GOP ‘Christians’ Put Obama Figurines in Urinals at Freedom and Faith Coalition Event
Posted by: Cass Steele in Election 2014, Most Popular on AATTP, Religion, TEApublicans in Action June 20, 2014
This weekend the far-right arm of the Republican party is getting their self-righteous on at the Freedom and Faith Coalition annual herding. There’s the usual pandering, hate speech and smugness unencumbered by self-reflection of any kind. Exactly what we’d expect from an event sponsored by Ralph Reed’s hate group.
This year, someone thought it would be clever to have little figures of President Obama. Racist caricatures, really. In the urinals. Keeping it classy, the fanatical wing of the GOP is literally pissing on the president. Or perhaps, as one person commented, the little figure was an aid to help them find their penises, maybe by the contrast of their little pink things against the figure’s dark color.
The Huffington Post‘s Igor Bobic captured that image you see above and tweeted it with no editorializing. Maybe he was just so thunderstruck that was all he could manage.
Tweet - Scene from a Faith & Freedom restroom 03.
The FFC is the place where, ostensibly, strategy and policy are discussed. What it has become is a three-day celebration of how much the far-right hates President Obama. It’s certainly not a Christian meeting, as all actual Christians will tell you. The guest list includes some of the very best in right-wing hate-mongers and apologists: Michele Bachmann, John Bolton, Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, Mitch McConnell, Rand Paul, Phyllis Schafly, Paul Ryan, Grover Norquist and Rick Santorum. Their token people of color this year include Herman Cain, Allen West and Dinesh D’Souza.
Panels on the schedule include: The War on Christianity: How Religious Liberty Is Under Attack, A New War On Poverty, Right on Crime: Faith-Based Solutions to Crime, Winning Women: How to Win Women Voters, Combating the Liberal Media Bias and True the Vote: Election Integrity and Combating Voter Fraud. Notice how adversarial words are very popular with the far-right; “war,” “battle,” “combating” and “winning” are oft-used in FFC literature and speech. Onward Christian soldiers and all that.
Their lack of respect for the presidency is well-documented… at least when there’s a Democrat of the White House. But many don’t realize that these are the people who seriously want to turn America into a theocracy. It’s called “Dominionism” and it is scary as hell. Ted Cruz’s father is a big proponent of it and pitches it whenever he gets a chance. This demonstrates a profound rejection of the U.S. Constitution and government yet many of the people who support this abomination are members of that same government. Ever wonder why Republicans always say that government doesn’t work? That’s because they are the ones preventing it from working. Just look at this current crop of Congressional Republicans, the most obstructive and least effective in our history. They hope that this will turn more Americans against their government, making it easier for them to institute their agenda. Don’t believe me? Take a look at the laws which GOP-controlled states have put into place. Imagine that on a national level.
So here’s a mob of “Christian” mostly male, mostly white, Obama-hating conventioneers, feeding one another’s hatred of the guy in the White House. Because he’s black or a Democrat — either one of these is a good reason to them — they disrespect him by literally pissing on his face. It’s so childish it’s almost silly. But these people have a very serious cause: to fashion the U.S. into their theocratic state. Go ahead and laugh at them but don’t ever write them off.
h/t Politics USA