It's boring hawk. An excuse for prurience as Mr Taylor Jnr. demonstrates.
The first week was interesting.
Why has DSK not got his passport back yet? If the cleaning woman's civil action prevents that then she has him under house arrest.
Quote:Why has DSK not got his passport back yet? If the cleaning woman's civil action prevents that then she has him under house arrest.
The criminal charges had yet to be drop and the next court hearing on the matter is a few weeks away.
Who knows when he will be in court again, it has already been delayed twice as Vance trys to figure out his mind.
I would think that both the judge and DSK lawyers would not likely put up with another delay in this matter.
Prob. Up till now dsk's guy has been being sweet which contrasts nicely with Thompson continually being a prick, but if it does not work then the claws will come out.....and Vance knows that dsk's guy has mauled a lot more DA's than has Thompson.
Maybe they are trying to delay DSK's lawsuits.
Quote:As a general rule, civil tort lawsuits are filed to seek damages, and in that respect, the one lodged Monday by Nafissatou Diallo, the hotel maid who has accused Dominique Strauss-Kahn of sexual assault, is no different.
But Ms. Diallo, trying to fend off accusations by Mr. Strauss-Kahn’s lawyers that she is trying to profit off the incident, has attempted to cast herself instead through her complaint, filed by her lawyer Kenneth Thompson in New York State Supreme Court in the Bronx, as someone who is representing a cause.
Lawyers not involved in the case say that language in the complaint is atypical, more akin to a class-action suit than a personal injury case like the one she has launched.
In the lawsuit, Ms. Diallo says she wants “to stand up for all women who have been raped, sexually assaulted and/or abused throughout the world but who are too afraid to speak out.”
Before requesting monetary damages, Ms. Diallo makes what some lawyers said is an unusual request for a civil tort case – and one that is unlikely to succeed – for an injunction and order “permanently restraining Defendant from engaging in such unlawful conduct.”
“This seems to be a very odd thing to request in a civil suit of this kind,” said Roland Riopelle, a criminal defense lawyer in Manhattan. “I don’t know what standing she has to sue for a permanent injunction.”
Amy Marion, a Long Island-based lawyer who often files civil suits, said that to ask a court “to stop someone from doing behavior … it’s not placed anywhere in the law that the judge could even have jurisdiction over him to do that.”
Interesting. I am increasingly getting the vibe that Thompson wants to give up the law and become an agent for celebs. He had a decent rep as a lawyer before he took on this case, but he seems intent upon ruining it.
It looks like it all over but the crying of Diallo lawyers as millions fly away.
Another poor victim that turn out to be no such thing, of course except for the anti-male all men are rapists or at best would be rapists, the idea that a 62 years old international banker would jump out a shower onto some poor maid was silly beyond being silly.
But then we are not allowed to use commonsense when it comes to any sexual assault charge against any male.
DSK's Accuser To Meet With Prosecutors As Charges Appear To Crumble
Dominique-Strauss Kahn's accuser, Nafissatou Diallo, will meet with Manhattan prosecutors on Monday afternoon for what her attorney describes as a conference "to announce that they're dismissing the case entirely, or some of the charges." Diallo's attorney, Kenneth Thompson, who has been waging a media campaign with his client to pressure Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance to move forward with the sexual assault case, tells the Times, "If they were not going to dismiss the charges, there could be no need to meet with her." Strauss-Kahn is due in court on Tuesday.
The letter, written by an assistant DA, claims the meeting is to explain to Diallo "what I anticipate will occur in court on the following day," but Thompson tells the Daily News it's a manifestation of how Diallo's case has been bungled. "I believe the harsh tone of th elector is consistent with the unfair way the Manhattan district attorney's office has treated Ms. Diallo throughout this process."
Recently there have been reports that Diallo has sought a financial settlement with Strauss-Kahn's lawyers, and her credibility appears to have been permanently shattered by allegations that she was a prostitute, associated with criminals and planned to extract money from Strauss-Kahn all along. Diallo currently has a civil suit pending against Strauss-Kahn for the alleged sexual assault in his Sofitel suite in May.
Regardless of what happened on Tuesday, analysts say the case may make it more difficult for Vance to run again in 2013. "A far more experienced DA might not have taken such a public position," a John Jay criminal justice professor says, "You want this not to be your defining issue."
Also it has been reported in French papers that Vance has attempted to save face with offering to drop everything if DSK will plead guilty to a minor charge with no jail or probation time but DSK has again said that he will plead quilty to nothing because he did nothing wrong.
Quote:DSK has again said that he will plead quilty to nothing because he did nothing wrong.
There is no reason for DSK to save face for that fool to put it mildly.
Second even if she get lucky and get a judgment against DSK her lawyers grandkids will still be trying to collect the funds.
I see that your report does not mention that Thompson and DSK's lawyers had a meeting, and that Vance is pissed at Thompson because this meeting is more evidence that she is looking for money which is more undermining of the criminal case. Thompson is an idiot but I wonder why DSK allowed the meeting. Is he willing to pay her off (in which case I have been wrong)? Did they set Thompson up?
Having such a meeting does place her and her lawyers in even a worst light and I am am betting at this point they would settle for their out of pocket costs.
Their only hope of seeing any money is if he is willing to have his wife write a check to cover such costs under the theory that fighting such a case is going to run into large numbers and cost far more.
If he tell them to go to hell they are in a world of hurt.
Oh this time I am fairly sure it was not Thompson who leak that there was such a meeting.
Now where is Firefly with her claims that it not about the dollars but the poor "victim" good name.
Events of the last weeks do tend to varify my early claims that this is a girl who never fails to reach for the brass ring.
Quote:PARIS (AP) -- The hotel maid who accused former International Monetary Fund director Dominique Strauss-Kahn of sexual assault feels "abandoned" by Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance, her attorney said Sunday.
In an interview with France's RTL radio that comes a day after he told The New York Times he feared Vance would dismiss the charges against Strauss-Kahn, lawyer Kenneth Thompson said his client, Nassifatou Diallo "is hurt, she is depressed.
"Ms. Diallo feels abandoned by the Manhattan district attorney," Thompson said, adding that questions about Diallo's credibility as a witness have made her feel "that she's being investigated more than Strauss-Kahn."
Diallo and her 15-year-old daughter "cry themselves to sleep because their lives are in shambles because of what happened," he said.
Aww, poor baby! I dont think hysterics are going to work this time to get what she wants, DSK is not interested and Vance has serious professional problems of his own making to deal with. This manipulative bitch gets kicked to the curb this time I do believe.....
I would be depressed to if my dreams of becoming a millionaire many times over just went bye-bye.
At least no matter how many felonies she is known to be guilty of she does not need to be worry about being prosecuted unless the money laundering end up biting her in the rear end.
No that is not likely as she is a poor female victim of an evil rapist and it was likely another evil male who got her to open all those bank accounts for drug money.
No way of knowing how many trillions of dollars that had been lost on the world stocks markets due to the EU debt crisis might not had happen but for one maid reaching for the gold ring.
Not just that her record of upward mobility success has come to an end, but she now needs to deal with the IRS and she may well lose her cushy job as well.....her mobility now looks to be downwards. I suspect that the hotel management company will pay her something to go away but it will be lightyears away from the payday she was expecting. Plus now her name is mud in the immigrant community so when the money runs out she will have problems. She should be deported but that will not happen as her entry into the US should now be considered illegal but claiming sexual abuse is one of the premire "stay in America" cards...almost as good as serving 4 years in the miltary.
Quote:As for his reelection prospects, the Times spoke to several lawyers and political observers who said Vance needs to clearly explain his actions in the DSK case and, more important, avoid other embarrassing instances of overreach.
Evidence that yet AGAIN Hawkeye has been proven to be correct, as I was saying after the first week that Vance had fucked up with this case, by way of his jumping into charges before he had evaluated the case, and even worse publicly backing the alleged victims story before he had looked into her credibility. This guy loves a good victim yarn, and is willing to put the full resources of the State of New York into lashing out at the assumed abusers....he should be removed from office due to his inability to seek justice over man bashing, as well as for a host of other professional failures in his short tenure in the chair.