coldjoint wrote:
Quote:Do you know what the Christian New Testament says about non-believers?
Why don't you tell us. You guys didn't do to good in the OT.
Quote:No you don't, because you listen to one sided religious dogma put out by people equally as evil..
I listen to no religious leaders on Islam, except theirs. They do all the damage themselves. Islamic scripture tells us exactly what Islam is.
Fox News AND the GOP make up a great portion of the fanatical wing of the "Christian right".
So err, yes CI, you do listen to them regarding Islam and much more. These are the same assholes who want to segregate our schools and teach children about Eve and the "innate sinfulness of women" and their "original sin".. And these Christian folk (with their guns and bibles) think 14 year old female rape victims should give birth to their incestuous offspring. These are the same people who claim to be against Sharia law while they wage their own secret Jihad against "non believers".
These are the same jerks who want to do away with separation of church and state. And whose church will "the state" institute. Well it will not be far from Islam CJ "Christian/Islam"... (there is no difference)
These happy Christians shoot Family Planning doctors in cold blood who help female rape victims of incest. Raped and abused by their Christian dads...
There is no Abrahamic religion worth its weight in camel dung...