Is the Head of the IMF a Sex Criminal?

Reply Thu 19 May, 2011 02:57 am
Are you saying that a great lawyer like him has so little faith in the american "justice" system that he thinks the facts dont matter?

The "facts" are what the jury will determine them to be--jurors are the "finders of fact" in a trial. And Dershowitz knows those facts may point to this man's guilt. Strauss-Kahn is accused of sexually assaulting a stranger. This isn't a "date rape" situation--he's accused of forcibly sexually assaulting a stranger. If she appears credible to the jury, he is sunk--and Dershowitz knows that. Therefore, a trial is a big risk--unless they are sure they can destroy her credibility on the witness stand. If he's the one not telling the truth, his best option might be a settlement under a civil suit, if that will end the criminal case against him.

Reply Thu 19 May, 2011 03:05 am
If she appears credible to the jury, he is sunk
Oh, I see....in a he said/she said if the woman appears credible the man is sunk. I was not aware that Dershowitz has such a low opinion of the "justice" system, however I welcome all who figure out what a fucked up system we have.
Reply Thu 19 May, 2011 03:26 am
Oh, I see....in a he said/she said if the woman appears credible the man is sunk

This isn't just he said/she said--they may have other evidence to corroborate her story--DNA, bruises, etc. She didn't know this man. She was working. She entered a suite she believed was unoccupied to clean it. When she saw him, she apologized and went to leave the suite....
That scenario should not have resulted in any sexual contact between the two. And, initially his lawyers said there was no contact between the two. Then, it became "no forcible" contact. It's the defense who have already changed their story--probably because of some evidence indicating contact. But, it's the defense who will have to explain how any sexual contact, of a non forcible nature, suddenly came about between these two strangers--and they have to do that without having him testify. That's not going to be easy, particularly if she is credible, and her version of the assault is more credible to the jury than anything the defense comes up with.

All trials, not just trials involving sexual assaults, hinge on which witnesses appear more credible to the jurors.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 May, 2011 03:34 am

Strauss-Kahn's Accuser Brave for Coming Forward
By Dr. Manny Alvarez
May 18, 2011

Why can’t women ever catch a break? Especially when they are victims of one of the most inhumane acts a person can experience.

The latest reports coming out regarding the alleged victim of French economist and International Monetary Fund head Dominique Strauss-Kahn living in HIV/AIDS housing is truly sickening and immoral. And to tell you the truth, it makes me very angry.

During my years of medical training in city hospitals, I was called upon many times to examine rape victims. And I can tell you, these women are in shock. The pain and brutality that they have been exposed to is difficult to comprehend, and it is something that haunts them for the rest of their lives.

We all know a thorough examination is necessary to prove that a rape occurred – which is perhaps one of the reasons why so many of these crimes go unreported. So when the evidence is obtained, that should be enough for the media to put out for public consumption.

But it seems that’s never enough. The victim's private lives are often exposed unnecessarily.

It’s no one’s business where the alleged victim lives, whether she lives in HIV housing, what her ethnic background is, her socioeconomic status – and especially whether or not she has children.

What we should do is celebrate her bravery for reporting this alleged sex attack.

There are many women out there suffering in silence, who have decided for one reason or another, not to report a similar crime. Statistics show that 60 percent of rape and sexual assault crimes are never reported. And can you blame them?

Many victims fear they could find themselves in a situation where personal matters – that have no relevance to the crimes that have been committed against them – are being speculated about or exposed for no reason other than the likes of a sensational story.

So as Americans who believe in justice for all, we should be focusing on the alleged criminal, and protecting what little privacy his purported victim has left after experiencing the ultimate violation a woman can endure.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 May, 2011 03:49 am
Meanwhile, the second of Strauss-Khan’s three wives leapt to his defence and pointed out changing versions of the alleged hotel assault put out by New York police.
Brigitte Guillemette told Le Parisien newspaper: ‘The facts related by the American police are not compatible with the man I know and with whom I lived for more than ten years.
‘He’s someone who is gentle. Violence is not part of his temperament. He has many faults, but not that one.’
Referring to Tristane Banon’s plan to press charges, she added: ‘I ask the question: why is a young woman deciding to file a complaint several years after the event, the day when a 25-year prison sentence is hanging over the man she accuses?’

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1388208/Dominique-Strauss-Kahn-like-gorilla-Actresss-sex-claim-IMF-chief.html#ixzz1Mn3dVsDh
Reports have it that the second wife is God Mother to Banon.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 May, 2011 03:58 am
Apparently he can't say he wasn't warned... In 2007, before Dominique Strauss-Kahn headed off to Washington as head of the IMF, French President Nicolas Sarkozy dropped him a prescient hint, reports the Times of London from behind its paywall (there's also a CBS writeup here). "Over there they don't joke about this sort of thing," said Sarkozy, referring to the sexual mores of American society. "Your life will be passed under a magnifying glass. Avoid taking the lift alone with interns. France cannot permit a scandal." According to the British newspaper, Strauss-Kahn's reputation for chasing skirts was so widely known, Sarkozy tried to head it off. When confronted with the news on Saturday about Strauss-Kahn's arrest, Sarkozy reportedly rolled his eyes, saying "We did warn him," according to his aides.

That's the second vivid Sarkozy-DSK anecdote to come out the sexual assault scandal, to which Strauss-Kahn plead not guilty on Monday. The first involved a behind-the-scenes meeting during the G20 summit in Pittsburgh in 2008. Strauss-Kahn is rumored to have met Sarkozy in the men's bathroom telling the president to "tell your boys to stop (spreading rumors about my private life) or I'll go to court." Strauss-Kahn also told journalists he could envision "a woman (who I supposedly) raped in a car park and who had been promised 500,000 or a million euros to invent such a story." The latest revelation will surely add to the mythology already surrounding this affair.
Reply Thu 19 May, 2011 05:06 am
So, any woman who wants to get wealthy, should get herself dragged around a hotel suite, almost raped, and forced to have oral sex with a prominent rich stranger

Like the Kobe young woman who made a point to go to his room when it was not her job to do so and then begin a sexual encounter.

Later claiming rape so no rape need to had happened you just need to placed yourself in a situation where rape might have happen.

Firefly I also love and I mean love the idea of forcing oral sex on a woman IE forcing her to have a full set of teeth around your penis so she can destroy your manhood in a second.

That silliness is enough by itself to tell you that her claim is nonsense.

She was granted asylum to remain in the U.S.--people are not granted asylum simply because they have been raped.

Well that had been claimed by another poster here and because of the laws that protected women history he had not be willing to give the link to date.
Reply Thu 19 May, 2011 05:09 am
None of these wild conspiracy stories will mean anything, if the defense can't prove them in court during his trial.

And the fact that Tristane Banon announced years ago that he sexually assaulted her, doesn't help the so-called "reputation" you think he wants to clear. And Strauss-Kahn never did sue her for slander or libel did he? I wonder why not.

I really don't care about the rumors, and theories, and other sensational garbage the media is floating around at the moment. This case will be tried in a court, with rules of evidence and not theories. And his lawyers will try, at all costs, to avoid putting him on the witness stand. And they have no idea how many other women might come forward to claim he did the same thing with them that the hotel maid alleges. Women he might have assaulted, who kept their mouths shut, out of fear of this man, might now feel able to come forward because they may feel they would now be believed. Which is the same reason Tristane Banon might finally lodge a legal complaint against him in France. His lawyers have no idea what to expect, and, if other women do come forward, they might be able to testify at his trial in NYC to demonstrate he's displayed a similar pattern of criminal behavior against others. His lawyers have no way of anticipating how this man's past might catch up with him--and he's been a very busy boy with women.

Since you are interested in rumors, consider these...notice this is from a year ago. It doesn't sound like he needed any conspiracies to bring him down..it was like an accident waiting to happen.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the head of the International Monetary Fund is an incorrigible seducer whose weakness for women could fatally scupper his presidential ambitions, a new book has claimed.

Henry Samuel in Paris
09 May 2010

The leader French Socialist and former finance minister is considered perhaps the only politician in a position to beat President Nicolas Sarkozy should he run against him in elections in 2012. But according to the book - said to be written by a close female aide - his penchant for the opposite sex could knock him out of the race even before it starts.

The book claims the 61-year-old Mr Strauss-Kahn – married to Anne Sinclair, a famous French TV presenter - has had a string of extra-marital affairs and that photographs exist of him coming out of a wife-swapping club.

Frédéric Lefebvre, a Sarkozy adviser, boasted in 2007 that he had seen photographs of DSK, as the French call him that would wreck any presidential bid. "He wouldn't last a week," Mr Lefebvre said. "We'll circulate them." The book, Secrets of a Presidential Contender, is by an anonymous French author calling herself Cassandre, and who claims to be in DSK's inner circle of advisers.

She writes: "He is always on the hunt for new women.

"He is a pleasure seeker. Like all great political animals, he has trouble controlling himself.

"His eye for women is sharp as a laser. When he enters a cafe, an office or any public place, the ritual is the same.

"He does a little survey, turning his head almost imperceptibly to the left, then to the right, while carrying on talking. It lasts only a few seconds, just enough time to evaluate his chances.

"After identifying his prey, he bombards them with text messages, usually with the opening salvo 'I want you'.

"He is direct and makes no concessions."

Mr Sarkozy – not known for his monastic tendencies - is even said to have warned DSK about his weakness for women before he left to run the IMF in New York.

"Over there they don't joke about this sort of thing. Your life will be passed under a magnifying glass. Avoid taking the lift alone with interns.

France cannot permit a scandal," the president is quoted as warning him.

But within weeks, DSK was accused of showing favouritism to Piroska Nagy, a Hungarian economist in the fund's Africa department, with whom he had conducted a brief affair.

One of DSK's advisers is said to have exclaimed: "But you've only been here a month!"

Mrs Nagy later declared: "I believe that man (DSK) has a problem." His wife forgave him on her blog and he was cleared of any wrongdoing.

However, the author claims the IMF affair may only be the tip of the iceberg, quoting French actress Danielle Evenou as saying: "Who hasn't been cornered by Dominique Strauss-Kahn?" She tells of another female Socialist MP who claims she makes sure she is never alone in a room with him.

Tristane Banon, a writer, claims she had to fend Mr Strauss-Kahn off with kicks and punches when he invited her to a meeting in a room furnished with a double bed and a television.

When he turned up for a radio interview in France last year, the house comedian advised female staff to wear long garments to avoid "awakening the beast".

Some French commentators suggest DSK approved the book to pre-empt any further revelations as he considers entering the presidential race.

A recent poll suggested he would win the Socialist party's presidential primaries and go on to narrowly beat Mr Sarkozy in a run-off.

But Manuel Valls, a fellow Socialist, is quoted in the book as saying: "Even in a country so famously relaxed about adultery, this women business could bring him down in mid-flight."

This is the book, which was published last year. It's now climbing on the Amazon charts once again...

The book’s release was met both with disbelief (cries then, as now, that it must be part of a “campaign” or “plot” to ruin D.S.K.’s presidential bid), and with renewed interest in some old stories that had been floating around, without, it seems, anyone doing much about them. It was recalled that in 2007, Jean Quatremer, a journalist for Libération, had written, “The only real problem for Strauss-Kahn, is his relation to women. Too forward, he often brushes with harassment. It is a problem known to the media but that nobody talks about (we are in France).”

0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 May, 2011 05:18 am
If she appears credible to the jury, he is sunk--and Dershowitz knows that.

Lovely as like most men I had known women who can tell a lied far far more convincingly then I can tell the truth.

All men it would seem are now only one lying woman of that type from a prison sentence.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 May, 2011 05:19 am
That silliness is enough by itself to tell you that her claim is nonsense.

The NYPD Special Victims Unit didn't think it was nonsense. The D.A. doesn't think it is nonsense. Believe me, his defense team does not think it is nonsense. And Strauss-Kahn just resigned as chief of the I.M.F.--so he can devote himself to the criminal case against him--so he certainly doesn't consider her allegations "nonsense".

You seem to be the only one who considers this woman's complaint of sexual assault "silliness"--which also makes you the only fool.

Reply Thu 19 May, 2011 05:26 am
The NYPD Special Victims Unit didn't think it was nonsense. The D.A. doesn't think it is nonsense. Believe me, his defense team does not think it is nonsense. And Strauss-Kahn just resigned as chief of the I.M.F.--so he can devote himself to the criminal case against him--so he certainly doesn't consider her allegations "nonsense".

Ok let have one of your male supporters here tell us all that they would be willing to have a woman who they do not trust or know and who they in fact have every reason in the world not to trust to have her teeth around their dick.

Just one man Firefly of all your males supporters.

Silliness is silliness on it face.
High Seas
Reply Thu 19 May, 2011 05:35 am
The link of the resignation (inevitable after finance ministers everywhere called for it) to the seriousness of the allegations is in fact nonsense - legally and morally untenable. Doesn't matter what the accusation is, stands to reason that nobody can execute his duties while sitting in a jail cell. Firefly weakens her case by mentioning the resignation in that connection, but there's no need to drag in details of the case, especially since they don't seem to be in dispute.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 May, 2011 05:38 am
Ok let have one of your male supporters here tell us all that they would be willing to have a woman who they do not trust and who they in fact have every reason in the world not to trust to have her teeth around their dick.

It doesn't matter whether he was stupid enough to trust her to do that..

But it might matter if his DNA or semen was found on her face...

This is a legal case--it will hinge on forensic evidence.
Reply Thu 19 May, 2011 05:47 am
But it might matter if his DNA or semen was found on her face...

Yes and how does that tell you if was not consensus as the only damn way I would placed my penis into a woman mouth is with her complete and willing consent not only because it is the right/moral thing and legal thing to do but because I do not wish run the great risk otherwise of having my manhood destroy.

Now why do we not wait for any male on this thread who had been your supporter to state otherwise?

Hell the very existed of proof that oral sex having occur is a strong strong indicate that there was no rape.
Reply Thu 19 May, 2011 05:52 am
BillRM wrote:
Damn shame and in the end he is likely to just pay her off to go away setting up another example at how a woman can become wealthy.

that doesn't make a lot of sense - she's not the one who laid the charges - the police did - is he going to pay off the entire American government?

he may be able to prevent civil charges in such a way, but not the criminal charges
Reply Thu 19 May, 2011 05:57 am
hawkeye10 wrote:
no, his reputation is far more important than is the risk of

and how do YOU know that? did he call you at home to discuss the situation?

It might be useful if you noted that the comment is your opinion - not a fact. George is quite right about your presentation of fantasy.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 May, 2011 06:02 am
that doesn't make a lot of sense - she's not the one who laid the charges - the police did - is he going to pay off the entire American government?

Hmm so your thinking is that a woman who had successfully convicted the police to falsely charge a man with rape as the first step to nailing down a civil suit is not the main engine for this charge?

After a woman had falsely convicted the police that she had been rape and to arrested the man her responsibility for the false rape charge is over?

Reply Thu 19 May, 2011 06:03 am
I don't know if I could be classsed as a male supporter of firefly's although we've agreed on a few issues, as I have with you Bill. I'm worried about how polarised this debate is. This is all sub judice, he's going to have a trial, and that should sort it out. Nobody on this forum knows what happened in this hotel room. I think it says more about the need for proper sub judice laws than anything else. DSK should be tried in a court of law not by the media. By the way Bill you asked;

Now why do we not wait for any male on this thread who had been your supporter to state otherwise?

Referring to being prepared to stick their hampton into the mouth of an unwilling woman. Well I wouldn't, but I'm not a rapist. Maybe you should rephrase the question for rapists only.

Reply Thu 19 May, 2011 06:04 am
BillRM wrote:
Hmm so your thinking is that a woman who had successfully convicted the police to falsely charge a man with rape is not the main engine for this charge?

how do you KNOW this was a false charge? what true EVIDENCE do you have of this?

not your opinion - what FACTS and EVIDENCE do you have that these are false charges?
Reply Thu 19 May, 2011 06:12 am
Maybe you should rephrase the question for rapists only.

So rapists are likely less concern about having their manhood destroy in a second then non-rapist men would be???

Is that your theory that a PhD holder and a world expert on the economic system of the world driven by his evil 62 years old body sexual lust would had lost his fears or concerns of having his penis bit off?


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