Tue 4 Mar, 2014 08:00 pm
This thing about picture ID's is about the most disgusting things pulled by the Republicans. It is strictly about suppressing Dem votes

Democrats are not smart enough to have their picture taken? Enough said.
0 Replies
Tue 4 Mar, 2014 09:37 pm
I don't think I am putting words in your mouth. You are doing quite well yourself in claiming all those illegals vote without any evidence to support it.

It's one thing to use a stolen ID to get a job where the only person you show it to is the one hiring you. It's another to take that ID and register with the government so they can check it. I think you far overstate the case for illegals voting. I challenge you to find me a single instance of an illegal alien registering to vote and voting and being prosecuted. Spurious claims without evidence don't count. It requires a court of law to determine the facts.
Tue 4 Mar, 2014 10:12 pm
Spurious claims without evidence don't count. It requires a court of law to determine the facts.

It requires payoffs and buses. And if someone says that if you don't get caught it never happened. No wonder the country is beginning to circle the drain.
Wed 5 Mar, 2014 08:41 am
The Pink Prevaricator wrote:

It requires payoffs and buses. And if someone says that if you don't get caught it never happened. No wonder the country is beginning to circle the drain.

So then we can say you do diddle children and I don't need to provide any evidence.

Your standards make you ridiculous TPP.

Payoffs and buses would be easy to provide evidence for. All those people involved and no one willing to testify? It sounds like the 3,000 plus children you have molested TPP. Sure none of them have ever come forward but we know it's true because there is no evidence.
Wed 5 Mar, 2014 09:06 am
Here in Colorado, they found over 5,000 non-citizens on the voting records.

Flordia has been trying to investigate the same thing, but they are getting blocked by the federal govt:

I will say it again. If you are willing to break the law in coming to this country, steal the identy of a citizen and use it to get a job, it is a short walk to voting. How many times have we seen protests in this country of illegal immigrants demanding things from the US govt? They are not citizens, who gives them the right to demand anything from the US?
Wed 5 Mar, 2014 09:42 am
Until the US Government cooperates with Florida those 180,000 non-citizens will remain on the voter rolls it seems. INS isn't being helpful

I will say it again. If you are willing to break the law in coming to this country, steal the identy of a citizen and use it to get a job, it is a short walk to voting.

By that logic, just the mere fact that they illegally crossed the border might give suspicion to their criminal nature. A logical fallacy.

We need to investigate illegal aliens for insider trading.

How many times have we seen protests in this country of illegal immigrants demanding things from the US govt?

I haven't. When have you?
Wed 5 Mar, 2014 09:55 am
Human Events is not a reputable medium. No one is going to risk going to prison to cast a single vote.
0 Replies
Wed 5 Mar, 2014 10:41 am
Hold on now, you were the one who said they had to have their ID's checked before they could register. Now we know that isn't the case, and that thousands of immigrants have registered to vote in this country.

Do you watch the News? How many protests have there been over the last decade with immigrants demanding citizenship, demanding a change to the immigration laws, demanding the entitlements that should be reserved for citizens only. You liberal bent blinds you to these events I guess.
Wed 5 Mar, 2014 10:48 am
0 Replies
Wed 5 Mar, 2014 10:52 am
Those are funny stories. They have a headline about illegals voting but then the facts are inconclusive even that the persons registered to vote are illegally in the country let alone that they voted. In fact when you read the report, the persons that may be registered to vote often presented a green card when applying for services. The state can't determine if they gained citizenship or not prior to registering to vote. They just assume they didn't. For instance if a person applying for citizenship gets a drivers license in 2008 and then becomes a citizen in 2009 and registers to vote, they would be included in the numbers Colorado collected as possible non citizens voting. The report says nothing to support your claims.

Florida? Really? The state that was removing thousands claiming they were felons when they weren't is your other example? If this was so rampant Baldimo it would be easy to find those thousands and get them prosecuted....

But... reality is as follows....


Federal prosecutions of non-citizens for actually casting ballots in the Southern District of Florida are rarer than might be expected. Court records for the region, which stretches from Fort Pierce to Key West, show that only 18 people have been prosecuted for voting in federal elections since January 1, 2000.

0 Replies
Wed 5 Mar, 2014 10:54 am
Baldimo wrote:

Hold on now, you were the one who said they had to have their ID's checked before they could register. Now we know that isn't the case, and that thousands of immigrants have registered to vote in this country.

No, we don't know anything about thousands. We have scary stories with a lot of speculation but no hard evidence.
0 Replies
Wed 5 Mar, 2014 11:02 am
you were the one who said they had to have their ID's checked before they could register

Quite possibly you've got me confused with another poster.
Do you watch the News?

Not Fox
How many protests have there been over the last decade with immigrants demanding citizenship,

None that i know of. Legal immigrants know how to get their citizenship and do so every day.
demanding a change to the immigration laws

I've seen legal immigrants demanding a change in immigration law; along with many Americans
demanding the entitlements that should be reserved for citizens only

What entitlements are those.? be specific.
(You) liberal bent blinds you to these events I guess.

Your conservative bent causes you to suffer anxiety attacks when you watch Fox news.
You really should switch to MSNBC Very Happy
0 Replies
Wed 5 Mar, 2014 11:28 am
Your standards make you ridiculous TPP.

At least I have some.
0 Replies
Wed 5 Mar, 2014 11:45 am
Wed 5 Mar, 2014 11:52 am
Now if we can only get the US govt to follow that doc, we might be in a little better shape then we are today.
Wed 5 Mar, 2014 12:06 pm
Democratic Voter Fraud, Intimidation Confirmed

I haven't read the primary source, and since PowerLine is a conservative blog, the anti-Democrat statements have been cherry picked from the executive summary. However, if the first statement about the Democrats being more involved in voter suppression and intimidation efforts is fully correct, then this report is a shock given how much press was lavished on alleged Republican efforts to intimidate/suppress while Democratic efforts went uncovered. I'll have to check out more on this tomorrow. . .


Democratic Voter Fraud, Intimidation Confirmed

Several readers wrote to point out this study of the 2004 election by the American Center for Voting Rights. We reported extensively on efforts by the Democrats to intimidate Republican voters in the months leading up to the election, and to commit fraud on election day. Those anectotal reports are confirmed by the Center's report. I'm still working my way through the full text, but here are excerpts from the executive summary:

[A] careful review of the facts shows that in 2004, paid Democrat operatives were far more involved in voter intimidation and suppression efforts than their Republican counterparts. Examples include:
* Paid Democrat operatives charged with slashing tires of 25 Republican get-out-the-vote vans in Milwaukee on the morning of Election Day.

* Misleading telephone calls made by Democrat operatives targeting Republican voters in Ohio with the wrong date for the election and faulty polling place information.

* Intimidating and deceiving mailings and telephone calls paid for by the DNC threatening Republican volunteers in Florida with legal action.

* Union-coordinated intimidation and violence campaign targeting Republican campaign offices and volunteers resulting in a broken arm for a GOP volunteer in Florida.

Vote fraud and voter registration fraud were significant problems in at least a dozen states around the county. Vote fraud is a reality in America that occurred not only in large battleground states like Wisconsin but in places like Alabama and Kentucky. The record indicates that in 2004, voter registration fraud was mainly the work of so-called “nonpartisan” groups such as Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) and NAACP National Voter Fund. Examples include:

* Joint task force in Wisconsin found “clear evidence of fraud in the Nov. 2 election in Milwaukee,” including more than 200 felon voters, more than 100 double voters and thousands more ballots cast than voters recorded as having voted in the city.

* NAACP National Voter Fund worker in Ohio paid crack cocaine in exchange for a large number of fraudulent voter registration cards in names of Dick Tracy, Mary Poppins and other fictional characters.

* Former ACORN worker said there was “a lot of fraud committed” by group in Florida, as ACORN workers submitted thousands of fraudulent registrations in a dozen states across the country, resulting in a statewide investigation of the group in Florida and multiple indictments and convictions of ACORN/Project Vote workers for voter registration fraud in several states.

The Democrats have organized massive efforts to subvert the democratic process over the last several election cycles. Voter fraud is still the great unacknowledged issue of our democracy. Ominously, violence has more recently supplemented fraud in the Democrats' arsenal of dirty tricks. We are a long way from solving these problems, but shining the light of publicity on them is a first step.

Wed 5 Mar, 2014 12:09 pm
I agree, a liberal posting the document Obama and Holder use for toilet paper is rich.
0 Replies
Wed 5 Mar, 2014 12:47 pm
There's always a middle ground
Wed 5 Mar, 2014 01:07 pm
It's the Constitution, where is the middle ground?

Wed 5 Mar, 2014 01:21 pm
This is a story about the group you are quoting from. A group that has disappeared after writing their suspect reports.
0 Replies

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