violation of rules of decorum.
Second, Wisconsin state law (sec 19.90) provides that citizens who desire to photograph or videotape a public meeting are allowed to do so. Not only are citizens allowed to do so but the law specifies that the governing body that is meeting needs to do everything in their power to accomodate the citizens' desire to record the meeting. So the Assembly rules are not legitimate. I am not a lawyer, but certainly state law must supercede a governmental body's wishes to prevent the videotaping. Otherwise any governmental body could simply say recording is not allowed and the open meetings law is tossed out with the garbage. The state law provides for the recording of government meetings, pure and simple. By law the only time that a body can prevent this is if the videotaping interferes with the conduct of a meeting or the rights of the participants. None of these people videotaping tonight were interfering with the conduct of the meeting in any manner and certainly were not interfering with the rights of the Legislators. During these repeated arrests the conduct of the meetings has only been interfered with when the State Patrol officers have moved in and started dragging people out, drawing attention from the Assembly floor.
Finally, there was a federal ruling in a case in Massachusetts at the end of August (Glik vs. the City of Boston) in which the federal First Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of a man (Glik) who had videotaped police officers performing their duties and was arrested for it. But the court did not limit their decision to police officers. They said, "Gathering information about government officials in a form that can readily be disseminated to others serves a cardinal First Amendment interest in protecting and promoting 'the free discussion of governmental affairs.'" In addition, they added, "a citizen's right to film government officials, including law enforcement officers, in the discharge of their duties in a public place is a basic, vital, and well-established liberty safeguarded by the First Amendment." They did not limit this interpretation to police officers--they included police officers. Certainly the Wisconsin Assembly cannot create rules that supercede a federal court ruling.
After those videotaping were arrested and cited, the officers started moving in on those with signs. The citizen protesters in the gallery see pinning signs to their shirts or holding them in their hands as political speech, which is protected again by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Only one arrest was made before the Assembly took a break and went into caucus. I left before they started again, but I don't have to look it up to know that there were more arrests once they came back into session.
There is particular absurdity with the sign issue. On previous days there have been arrests of those holding 5 x 7 index cards with quotes from the Constitution. It is not as if those on the Assembly floor can even see these, if they actually cared enough to want to see them. But a citizen holding one faces potential arrest. On the other hand those with political buttons are allowed in with no questions asked. The same words on a tee shirt allow one to sit and watch the proceedings. Put those words on a small handwritten sign and there is the possibility of arrest. One woman was recently arrested for an 8 x 10 sign pinned to the front of her shirt, but another was allowed to stay with a very similar sign barely sewn onto her shirt (meaning just at the top corners).
Clearly it is not about the signs or even the content of the signs. It is about power. It is about the police force (literally) showing those who oppose the Republican leadership that their opposition will not be tolerated. It is about the Republican leadership of the Assembly deciding that they want no input from citizens. Are they that afraid of the people who elected them, that they can't face what those people might have to say? Are they so ashamed that they can't look up at a sign quoting the Constitution of either Wisconsin or the United States? How could this be anethema to them, these men and women who were elected by Wisconsin citizens and who took an oath to uphold the Constitution? Tonight I heard someone at the door of the gallery being told that they had to leave a sign outside the door. It was another sign that quoted the Constitution. The person holding it asked the page if they did not see the irony of not allowing a quote from the Constitution into the Assembly gallery, and there was no answer. That more or less summed it up. There can be no answer to that because there is no logical reason for a rule that would prevent a citizen from holding the Constitution in the gallery--even when it is being held to shame those who clearly have no regard for it.
After nine or ten arrests someone turned this sign upside-down during a break in the Assembly's session. (Tu, 10/25)
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Thu 27 Oct, 2011 12:35 am

Tightwad Gov. Scotty plans a pay increase for himself, other elected officials
Submitted by Man MKE [1] on Tue, 10/25/2011 - 8:52pm
From the Department of Executive Hypocrisy:
Gov. Walker not only just cut the annual wages and benefits of most state employees by thousands of dollars apiece, and not only is he now proposing to hold those employees at that crappy level for the next two years, he also clearly thinks the hard-working, ultra-efficient, super-effective guy who's Wisconsin governor (that would be him, as defined by him) deserves a significant pay raise -- a 5.4 percent raise [2], in fact. Oh, and some extra scratch for legislators and his lieutenant governor and all those other elected state officials, too.
Hey, chill out! Scotty made some tough decisions! He and his pals deserve to be rewarded, just like those business CEOs who lay off workers, outsourcing their jobs, and then giving themselves fat bonuses for the terrible, terrible ordeal of acting like being mean SOBs. Scotty's move will, of course, come at the expense of taxpayers and 40,000 or so other state employees who didn't quite fare so well. I wonder what Scotty would do with the extra seven grand a year or so he's putting into the budget for his job-- reimburse himself for those contributions to his state pension he promised to start picking up? Or maybe buy another American eagle painting to display in his rent-free govenror's mansion? (Oh, wait, he'd probably as usual lean on a campaign donor to pick up that cost).
Never mind that the economy is still struggling and the state is, at least in Scotty's estimation, "broke." It's time to parrrrrrrr-tea!
Now, it's only fair to point out that state law prevents Walker and the other lawmakers from cashing in on all this extra loot during the remainder of their current terms in office. Scotty, of course, clearly intends to stick around the East Wing of the State Capitol for more than four years, though.
Here's a partial rundown of Gov. Fiscally Prudent's proposed pay raise for whomever is sitting in his seat in three years, as listed in the Walker administration's compensation plan for state employees:
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