Sat 28 Dec, 2013 04:41 am
0 Replies
Region Philbis
Sat 28 Dec, 2013 08:05 pm
Sat 28 Dec, 2013 10:31 pm
@Region Philbis,
I am waiting for the super duper wrist watch version to come out.

That also detects which senators are drunk while on the job... Smile
Sun 29 Dec, 2013 05:53 am
Sun 29 Dec, 2013 06:07 am
Republicans are the moochers looking for a hand out and they keep their states broke and poor while they funnel the states taxes off to their corrupt cronies.

Economic Opportunity Is Lowest In the Republican Bible Belt, Major Study Finds
0 Replies
Sun 29 Dec, 2013 09:42 am
These Republicans who refused to extend the unemployment benefits for those in the most need are anesthetized to the painful need of others. Every Republican who voted against extending the unemployment benefits extension should be voted out of office; better yet, the American people should band together and demand their ouster!
0 Replies
Sun 29 Dec, 2013 09:52 am

That also detects which senators are drunk while on the job...

....and those on crack and cocaine. I do believe there are a hidden number of politicians who use cocaine regularly. Of course I'm unable to present proof of such, but such apathy from these cold-hearted politicians has to be caused by their being on some kind of drug which make them so indifferent.
0 Replies
Sun 29 Dec, 2013 10:38 am
Bernie Sanders Exposes 18 CEOs who took Trillions in Bailouts, Evaded Taxes and Outsourced Jobs

1). 1. Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan
Amount of federal income taxes paid in 2010? Zero. $1.9 billion tax refund.
Taxpayer Bailout from the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department? Over $1.3 trillion.
Amount of federal income taxes Bank of America would have owed if offshore tax havens were eliminated? $2.6 billion.

2). Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein
Amount of federal income taxes paid in 2008? Zero. $278 million tax refund.
Taxpayer Bailout from the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department? $824 billion.
Amount of federal income taxes Goldman Sachs would have owed if offshore tax havens were eliminated? $2.7 billion

3). JP Morgan Chase CEO James Dimon
Taxpayer Bailout from the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department? $416 billion.
Amount of federal income taxes JP Morgan Chase would have owed if offshore tax havens were eliminated? $4.9 billion.

4). General Electric CEO Jeffrey Immelt
Amount of federal income taxes paid in 2010? Zero. $3.3 billion tax refund.
Taxpayer Bailout from the Federal Reserve? $16 billion.
Jobs Shipped Overseas? At least 25,000 since 2001.

5). Verizon CEO Lowell McAdam
Amount of federal income taxes paid in 2010? Zero. $705 million tax refund.
American Jobs Cut in 2010? In 2010, Verizon announced 13,000 job cuts, the third highest corporate layoff total that year.

6). Boeing CEO James McNerney, Jr.
Amount of federal income taxes paid in 2010? None. $124 million tax refund.
American Jobs Shipped overseas? Over 57,000.
Amount of Corporate Welfare? At least $58 billion.

7). Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer
Amount of federal income taxes Microsoft would have owed if offshore tax havens were eliminated? $19.4 billion.

8). Honeywell International CEO David Cote
Amount of federal income taxes paid from 2008-2010? Zero. $34 million tax refund.

9). Corning CEO Wendell Weeks
Amount of federal income taxes paid from 2008-2010? Zero. $4 million tax refund.

10). Time Warner CEO Glenn Britt
Amount of federal income taxes paid in 2008? Zero. $74 million tax refund.

11). Merck CEO Kenneth Frazier
Amount of federal income taxes paid in 2009? Zero. $55 million tax refund.

12). Deere & Company CEO Samuel Allen
Amount of federal income taxes paid in 2009? Zero. $1 million tax refund.

13). Marsh & McLennan Companies CEO Brian Duperreault
Amount of federal income taxes paid in 2010? Zero. $90 million refund.

14). Qualcomm CEO Paul Jacobs
Amount of federal income taxes Qualcomm would have owed if offshore tax havens were eliminated? $4.7 billion.

15). Tenneco CEO Gregg Sherill
Amount of federal income taxes Tenneco would have owed if offshore tax havens were eliminated? $269 million.

16). Express Scripts CEO George Paz
Amount of federal income taxes Express Scripts would have owed if offshore tax havens were eliminated? $20 million.

17). Caesars Entertainment CEO Gary Loveman
Amount of federal income taxes Caesars Entertainment would have owed if offshore tax havens were eliminated? $9 million.

18). R.R. Donnelly & Sons CEO Thomas Quinlan III
Amount of federal income taxes paid in 2008? Zero. $49 million tax refund.

Eighteen of the 80 CEOs who signed the call for deficit action are actually some of the biggest outsourcers and tax cheats in America. First, they crashed the economy in 2008. They followed that up by taking billions in taxpayer bailout dollars. Their next step was to outsource jobs and evade taxes. Now they are calling for action on a deficit that they helped create over the past four years.

Bernie Sanders is exposing the hypocrisy of these CEOs, and every American should understand that if Mitt Romney is elected president, these pigs see potential for unlimited feeding from the taxpayer trough. Only by standing together can we tell these CEOs that the bill has come due, and it is time for them to pay.

We can tell these gluttons of our dollars that the all you can eat taxpayer buffet is now closed.
Mon 30 Dec, 2013 02:26 am
0 Replies
Mon 30 Dec, 2013 08:32 am
"Bernie Sanders is exposing the hypocrisy of these CEOs, and every American should understand that if Mitt Romney is elected president, these pigs see potential for unlimited feeding from the taxpayer trough. Only by standing together can we tell these CEOs that the bill has come due, and it is time for them to pay."

Mitt Romney was NOT elected President and many of the aforementioned CEO's donate to the Democratic Party which has been in control of this Govt.

The Democratic Party, along with the help of the Republicans, not only created and maintained the "tax loopholes", but also gave the richest of the rich the biggest tax break in history in 2012 (which no one wants to acknowledge).

Just a reminder, in 2012, the Estate Tax exemption went from 1M to 5M PER PERSON (10M per household) and the tax rate went from 60% to 40%.

So now they richest of the rich get to "keep more during life" at the expense of the middle, they get to keep it at death.

We are headed back to the Guilded Age folks, where there were 2 classes of people. Those like the CEO's list, and everyone else.

SO to suggest it is Republican policy , just WRONG.
Mon 30 Dec, 2013 08:43 am
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Mon 30 Dec, 2013 09:02 am
woiyo wrote:

"Bernie Sanders is exposing the hypocrisy of these CEOs, and every American should understand that if Mitt Romney is elected president, these pigs see potential for unlimited feeding from the taxpayer trough. Only by standing together can we tell these CEOs that the bill has come due, and it is time for them to pay."

Mitt Romney was NOT elected President and many of the aforementioned CEO's donate to the Democratic Party which has been in control of this Govt.

The Democratic Party, along with the help of the Republicans, not only created and maintained the "tax loopholes", but also gave the richest of the rich the biggest tax break in history in 2012 (which no one wants to acknowledge).

Just a reminder, in 2012, the Estate Tax exemption went from 1M to 5M PER PERSON (10M per household) and the tax rate went from 60% to 40%.

So now they richest of the rich get to "keep more during life" at the expense of the middle, they get to keep it at death.

We are headed back to the Guilded Age folks, where there were 2 classes of people. Those like the CEO's list, and everyone else.

SO to suggest it is Republican policy , just WRONG.

Oh, none of us are suggesting that, Woiyo.

We are feel as you do...that the Republican Party is the champion of the common person.

Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
Mon 30 Dec, 2013 09:17 am
@Frank Apisa,
Well, as usual, you ignore the facts and the reality that BOTH parties, this Congress and this administration have been bought and paid for by the folks listed. Your ignorance of this reality is not surprising to me. So feel free to Champion the Democrats, the party who is bought and paid for by the rich. Feel free to show your ignorance by blaming the Republicans. See the difference between me and folks like you is I know this current 2 party system is corrupt equally on each side.
Frank Apisa
Mon 30 Dec, 2013 09:46 am
woiyo wrote:

Well, as usual, you ignore the facts and the reality that BOTH parties, this Congress and this administration have been bought and paid for by the folks listed. Your ignorance of this reality is not surprising to me. So feel free to Champion the Democrats, the party who is bought and paid for by the rich. Feel free to show your ignorance by blaming the Republicans. See the difference between me and folks like you is I know this current 2 party system is corrupt equally on each side.

Ahhh...another of those "woe is me" people living in bondage to a government gone bad.

Look, Woiyo...America is an experiment. We are testing whether democracy (or a particular brand of democracy) actually can work and sustain its integrity. We are testing whether a government "of the people, by the people, and for the people" CAN long endure.

Honestly, I suspect it can't. Not because it "goes bad"...but because "the people" wanting and expecting great freedom...will not allow itself to be governed.

Right now, "the rich" are exerting the power that "the rich" have always exerted. They may win...they may become barons in all but the name...and the peasants will be peasants in all but name under them.

Revel in your great knowledge that you are so much more knowledgeable than I...and that you can see that the two party system is corrupt equally.

You are kidding yourself on several accounts there...but if it makes you feel good...why not go for it?

I apologize for my "ignorance", Woiyo. It must be very taxing for someone like you to have to deal with the likes of me.

Mon 30 Dec, 2013 10:04 am
@Frank Apisa,
Again, the difference between me and you is I believe, people do not need to be governed, at least to the extent YOU think people need to be governed. People need freedom and will live within a system of laws that do not impact their freedom.

You I think want a socialist form of society whereby the State controls the people and provides for them. Hows that worked out in China for example.

One thing that will improve this "experiment" is to remove $$$ from the political system. I do not exactly know how to do that, but let's face it, the common man can never run for even a State level office, never mind a Federal Office because the common man usually does not have the financial backing to pay for the campaign. Unless that common man gets financial backing from "others", there is little possibility the common man can compete.

I do not have more knowledge, but I think I have better expectations of what I think a Govt should provide and I certainly have higher expectation of what the common man can accomplish in a free society than you do.
Mon 30 Dec, 2013 10:07 am
0 Replies
Mon 30 Dec, 2013 10:11 am
We are either governed by that capitalistic oligarchy or by the government elected by the people take your pick... The more you weaken the government the more the oligarchy will just step in and usurp that vacuum.

It seems the money the oligarchy spent to disillusion you away from trusting in our government was money well spent. (cynical)
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Mon 30 Dec, 2013 10:26 am
woiyo wrote:

Again, the difference between me and you is I believe, people do not need to be governed, at least to the extent YOU think people need to be governed. People need freedom and will live within a system of laws that do not impact their freedom.

Oh, yeah...I realize you do. You share that with many people...which accounts for why I wrote what I did earlier.

You are part of the problem, Woiyo...not part of the solution.

You I think want a socialist form of society whereby the State controls the people and provides for them. Hows that worked out in China for example.

Is that what you think?

Well, I appreciate your sharing that with me.

One thing that will improve this "experiment" is to remove $$$ from the political system. I do not exactly know how to do that, but let's face it, the common man can never run for even a State level office, never mind a Federal Office because the common man usually does not have the financial backing to pay for the campaign. Unless that common man gets financial backing from "others", there is little possibility the common man can compete.

And perhaps the "common man" (I prefer common person) just as corrupt as the most corrupt "politician" now alive. "The common man" is a fiction...a pretense at a solution...but not remotely like a solution. It bears a resemblance to the people who advocate for a third party to get us past this though a new party would not easily be corrupted by dollars!

I do not have more knowledge, but I think I have better expectations of what I think a Govt should provide and I certainly have higher expectation of what the common man can accomplish in a free society than you do.

I understand you think that, Woiyo, but I think I have MUCH better expectations of how government should operate...and I think "the common man" as part of the a sick joke.

Get some common men into government. I think you will quickly see that almost all humans are interested in their welfare and the welfare of their families...LONG BEFORE the put the interests of the rest of the people into play.

That goes for the politicians of both parties (as you note)...and for the "common man."

This experiment in democracy may not work, Woiyo. I know how disturbing it is to even contemplate that...but it is something we all ought be considering right now.
Mon 30 Dec, 2013 11:09 am
Frank Apisa
Mon 30 Dec, 2013 11:18 am
Rex...anyone who thinks both parties are the nuts!

In any case, you hardly ever hear Republicans or conservatives claim both parties are the same...and when they do, they are mostly doing it to derogate the Democrats rather than make a point about the Republicans.

But Democrats and liberals OFTEN make that claim...and THEY, like the conservatives...are intending mostly to derogate the Democrats.

The Democrats are not even remotely close to perfect...but anything that helps the downtrodden or middle class will almost always come as a result of Democrat Party initiatives.

Find a legislative proposal that enriches the rich at the expense of the middle class or poor...and ya can bet the ranch that it was a Republican initiative.

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