Quote:Bill forgets everything that doesn't fit in with his version of events,
Unfortunately, that also keeps him from absorbing new information and incorporating it into his thinking--that's why he doesn't learn anything. He just keeps going round and round in circles in his own endless loop.
That's why he can't actually consider what others post--he's got to just dismiss it--it's too complex for him to try to integrate, it's too confusing for him.
He believes only what fits in with his preconceived ideas, or what he thinks will make him look good in terms of things he's revealed about himself, or things he's been accused of.
He wants us to think his ex-wife made a false accusation against him when she accused him of assault and got an Order of Protection against him. So, he harps endlessly about women being liars and making false allegations, ignoring, of course, that men lie as well, often by contending that sex was "consensual" when it was not.
He wants us to think the others in the park were crazy when they felt uncomfortable about seeing him with kittens and engaging with children. So, he irrationally insists
all men are viewed this way, and that men are the "new blacks"--ignoring the fact that his own behavior did not seem "innocent" to those who observed him, because it appeared to be a classic animal lure used by pedophiles. So, he then irrationally denies that pedophiles even use such lures with strange children, although it is well known that they use such tactics.
Meanwhile, he's the one who keeps telling us those things about himself, and about situations in which other people had problems with his behavior.